The Bible begins with these words, "In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth." Who is this God, the Creator of Genesis 1:1? Can we find His signature in the opening verse of the Bible, the book He wrote?
The answer is an emphatic YES. Although the name JESUS is not found among the seven Hebrew words of the first scripture, He is hidden there in more ways than one. The author of creation chose the enigmatic number 37 to sign His Name with. Why this number? We may have to ask Jesus one day when we see Him in glory.
Bible numericists have long known that the total Hebrew gematria of Genesis 1:1 -- 2701 -- is the product of 37 and its digital reflection, 73; not many are aware that it is also the 37th hexagon as well as the 73rd triangle (link).
What set me on an exciting path of discovery was a post I read at the Bible Wheel Forum by Frank Colijn (link):
The Creation number 2701 can be expressed as the triangle of 73. The center of gravity is 1201, counted from the top of that triangle. The imperfect world expressed by word 6 and 7, has the number value 407+296=703, which is the triangle of 37. The center of gravity of this triangle is 313. The distance between those two centers is 1201-313=888, the number of Jesus.
The post inspired me to look for Jesus in the Creation Triangle. What a journey it has been for me! If you are a believer, I hope you will enjoy the study as much as I did. If you are a non-believer, it is my sincere hope that you will find Jesus, the Creator, who has left an unmistakable trace of Himself in the Big Bang scripture.
It is entirely possible that the Greek gematria of the name JESUS, 888, just happens to be the distance between the centers of gravity of the 37th and 73rd triangles in the Creation Triangle. But, what if we can find another instance of the same phenomenon?
The red dot above occupies the center spot (not the same as the center of gravity). It is at the center of row 37 (the middle row) and column 73 (the middle column). Both the middle row and column consist of 37 counters each!
This center spot is HUGE in terms of breaking the JESUS code. Its horizontal count from the base is 2017, the composite (non-prime) order of 2368 -- the Greek gematria of JESUS CHRIST! Its vertical count from either corner at the base is 1351, the median (middle number) of the big triangle total, 2701. The sum of both countings is 2017+1351 = 3368, the Greek gematria of LORD JESUS CHRIST (LJC)!
The LJC center is right in the middle of the two centers of gravity that reveal JESUS (888).
The two signatures of the Creator, 888 and 3368, appear to be encoded using the number 37 and its mirror 73. Intriguing number patterns seem to form about the LJC center; they authenticate that Jesus is the Lord God who created everything.As we move away from the center along the vertical axis, it is increasingly clear that JESUS is the Intelligent Designer of the Creation Triangle:
The seven points, h1 to h7, are evenly distributed on the vertical axis; each adjacent pair is spaced seven counters apart. With each recession away from the Lord Jesus Christ center, the number 888, Jesus, is added to the distance between each pair of points!
h5 - h3 = 1201 - 313 = 888 (Frank Colijn's observation)
h6 - h2 = 1861 - 85 = 888 + 888
h7 - h1 = 2665 - 1 = 888 + 888 + 888Even the ordinal values of these three pairs of points, when combined as 3-digit numbers, add up to 888 (567+321).
Mathematically inclined readers may observe that by subtracting 37 from the Genesis 1:1 total, 2701, the difference of 2664 is simply 888+888+888. Does this explain away the enigma and reduce the mystery to mere arithmetic? Even if we grant that as a coincidence, there remains the intriguing middle of middles (middle of the middle row and middle of the middle column) -- the LJC center, to contend with.
And we have only just begun.
In the course of my investigation, I found the Lord Jesus Christ in a rhombus within the big triangle. It stumped me a while before the Lord showed me a fuller design that involves three rhombi.
I first noticed that the diagonals of the above rhombus add up to Lord Jesus Christ: 3368=667+2701 and 3368=703+2665. The bonus to this discovery is that there are 37 pairs of points on the rhombus that add to the Lord Jesus Christ! These 37 pairs are formed by joining the 37 counters of row 37 with the 37 counters of row 73. This special rhombus is stamped with the Number of God, 37 (link), for the four sides and two diagonals are each 37 counters in length and its total is 37 x 37 counters!
Design is clearly evident and undoubtedly undeniable in all these instances!
