daily number thingies that are easy to digest

Professor Ian Mallett


Dear Doves,

I believe the Lord has laid it on my heart to share some of the wonders of His mathematics in small soundbites, or rather numberbites, to enable more believers to understand God's use of numbers and to encourage them to seek His hidden treasures. I am not a 'professor' in the accepted sense of the word but my dictionary says a professor is one who openly declares belief in certain doctrines. It is my heart's desire to teach God's children some of these hidden wonders and I hope that you Doves will find blessings and inspiration through these daily offerings.

NUMBERBITE #0011 2006-10-17

The Clustering Principle


The first verse of the Bible, through its mathematical phenomena, teaches us the principles of God's mathematics. The number 37 features very heavily in this opening verse and the numerical properties of this number establish some of those principles.


With any multiple of 37 that is greater than 999, the comma can be replaced by a 'plus' sign to produce a new number that is still a multiple of 37. For example, the Genesis 1:1 verse total, 2,701. This figure is equal to 37 x 73 and is the 73rd triangular number. By replacing the comma with a 'plus' sign we have 2 + 701 that equals 703. This figure is equal to 19 x 37 and is the 37th triangular number. Thus the order numbers of these two triangular numbers, 73 and 37, reflect the prime factor values of the verse total. Only numbers greater than 999 that are multiples of 37 will cluster to a multiple of 37 but the clustering principle of replacing the comma by a 'plus' sign can be applied to all numbers to reveal greater truths and especially in the case of very large numbers.


As an example of a very large number that is not a multiple of 37 we can take the seven Hebrew word values of Genesis 1:1 (913, 203, 86, 401, 395, 407, 296) and string them together to form the number 91,320 386,401,395,407,296. Replacing the commas with a 'plus' sign we have 91 + 320 + 386 + 401 + 395 + 407 + 296 and that equals 2,296. This figure can be clustered again, 2 + 296, to make 298.


So what if anything is the relevance these two numbers 2,296 and 298? The numbers don't leap out as being particularly striking so let's take a look at their prime factors:


2,296 = 2 x 2 x 2 x 7 x 41 and the sum of these prime factors makes 54.


298 = 2 x 149 and the sum of these prime factors makes 151.


The two prime factor totals provide an example of a composite number (54 = 2 x 3 x 3 x 3) and of a prime number 151.


The number 54 is the 37th composite number and if the number 1 is counted as prime, the 37th prime number is 151.