MathMan (23 June 2012)
"Love Story in the Sky:  Thanks AGAIN!!  But there is even more on "AFTER THE WEDDING" in the Sky!!"


Dear Doves,




However, there is even more information on the Love Story in the Sky regarding signs “AFTER THE WEDDING”!!!  I also reply to many comments from yesterday, so please read to the very end!!!  The below builds on the following post (I will rely on you being familiar with this material as this post outlines the characters used below):


Please note that some of the astronomical finds below were based on a newsletter from a site called, wherein a subscription is $12.00, as forwarded for my review by a fellow watcher.  This newsletter helped answer the question from Andrea on whether there are signs in the sky for “AFTER THE WEDDING”.  THERE ARE!!




June 27, 2012 – Confetti thrown after the Wedding Ceremony, Sparks fly as the Sickle starts reaping




CELESTIAL DESCRIPTION (from above link):  “The next meteor shower is the June Bootids, this is the first summer shower. The Bootids meteor shower starts June 22nd and peaks on June 27th and ends July 2nd.  The shower’s parent comet orbits our Sun once about every six years or so; the Comet 7P/Pons-Winnecke reached a point closest to our Sun in September of 2008 (known as the perihelion when a planet, comet or asteroid is closest to the Sun in its orbit).


APPLICABLE SYMBOLIC CHARACTERS INVOLVED:  Bootid Meteor Shower = Confetti / Sparks, Bootes the Herdsman = the Sickle of the Reaper


OBSERVATIONS:  Notice that the parent comet that causes this meteor shower reached a point closest to our Sun in September of 2008.  This is the Feast of Trumpets 2008 that started off the Final Seven Year Sabbatical as outlined so often in the 2008 – 2015 Timeline, with Obama confirming the Covenant with the Many not long after on October 29, 2008.  Its orbit is 6 years long, wherein 6 is the number of man.  Notice that the meteor shower ends on July 2nd, which is EXACTLY 1260 days after President Obama’s inauguration on January 20, 2009!!


INTERPRETATION:  To us, His Wife, the meteor shower represents Confetti thrown in celebration of a wedding successfully completed.  However, to the world below us, now in Great Tribulation, and especially to the soon-to-be Tribulation Saints, the possible interpretation is on the opposite side of happiness and joy!!  Revelation 14 (v14-16) speaks of a sickle: “Thrust in thy sickle, and reap:  For the time is come for Thee to reap; for the harvest of the earth is ripe.”  In turn, the meteor shower, from the earth’s perspective, seems to come from the sickle of the reaper in the left hand of the Bootes the Herdsman!!  Bootes is derived from a word meaning “He Cometh”!!  So here we have sparks (meteors) flying from the sickle, perhaps symbolic of the Great Harvest of souls to come from the pursuit of the Tribulation Saints during the Great Tribulation.  Another perfect analogy, this time a dual one, to go with so many now!!


June 29, 2012 – At the Reception, the Wedding Party forms a line to greet guests




CELESTIAL DESCRIPTION (from above link):  “On June 29, 2012, the Bright Star Aldebaran, Venus, Jupiter & the Pleiades Star Cluster form a line in the morning sky


APPLICABLE SYMBOLIC CHARACTERS INVOLVED:  Aldebaran = ??, Venus = the Husband, Jupiter = the Holy Spirit (Father of the Wife), Pleiades Star Cluster = the Seven Churches of Revelation


INTERPRETATION:  Pleiades Star Cluster is commonly known to represent the Seven Churches of Revelation.  Therefore, their alignment with our Husband and the Holy Spirit, the Father of the Wife, is breathtaking.  The fact that they “form a line” is very reminiscent of a Wedding Party forming a reception line at the entrance of a Great Hall in order to greet guests as they arrive.  This is the first time that the Pleiades Star Cluster is used and seems kind of like the Bridesmaids as well (at least for this analogy – just a thought).


July 12, 2012 – Our Husband specifically meets with His Wife’s Father before the dancing begins to thank Him for raising His Daughter with care in order to be His Wife




CELESTIAL DESCRIPTION (from above link):  “Venus shines at it brightest as the morning star for about a week or so during the middle part of July 2012 (peaks on July 12th). Venus shines close to the dazzling planet Jupiter on these July 2012 mornings, but it’ll easy be to tell which world is Venus and which is Jupiter.  Venus is by far the brighter of the two.  Venus ranks as the third-brightest celestial object in all the heavens and Jupiter the fourth-brightest, respectively, after the sun and moon.


APPLICABLE SYMBOLIC CHARACTERS INVOLVED:  Venus = the Husband, Jupiter = the Holy Spirit, the Father of the Wife


INTERPRETATION:  Our Husband, standing with Our “Earthly” Father, the Holy Spirit, is at His very brightest as He celebrates His recent marriage.  The Groom beams with happiness as He specifically meets with Him before the dancing begins in order to thank Him for raising His Daughter with such care in order to be His Wife.


