Pastor Bob (29 June 2014)
""SDA Aberrations -5""

ALL Doves:

In this post on the SDA aberrations I will focus upon the revered prophetess, and co-founder of the SDA cult, Ellen G. White.  There are other SDA doctrines I will deal with later in coming posts, but the reader needs to known who this heretic really was.

It is interesting to note that a SDA physician, Dr. William Russell, wrote back in 1869 that Mrs. White's visions are the result of a diseased condition of the brain or nervous system.  Her mental stability was in question that far back.

Her works and writings were, and are, blasphemy and directly opposite of what the very Word of God says.  Her major work is 'The Great Controversy Between Christ and Satan'.  The book is more a compilation of others.  She was a follower of William Miller who prophesied that Christ would return in 1844.  It was a failed prophecy and it wasn't her only failed prophecy.  Despite her heresies and claims, the SDA cult consider her a true prophet, as did she.

Ellen White taught that people and animals interbreed: "Since the Flood there has been an amalgamation of man and beast as may be seen in the almost endless variations of species of animals, and in certain races of men."

She taught in 1884 that Adventists should remain unmarried and celibate because Christ's return was imminent.

She taught that Old Jerusalem would never be built up again, but after 1848 the old city has been continually built up.  Another failed prophecy of White.

She prophesied that she would be alive when Jesus returned.

She claimed that she had visions of people, including Enoch, living on Saturn and Jupiter.

White often contradicted the Bible.   For example, she stated that Christ was Michael the Archangel, that God had to devise a plan of Salvation after the Fall, that Christ's blood did not cancel sin, that the Atonement was not completed at the Cross, that Jesus did not die to bring salvation, that man can attain sinlessness in this life.  These are most certainly blasphemous and heretical.

According to Ellen G. White, masterbation caues death, insanity, epilepsy, bad eyesight, bleeding in the lungs, spasms of the heart and lungs, diabetes, rheumatism, tuberculosis, asthma, and a dozen other afflictions.

While many more false prophecies and teachings can be cited, only one false prophecy proves a so-called prophet to be a fraud and not of God.  Read Deuteronomy 18:22.  Therefore, Ellen G. White was a False Prophet, and whose teachings should be rejected and certainly not followed.  She claimed that angels gave her the 'Investigative Judgment', and that Sunday worship is the Mark of the Beast.  The Apostle Paul said that even if an angel gives a different gospel it is to be condemned, and that Satan and his demons can appear as angels of light -(Galatians 1:8-9; 2 Corinthians 11:14-15).

While the SDA's claim they believe in the infallibility of Scripture, they have their own version of the Bible, it is titled, 'The Clear Word Bible'.  The SDA add Ellen G. White's teachings to the book of Daniel to support the doctrine of the 'Investigative Judgment' as well as many other changes.  Although it is not an official SDA Bible, it is published by the SDA and sold through them.

Another Bible published by the SDA's is their official 'Study Bible'.  According to Gary Mayo of the SDA-EGW Historical Society, "This is a large KJV Bible with the writings of Ellen White below the Biblical text.  It also has many references to the writings of Ellen G. White which are too numerous to print."

SDA's revere their prophetess Ellen G. White, even worship her, and made this statement in their 'Ministry Magazine' of October, 1981, and it has never been retracted, "We believe the revelation and inspiration of both the Bible and Ellen G. White's writings to be of equal quality.  The superintendance of the Holy Spirit was just as careful and thorough in one case as in the other."

Although claiming to believe in the infallibility of Scripture, they held E.G. White's teachings as essential additions to the Bible.  Her writings are on a par or equal to Scripture.

As with other churches in the "restoration movement" (LDS, Church of Christ), SDA's consider themselves to be the one true remnant church.  EGW has told them that "Satan has taken full possession of the churches."

400,000 SDA's leave the cult each year according to Dale Ratzlaff, a former SDA pastor, who ministers to former SDA's and those transitioning from the SDA cult.  The SDA cult is rooted in the Millerite movement that swept the USA in the 1840's.  William Miller (1782-1849) was a New England Baptist preacher who developed a unique interpretation of Daniel 8:14.

In the KJV Bible that passage reads:  "And he [a saint] said unto me, "Unto 2,300 days, then shall the sanctuary be cleansed"."  This is a prophecy about the desecration of the Temple by Antiochus Epiphanes.  But Miller applied it to the end times by converting the days into years.  Assuming the prophecy was given in 457 BC, he calculated that Jeus could return 2,300 years later, sometime between March 21, 1843 and March 21, 1844.  Incredibly, he interpreted the "cleansing of the sanctuary" to refer to the purging of the Earth by fire at the Second Coming of Jesus Christ.

When March 21, 1844 came and went, Miller recalculated the date for October 22, 1844.  After this date came and went, his followers became totally disillusioned.  The whole experience was dubbed "The Great Disappointment". Miller died in disgrace four years later.

