Part 1: One of His Patterns
Part 2: The Number PI
Part 3: The Triune God
Part 4: Eight Intriguing Patterns (1)
Part 5: Eight Intriguing Patterns (2)
Part 6: Eight Intriguing Patterns (3)
Part 7: The Triangle, the Circle & the Square
Part 8: Symmetries on the Bible Wheel
Part 9: The Three Themes: Temple, Light & Water (1)Dear Doves,
I would like to share with you a pattern the Lord Jesus showed me. As with all His patterns, this one is perfect. It is possible to appreciate the perfection of this pattern even with the imperfect mind. Our God is truly a great God whose wisdom is exceeding broad.
I am talking about the 66 books of the Bible. The pattern the Lord showed me confirms the Bible Wheel phenomenon ( Furthermore the pattern is confirmed by the two visions of Clay Cantrell: the Vision of the Heavenly Library and the Vision of the Three Geometric Shapes at Clay was not aware of the study I was working on the last few months and I have clean forgotten about his visions until very recently even though it was posted separately a few years ago and a few months back. I believe Clay's visions are true and you can verify the truth for yourself.
It turns out every book of the Bible has a theme. In fact there are only three themes! Each theme is represented by a primary color. The Bible is divided into three wheels of 22 books each -- Genesis to Song, Isaiah to Acts and Romans to Revelation. I stumbled upon this pattern as I was reading through Ps 119 looking for pearls and the Lord led me to a goldmine.
The pattern of the 66 books is shown below. The pattern appears chaotic on first sight, however, once it is adequately analyzed, it is not hard to see no human could have designed such an awesome pattern. It has the fingerprint of God!
As Clay used to say, all errors are mine, all glory goes to God!
John Tng