ANOTHER INTERPRETATION:  In stunning contrast, the world below us is in Great Tribulation now.  The soon-to-be Tribulation Saints, left behind in terror, look up at the Morning Star’s intense brightness and mourn for what they could have had.  To the earth, the moon is exactly half today, representing the other part of the new Church left behind that continues to be in Great Tribulation on earth.  They will soon have to die a brutal death to join us, most likely by beheading as per Revelation.  Notice that July 12th is (6+6+6) days after June 25th.  Oh, brothers and sisters in Christ, do what you must to invite people on the ark before it is too late!!


July 15 – August 22, 2012 – The First Dance begins, the Bride first dances with Her Father and then is handed to Her new Husband, with the dancing then continuing through the night in celebration, the Bride mingling with the Guests as they wish Her the very best!!




CELESTIAL DESCRIPTION (from above link):  “15 July 2012, Jupiter and crescent Moon close.  16 July 2012, Venus and crescent Moon close.  20 July 2012, Mercury and thin crescent Moon close.  24 July 2012, Mars and crescent Moon close. 12 August 2012, Jupiter and thin crescent Moon close.  14 August 2012, Venus and thin crescent Moon close.  16 August 2012, Thin crescent Moon and Mercury close.  22 August 2012, Crescent Moon, Saturn, Spica and Mars close


APPLICABLE SYMBOLIC CHARACTERS INVOLVED:  Crescent Moon = the Bride, Jupiter = the Father of the Bride, Venus = the Groom, Mercury, Mars, Saturn, Spica = Heavenly Guests


INTERPRETATION:  As the First Dance at the Reception begins, as is tradition, the Bride first dances with Her Father (July 15th).  As is also tradition, Her Father then hands Her over to Her Husband to continue with the First Dance (July 16th).  Afterwards, as the night progresses, the Bride takes the time to mingle and visit with each of her Heavenly Guests, checking back in on occasion with Her Husband and Father to make sure they know that She has not forgotten about them (July 20th to August 22nd).


WOW, that was breath-taking.  I felt like I was “holding on to the steering wheel” versus steering when I wrote that.  How beautifully perfect, once again!!


And now, on to some of the responses from yesterday!!




There were many more responses received yesterday on our Love Story on!!  Thanks for that!!


Rhonda:  Thanks for you lovely encouragement!!  While I would love to publish a book, even if online, I feel I do not have the time.  And if I did have the time, then what I would be writing about would be wrong!!  See my dilemma? J  Of course it is a dilemma easily solved by a soon RAPTURE!!  May it be so!!


Josua:  Thanks once again for your fine support and strengthening of the message!!  I truly look forward to meeting you (and all the Five Doves) in the air VERY SOON!!


Jimmy:  Thanks for your reply to Andrea, with the above supplying even more information:


Frank Molver:  Thanks for your reply!!  While I agree that I have set no dates, I sincerely do hope that June 25 / 26 turns out to be the day for our Wedding with the Ultimate Groom.  We will soon find out!!


Paul H:  May MANY more souls get on the ark before it is too late!!  Thanks for your encouragement!!  What a Lord we will love serving for all ETERNITY!!


Babs:  Thanks…and we shall meet VERY SOON!!


Carol Hevel:  Wow that brought tears to my eyes – THANKS!!  However, you also made me want some Oreo Cookies & Chocolate Milk for my next Bible Study J!!  AND YES, I AGREE WITH YOUR THANKS TO JOHN FOR MAKING THIS SITE SUCH A BLESSING AND CENTRAL MEETING SPOT, helping to fulfill Daniel’s prophecy that many shall go back and forth and knowledge shall increase!!  Without John, this would be MUCH MORE DIFFICULT!!


Navi:  Excellent articulation on the tie-ins to so many observations!!  Thanks for that AND I really can’t believe you typed all that with a cell phone!!  While hard to read on Five Doves as a result, it was well worth the effort (the lines spill past and you have to move left to right a lot to read):


Randy:  It is interesting that Chuck Swindol will be discussing the Rapture from June 21st to June 25th.  IF we go home at the end of his study (June 25th), what perfect timing this would be!!  I just LOVE Chuck’s straight forward humble teachings!!


Just a reminder, ALL of your responses are always well appreciated, whether they are negative or positive!!  Although, so far, this particular thread has seen nothing but positive replies (and for good reason)!!  Does this mean for sure it is our Holy Spirit trying to get the same message to us?  SURE HOPE SO, because it means we are going HOME VERY SOON!!


FYI, please note that the “Love Story in the Sky” was also posted on RITAN (thanks to Austin) and is continuing to receive good responses and view counts (Lisaleenie – I LOVE YOUR AWESOME HEART & LOVE FOR THE LORD – THANKS FOR ALWAYS BEING SUCH A BEACON OF LIGHT):


THANKS AGAIN FOR ALL OF YOUR WONDERFUL RESPONSES!!  I am glad so many enjoyed the “Love Story in the Sky” as much as I enjoyed putting it together!!  It truly seemed to be revealed to me as I was typing.  I was really not sure at all where it would end when I started this research, but was delighted at the end to see its match to a beautiful Jewish romance!!


MARANATHA!!  Surely our redemption draws EXTREMELY near!!  EVEN THE SKY SCREAMS IT!!


YbiC, MathMan