The above counting is done from left to right horizontally. Counting in the reverse direction results in another rhombus that is the mirror image of the first, with the 'hour-glass' pattern tilted to the left. Symmetry demands that there be a rhombus at the center which also conceals 37 pairs of points that add to the Lord Jesus Christ. The center rhombus materializes only if we count the vertical diagonal vertically and the horizontal diagonal horizontally.
In the diagram above, the red dots are vertical counters and the blue dots are horizontal counters; both are counted from the base. This is unlike the two base rhombi where the counting is done horizontally starting from the apex of the big triangle. Notice that the LJC center belongs to this set, at the center of the rhombus. As before, there is an 'hour-glass' pattern and it is also skewed. What do we make of the three skewed hour-glasses each consisting of 37 pairs of counters that add to the Lord Jesus Christ?
Out of curiosity, I put the three patterns together to see if I could detect an overaching theme. Boy, was I 'surprised by joy', borrowing a phrase from C.S. Lewis! The 'hour-glass' could easily be taken as the digit '8' or the infinity symbol, ∞. Viewed in this light, JESUS, as represented by His number, 888, appears miraculously in the Creation Triangle.
The three hour-glasses, each 37 times LORD JESUS CHRIST (3368), form the number pattern 888, JESUS. Each individual Creation Triangle above is also a representation of 888 -- two interlocking digits 8 in the rhombus (dark green colored hour-glass and its mirror image in dark gray color) and a less obvious outer digit 8 formed by the remaining two triangles in light gray color. Thus, we have a triplet of hour-glasses that resemble the numeric pattern '888'. Without a doubt, the design is worthy of the Master Himself. The cross is high and lifted up in the middle, underscoring its centrality to the redemption of creation.
The Enigmatic Number 37
The number 37 appears to be the invisible ink with which the Creater signs His Name; look for the number 37 and there you will find Him. Observe this revealing step: Remove the middle row, row 37 (consisting of 37 counters) from the big triangle: the remainder is 888+888+888, the JESUS triplet. Suppose we divide the big triangle into three equal smaller 'side' triangles. The only way this can be done is by drawing three lines joining the vertices of the big triangle to its center of gravity. Repeat the same procedure by removing 37 counters in the middle row from the small side triangle. This time the remainder is 925 - 37 = 888, JESUS! If you are able to accept it, the total of the side triangle, 925, is the English gematria of JESUS CHRIST! (see link)
The 37 counters that are removed occupy precisely the middle row of the small triangle -- a parallel to the big triangle. Thus, the removal of 37 counters from the big and small triangles reveals JESUS, collectively as a triplet in the former and individually in the latter.
The three small side triangles create a 3-dimensional (3D) effect on the big triangle so that it looks like a triangular pyramid.
The pattern above has JESUS all over it. From the apex of the pyramid (previously the center of gravity of the big triangle) to the north corner of the inner triangle, the 37th triangle, there are 1201-313 = 888 (JESUS) counters. This is Frank Colijn's discovery. Each side triangle conceals JESUS (925-37=888) and JESUS CHRIST (925 English gematria). Unexpectedly, the total number of outline counters in the pattern is 391, the Hebrew gematria of YEHOSHUAH, i.e. JESUS in Hebrew!
The pattern above is a 2D representation of a 3D pyramid. A true 3D triangular pyramid (known as tetrahedron) with a base of 2701 counters is a wonder to behold.
The tetrahedron may be built this way: Lay the base layer of 2701 (73rd triangle) spheres or counters; place the second layer with 2628 spheres, i.e. the 72nd triangle, the third layer with 2556 spheres, the 71st triangle and so on; continue building layer upon layer until the apex is reached -- the 73rd layer where only one sphere is placed.
Will JESUS show up when 37 spheres are removed from the solid pyramid? We will remove 37 spheres from layer 37, the middle layer, which consists of 703 spheres. The most logical choice for these 37 spheres are the red spheres shown below:
The total number of spheres in the solid triangular pyramid is the sum of the first 73 triangles: 1+3+6+10+......+2701 = 67525; subtracting 37 spheres from this sum yields 76 x 888 JESUS! Not just once or thrice but SEVENTY SIX TIMES JESUS! The sacred rule of setting aside the number 37 unveils JESUS for the third time. Could this possibly be attributed to capricious chance?
