Jovial (6 July 2014)

Pastor Bob has been attacking the SDAs for several weeks now.  Let me say this.  I think in general, it is best not to be labelling a group as a "cult" if they believe in the Gospel, which SDAs do.  I understand there are some variants of beliefs within Christianity, and we need to recognize that not everyone will interpret the Scriptures as we do.
I have never attended a SDA Church.  I have however met some fine folks who have, and have yet to met a single one that believes that our salvation is based on anything other than the work at the Cross and resurrection of our Savior.  None of the ones I have met believe salvation is through Ellen White or that one must keep the Sabbath to be saved.  None of them fit the picture being proposed by Pastor Bob.
In re his post at , the quote from Ellen White does NOT say that she believes that men and animals should cross breed.  She simply discussed the variants of the species of "men and animals", but said nothing about them interpreeding.  That is reaing something into her comments that is not there.  We should not, in our haste to discredit someone from a competing denomination, accuse them of something they are not guilty of.  That is what Satan does, not something we should ever do to our brothers and sisters in Messiah.  I doubt she believes what Bob is accusing her of.  It is simply not in the comment he quoted.
It also makes me wonder if she is really guilty of many of hte other things he accused her of.  For example, the accusation that "Atonement was not completed at the Cross" - where is the quote on that?  I have never met an SDA who believes that.  If you are going to accuse someone of heresy, quote their work and provide a reference.  Otherwise, you make yourself look like a wild accuser.  Having never read any of her work, I don't know enough about her to judge whether she is a true or false prophet or even if what Pastor Bob is saying about her is true.  But I do know it is not fair to draw conclusions about someone based on wild accusations from someone else and then pass it on as truth without checking it out, and the post sounds like he has believed a wild accusation someone else has made and not researched it himself, because the only original quote he provided does not match the description he gave, and he did not provide a reference for the only quote he gave.  A quote and reference should be given for any accusation of heresy.  But I have met enough SDAs in my life to know that what they believe does not line up with what Pastor Bob is characterizing the SDA Church of teaching.