The Latter-Day Letters

Colossians 4:16
"After this letter has been read to you, see that it is also read in the church of the Laodiceansand that you in turn read the letter from Laodicea ."

It is interesting to note that 1/3 of the 66 books ofthe Bible is in the form of "letters".The last 22 books of Scripture are letters written by the apostles to the churches and their co-workers. It is alsointeresting to note that there are 22 Hebrew letters in all, from Aleph to Tav (see Psalm 119) , i.e. from Alpha to Omega. If it seems coincidental that there are 22 Hebrew alphabets ( letters) and 22 Epistles (letters ) and both sets are "letters", I would rather
attribute that to the wisdom of God displayed. Do write in your letters to be read by all and do read the letters from all. May the grace of God be with you.

Please send your letters, questions, articles or reports to John Tng at

Please note that it is impossible for even two like-minded souls to agree on everything. You should read these letters with this in mind and pray for understanding from the Spirit of Truth. Thank you.

WWW Five Doves

Aug 2024 Letters: Click here.

28 July
Hebrews 2:9: But we see Jesus, who was made a little lower than the angels for the suffering of death, crowned with glory and honour; that he by the grace of God should taste death for every man.
Name Message
Ted Porter
Revelation 13:5 Fulfilled – The Hand of God Revealed - Biden Out After Exactly 42 Months
Elliot Hong
12 Years From The Day When The US Flag Fell
Alan C
All Things New- God’s Grand Finale
David E
Doves Tik Tok
Bruce K
(URL) God Showed Me a Second Attempt Coming. A Vision of Donald Trump.
Douglas H
Follow up to Jean's posts re Tu B Av
evil attempt
Donna Danna
REPLY TO FAY: Jesus Doesn't Touch Down In Jerusalem Before The Rapture
Donna Danna
REPLY TO STEVE M.:  Trump's Injury to His Ear Is Not The Head Wound of the Antichrist
Donna Danna
BRANDON BIGGS - Darkness In L.I., Babylon & N.Y., Category 6 Hurricane from Florida to N.Y.?
Donna Danna
Brandon Biggs- The Lord Showed Me An EMP Attack On America When I Was Praying
Donna Danna
Brandon Biggs - The Lord Warned Me That A Wave of Great Shaking Is Coming
Donna Danna
Brandon Biggs - Prophetic Warning Joe Biden, Staring Out A Window
Donna Danna
Brandon Biggs - My Angel Visitations
Donna Danna
Perry Stone - A Prophetic Message For Donald Trump
Donna Danna
Perry Stone - Stunning Hebraic Insights Into Presidential Numbers (Harris & Trump)
Donna Danna
Perry Stone -- The Wine In Jesus' Day Had No Alcohol In It
Donna Danna
Paris Olympics Opening Ceremony Recreates 'Last Supper' With Drag Queens & Trans Performers
Donna Danna
Rabbi: Election Will Be Choice Between Kamala Harris As Daniel's 4th Kingdom or Trump As 2nd Non-Jewish Messiah
Donna Danna
Netanyahu Calls For 'Deradicalized' Gaza, Anti-Iran 'Abraham Alliance'
Donna Danna
Anti-Israel Protesters Release Maggots, Mealworms & Crickets In Benjamin Netanyahu's Hotel & Other Stories
Donna Danna
Elon Musk Reveals The Evil Plans Former Google CEO & BFF Larry Page Has For Humanity
Donna Danna
Archaeologists Uncover 'Monumental', 3,000 Yr. Old Structure In Israel That Corroborates Bible Stories
Donna Danna
Canadian Doctors Are Pushing Assisted Suicide On Patients Instead of Treating Them
Donna Danna
Satanic Temple Wins Lawsuit Against School That Tried To Stop Their 'After SchooSchool Satan Club'
Donna Danna
(URL) Archaeologists Make 'Sensational' Discovery At Location Where Jesus Was Resurrected
Donna Danna
(URL) Jesus Risen Statue To Be Put Up In Jerusalem
Donna Danna
(URL) Office of Chief Rabbinate Vacant, Paving The Way For Prophetic Return of Sanhedrin
Donna Danna
(URL) Israel Warns France of Plot by 'Iranian Terrorist Proxies' To Attack Israelis At Olympics
Donna Danna
(URL) Denmark's $3.7 Billion Carbon Tax Plan To Cost Farmers Almost $100 Per Cow
Donna Danna
(URL) Singapore Approves 16 Insects For Human Food
Donna Danna
(URL) License To Steal: Calif. Senators Pass SB553 To Prohibit Retailers From Stopping Shoplifters
Donna Danna
(URL) Pro-Life Veteran Linda Gibbons Sent To Mental Health Court For Witnessing Outside Toronto Abortion Mill
Donna Danna
(URL) Pro-Life Protester Sentenced To More Than 3 Yrs. Behind Bars For Blocking Abortion Clinic
Donna Danna
(URL) Army's "Apology" For Calling Pro-Life Americans Terrorists Just Makes It Worse
Donna Danna
(URL) China Escalates Taiwan Intimidation With Death Penalty Threatens For Independence Seekers
Donna Danna
(URL) Tesla Plans To Launch Humanoid Robots Next Year, Says Elon Musk
Donna Danna
(URL) Father James Martin's Pro-LGBT Fundraiser Hosted By 'Married' Homosexuals
(URL) Prophecies that are fulfilled by Pastor Steve Cioccolanti
(URL) Prime Minister of Israel, Netanyahu speech to US Congress today 7/24/24
(URL) The false, fake, counterfeit trinity the 666 and the true Trinity the 777
RE: Donna Danna: 07.21.24: captivity
RE: Donna Danna: 7.21.24: GOP & a false god
Does it only refer to being elected twice?
RE: Steve C: 07.21.24: the incident
RE: Chance: 07.21.24: Babylon
worshipping Jesus
Whoa, Nelly. A Democratic Party Bloodbath in the near Future?
This is VERY Interesting! Sky News Australia
Ownership of the Sea-bed around the UK. This will Shock!
The Olympics Connection to Israel. Much Food for Thought!
These Numbers and Dates? Hmmm!
"Like Chickens for KFC". There is Zero Logic
Major Protests Begin. UK.
Raid on Entebbe - 1976
I've just Realised a Connection! Raid on Entebbe 2
The Crown of the White Horse of Revelation 6.  Astounding Information!
London Erupts with Protests! It Begins!
Gino re UK Elections
Olympic Opening Ceremony Backlash!
Donna Danna:  "When the Feast of Firstfruits Occurs" Letter
The Coming Bird Flu/Disease X Pandemic - Before the Election?
Gino:  "Question" Letter
Neil Lipkin:  "Rapture Before The Election This November?" Letter
Allan A:  "Feast of New Wine" Letter and High Watch Dates in August
The Assassination Attempt Unraveling And Coming Wars
Shaking Their Fist at God - Daring Him to Do Anything About It!  Paris Olympics
'Democrats Have Something Up Their Sleeves"
Remember the Deagle Report?