Yet there is more.
Athough the height of the pyramid is 73 spheres (73 layers), only 25 spheres are perfectly aligned vertically from the apex to the foundation. These 25 spheres are the centers of gravity of layer 1 (top layer), layer 4, layer 7, layer 10 .......layer 37, ....... layer 73. The illustration below shows how the first four layers of spheres are stacked. Observe that only the center of gravity of layer 4 (partially covered red sphere) aligns with layer 1, the apex (top red sphere); that is, no sphere from layers 2 and 3 is aligned at the center below the apex.
As it turns out, the 25 center spheres are centers of gravity of 25 triangles whose orders (number of spheres on each side of triangle) are the exact sequence contained in the JESUS CHRIST (925) side triangle:
The order total of these 25 layers (each layer is a triangle) is 1+4+7+10+.....+37+.....73 = 925, the English gematria of JESUS CHRIST. Once again, even the center column in the pyramid conforms to the sacred rule: Remove 37 from its total, 925 and the remainder is 888, JESUS.
The two examples involving 925-37=888 (side triangle and pyramid) provide startling insights into the Creation number, 2701, which is the sum of 1+......+37+........+73. These 73 numbers may be divided into three sequences of 24 numbers each, with 37 excluded, being the average as well as the median of the first 73 natural numbers.
Mixed 1 4 7 10 13 16 19 22 25 28 31 34 37 40 43 46 49 52 55 58 61 64 67 70 73 Even 2 6 8 12 14 18 20 24 26 30 32 36 38 42 44 48 50 54 56 60 62 66 68 72 Odd 3 5 9 11 15 17 21 23 27 29 33 35 39 41 45 47 51 53 57 59 63 65 69 71 Again, it shall be demonstrated that the mysterious number 37 breaks the JESUS code in Genesis 1:1. The number sequence in the first row comes from the side triangle or the 25 center spheres of the pyramid. The remaining 73-25=48 numbers may be divided into two sequences, even and odd. The first sequence is termed 'mixed' since it consists of even and odd numbers.
Each sequence, consisting of 8+8+8 numbers, adds to 888, JESUS! The regular zig-zag pattern, centered about 37, is composed of 23 seven-branched lampstands which come in two varieties:
Lampstand Type 1 Lampstand Type 2
Mixed 1 4 7 Even 2 6 Odd 3 5
Mixed 4 7 10 Even 6 8 Odd 5 9 At the heart of the lampstand design is the enigmatic number 37 (or the 3-7 structure). The two lampstand types follow these palindromic patterns: M-E-O-M-O-E-M and M-O-E-M-E-O-M. Each lampstand consists of 3 categories (Mixed; Even; Odd) and 7 numbers, pointing to the 3-7 design. The sums of the first two lampstands in the series shown above are 28 (1+2+3+4+5+6+7) and 49 (4+5+6+7+8+9+10); their difference is 49-28 = 21 = 3x7, that is, another 3-7 design. This is true for all the twenty two pairs of adjacent lampstands in the series. Thus, the next lampstand total is always 3x7 higher than the previous lampstand total. The zig-zag shape of the lampstand resembles the English letter W; intriguingly, it also resembles the letter shin, , the 21st Hebrew letter and the number 21 is 3x7! The design is absolutely saturated with the '3-7' theme.
As noted, each sequence, consisting of 8+8+8 numbers, adds to 888, JESUS. Even more surprising is the fact that there are (8+8+8) + (8+8+8) blank cells in each sequence and astonishingly, their clustered sum is 888 + 888 !!!!!
[Note: Clustering involves the adding of three digits at a time. See 'The Clustering Principle'.]
Left Clustered Sum
(8+8+8) blank cells Center Right Clustered Sum
(8+8+8) blank cells 222+222+222+222 = 888 37 222+222+222+222 = 888 131+313+131+313 = 888 313+131+313+131 = 888 2+131+313+131+311 = 888 1+131+313+131+312 = 888One cannot help but notice that the number 313 appears prominently as a clustered term in the even and odd sequences. This is the center of gravity of the 37th triangle; subtract it from the center of gravity of the 73rd triangle, 1201, the difference is 888, JESUS -- the signature of the Creator hidden in the Creation Triangle -- the signature that was first discovered by Frank Colijn.