But a small hard-core group of Millerites called "The Little Flock" continued to insist that the date had been correct. One of the group's members, a man named Hiram Edison, claimed to have seen a vision of Jews standing at the altar in Heaven, and he concluded that Miller had been right about the time, but wrong about the place.  In other words, Jesus' return was not to Earth but to the Heavenly Sanctuary as described in Hebrews 8:1-2.  This strange idea was promoted by a retired sea captain and Millerite convert by the name of Joseph Bates.  One of the his tracts greatly impress a teenage Millerite girl named Ellen G. Harmon (1827-1915).  She was the daughter of a family in Portland, Maine.  In 1840 at the age of 12, she accepted Jesus as her Savior.  She was baptized and received into membership of the Methodist Church.  Shortly thereafter, her parents began to attend Millerite meetings and became avid followers, expecting the Lord to return in 1844.

In December of 1844, after "The Great Disappointment", this 17 year old girl experienced a vision in which she saw adventist believers being ushered into Heaven.  Her vision was accepted by the Adventists in Portland, Maine as "light from God".  And the rest has been history of the largest cult group in America and around the world.

Then in 1846, at the age of 19, Ellen married a young Adventist preacher by the name of James White.  Shortly after their marriage, they were introduced to a tract by Joseph Bates, a Seventh-Day Baptist.  It convinced them of the sacredness of the Sabbath, and they began to observe Saturday as the Sabbath.  Six months later, in April of 1847, Ellen had another vision in which she was supposedly shown the heavenly sanctuary with a halo light around the Fourth Commandment establishing it in her mind as the most important of the Ten Commandments.

In 1850 James and Ellen White began publishing a magazine called 'The Review & Herald', to disseminate Adventist and Sabbatarian doctrines.  Their publication was instrumental in helping the remaining Millerites to coalesce into a distinctive group.  In 1860 they adopted the name, Seventh Day Adventist Church.  They formally incorporated in 1863 with approximately 3,500 members in 125 churches. 

Ellen G. White never held any official title as head of the church, but she was always acknowledged as its spiritual leader.  She claimed to have the spirit of prophecy, and she claimed that her messages were directly from God.  Here is her own words:

        "I am presenting to you what the Lord has presented to me.  I do not write one article in the paper
        expressing merely my own ideas.  They are what God has opened before me in vision ..... the
        precious rays of light shining from the throne."

James White died in 1881, and in 1888 Ellen published her most famous book, 'The Great Controversy'.  I received a copy from one of the web sites promoted by the Rapture Bible Prophecy Forum web site.  Their site says they are not SDA's but they openly host and promote SDA sources pushing the SDA agenda.  What's that saying about something that walks like a duck and talks like a duck........  Ellen G. White died in July of 1915 at the age of 87.  She and her husband are buried in Battle Creek, Michigan.  The revered Masonic "obelisk" marks their cemetery plot.  In my research of the society that keeps secrets, Freemasonry, I have uncovered that all three cults, the Mormons, the Jehovah Witnesses, and the SDA's were financially back by the Freemasons. 

SDA church membership is well over 10-million world-wide with 1.1-million in the USA.  Ellen G. White was simply a False Teacher, as is SDA evangelists Steven "Mark" Wohlberg, and Doug Batchelor.  Their largest financial benefactor over the last century-and-a-half has been the Kellogg Company Foundation.  I will talk more about the cereal business and what it has to do with the SDA veggie lifestyle.

The SDA's have every right to worship on Saturday.  What they have no right to do (but what they have always done and continue to do) is condemn those who choose to worship on the first day of the week, Sunday.  In doing so, they open themselves up to scrutiny and exposure for what they really are - a CULT.  It employs Christian terms, quotes the Bible, and uses Christian symbols.  However, it is not a true expression of the Christian faith because it teaches a false Jesus or a false gospel or both.

The writings of Ellen G. White are full of Biblical errors, inaccurate prophecies, and down right absurd commandments.  Furthermore, much of her writings were plagiarized.  Her Biblical contradictions are extensive in nature.  Ellen pontificated about every aspect of life in her writings, and most of her non-Biblical comments are an embarrassment today.  She denounced the eating of eggs, milk, cream, and butter.  In fact, she stated that eating eggs would make your prayer life useless!  She spent her life advocating a vegetarian diet even though she ate meat herself.  She forbid the drinking of tea and coffee and the eating of mustard, pepper, pickles, and cinnamon.  She put a ban on card playing, chess and checkers, saying that such games "opened the door for great evil".  Picnics and parties were condemned.  Tennis, cricket, baseball, and bike riding were labeled "species of idolatry".

Adventists are taught from childhood that they are God's only true church and that they are God's remnant people. They are taught that they have the "Truth" and all other Christians are wrong and even more, apostate. 

SDA's are teachers of "Replacement" theology.  They teach that the Jews got what they deserved in the first century when God poured out His wrath in 70 AD on Israel and Jerusalem.  They believe that Jews have been set aside as God's chosen people, and that the Church has replaced them, inheriting all the promises that were made to them in the Old Testament.

Adventist doctrine is simply "heretical".  I have previously dealt with first two of the SDA's doctrines that proves it is heretical.  In coming posts we will build a rock solid case to prove that to be the total Truth, and by looking at the other heretical doctrines, mainly by comparing SDA doctrine against the plumb line of the Bible.

In today's world there is no need whatsoever for Bible ignorance given the tools available to the serious Bible student.  Maybe in 1860 a person might be deceived into buying into the deceit and deception of the SDA cult, but today with the abundance of books, magazines, studies, no one should be deceived into the SDA cult.

God bless,

Pastor Bob