Kurt S
(URL) A Woman Says That An Angel Showed Her 4 Major Things That Are Going To Happen In 2025
Lewis B
Many dwelling places in heaven
Lisa Taylor
Is there a Tu B’Av Harpazo Pattern?
Mike P
Gino: Sorry Conversation Continued
Mike P
(VIDEO) Christ - You Raise Me Up by Josh Groban
Mike P
(VIDEO) "My Messiah, Donald”
Reply to Donna Danna re Fallen Angels & Sons of God
Neil L
Have I sent this out before? It is about the Rapture happening THIS YEAR.
Neil L
Jewish Christian Jan Markel on the now very soon coming Rapture!
Neil L
Sadly Trump does not understand exactly what Mideast "peace" means!
Neil L
If possible, just watch the first 3 minutes of this---- young lady impressed that the Rapture is now very soon!
Neil L
The Rapture and Sudden Destruction!
Neil L
Yosemite Sam dances!
Neil L
This is very good! Well worth watching if you have the time!
Neil L
It was 1959, and I saw this movie at the Carmel, Indiana movie theater...............
Neil L
(URL) Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu reacts to Biden's stepping down.
Ola Ilori
Luis Vega
9TH OF AV RAPTURE? - Calendar Calculations
Luis Vega
REVELATION 12 SIGN - 7 Year Anniversary Rapture?
Luis Vega
JESUS SO SURE A FOUNDATION - In Times of Trials and Tribulations
Luis Vega
PURIM BLOOD MOON TRIAD - Book of Esther 2.0 Repeating
Luis Vega
19.47 THEORY - Sacred Geometry of Cydonia Mars and Earth
Luis Vega
DAYS OF THE LAODICEANS - How the Church Age Ends
Luis Vega
SUMMARY OF THE SIGNS - Transitioning into the Globalist Reset
Luis Vega
YEMEN ISRAELI ATTACK - Psalm 83 War Inner Ring
Luis Vega
PARIS OLYMPIC GAMES - Luciferian Mocking of LORD's Supper
Feasts set by God
(URL) The Beginning of Birth Pains: 10 Things We Must Do
Steve C
(URL) Iran on Verge of Making Nuclear Bomb
Steve C
(URL) Reese Reports: Rockefeller CIA Connections to Deagel Depopulation Forecast
Steve M
Skin Suits--crazy right? Not so fast!
Steve M
Jewish believer in Jesus nuggets
Steve M
Puzzling vid re: Jared Kushner at RNC
Steve M
Interesting picture of Barack, the Dunham's and JFK  event
Steve M
Very specific interesting end time dream or vision
Steve M
ABC reporter's Freudian slip re Trump assassination attempt?
Steve M
Celine Dion in a nursery blows magic dust and the babies no longer have a gender
Steve M
Is Donald Trump a Freemason?
Steve M
Bizarre lightning in Minneapolis
Steve M
Was the Sonya Massey shooting staged?
Steve M
Satanic Ritual Abuse survivor shares what she had to endure
Steve M
US intercepts 4 Russian and Chinese bombers in AK
Steve M
The Trump assassination attempt
Steve M
3 great dog video links for a change of pace
Steve M
Kamala Harris related to Kamala Devi?
Steve M
Trump: "You"ll never have to vote again"
Steve M
Every summer man sees million dollar boats from his Hudson River home
Steve M
Have the Jews declared Trump as their Messiah?
Steve M
"The tip of the right ear" from Leviticus
Steve W
"Last Seven Presidents of USA" > 41+42+43+44+45+46+47=308 < in End Time Prophecy
Tony Els
(URL) Yellowstone alert
Tony Els
(URL) True biblical Marriage
Tony Els
(URL) Watch "US Congress Shows Trump's Shooter's Evidence Previously Hidden From Us" on YouTube
Tony Els
(URL) Pale horse & Olympics
KS Rajan
bro john

Letters (21 Jul 2024)

Letters (14 Jul 2024)

Letters (7 Jul 2024)

Letters (30 Jun 2024)