The three sequences, mixed, even and odd, lend credence to the three hour-glasses that look like 888. The two hour-glasses at the base are analogous to the even and odd sequences while the center hour-glass parallels the mixed sequence since it is formed by joining pairs of points on the vertical and horizontal diagonals, counted vertically and horizontally, i.e. mixed counting schemes.
28 Hebrew Letters of Genesis 1:1
Bible numericist, Bonnie Gaunt, found a very compelling piece of evidence that points to JESUS as the Creator in the 28 Hebrew letters of the Big Bang scripture. On page 29 of the book, "Genesis One", she wrote:
"In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth," not only becomes 37 x 73, but it also has encoded into it the Christ, the Anointed One, by the integers 3 and 7 in an equidistant letter sequence. It is a combination of Gematria and ELS that finds this amazing evidence of the planning of an all-wise Creator, who knew the end from the beginning, and encoded it into the very first statement of creation. Count every third and every seventh letter, and total them. It will become 1480. The title "Christ" has a Gematria value of 1480."
Is it any wonder it is the number 37 once again that reveals JESUS? That the Greek gematria values of JESUS and CHRIST are both multiples of 37, being 24x37=888 and 40x37=1480, is surely not a product of randomness.
Intrigued by the hidden CHRIST in the first statement of creation, I suspected that the number 888 is also encoded there. I started searching for the ELS in the reverse direction and then I had my 'eureka' moment when I found JESUS, 888!
Let us first reproduce the CHRIST (1480) code:
No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 3x7 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 Letter Gematria 2 200 1 300 10 400 2 200 1 1 30 5 10 40 1 400 5 300 40 10 40 6 1 400 5 1 200 90 Skip of 3 1 400 1 5 1 300 40 400 200 Skip of 7 2 40 40 90Observe that the 21st letter is common to both the ELS with skips of 3 and 7; the number 21 is 3x7. Excluding the repeated letter, mem (gematria value 40), the sum of both ELS sequences is 1520 - 40 = 1480, i.e. the gematria of CHRIST, which is also the product of the key number 37 and the gematria value of the repeated letter mem, 40.
Moving on to the search for the JESUS (888) code, we construct a table that juxtaposes the ELS sequences with skips of 3 and 7 in the forward and reverse directions.
No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 Letter Gematria 2 200 1 300 10 400 2 200 1 1 30 5 10 40 1 400 5 300 40 10 40 6 1 400 5 1 200 90 Skip of 3 (Forward) 1 400 1 5 1 300 40 400 200 Skip of 3 (Reverse) 20010 200 30 40 510 1 1 Skip of 7 (Forward) 2 40 40 90 Skip of 7 (Reverse) 2200 1 6The difference between the sequences with a skip of 3 in the forward and reverse directions is 1348 - 497 = 851 = 23 x 37; the difference between the sequences with a skip of 7 in the reverse and forward directions is 209 - 172 = 37. Both differences are multiples of 37; their sum is 851 + 37 = 888, the number of JESUS!
It is unthinkable that the first scripture is simply a collection of random Hebrew letters with no rhyme nor reason. It bears emphasis that both the numbers, 888 for Jesus and 1480 for Christ, are the only two numbers of Jesus that are multiples of 37 and both are found concealed at the start of the Bible with ELS skips of 3 and 7!
Truly the number 37 is the key that unlocks the secrets of God.
The Seven Hebrew WordsThe seven word values of Genesis 1:1 are: 913, 203, 86, 401, 395, 407 and 296; these numbers may be combined to produce a set of 127 possible word value combinations (link). One particular combination is a dead give away of the identity of the Encoder: 86 (God) + 395 (the heavens) + 407 (and) = 888 (JESUS); these three words imply that JESUS is the God in the heavens!
In all, twenty three word value combinations are multiples of 37. Defying all logic, JESUS (888) manifests Himself when these combinations are filtered using ELS skips of 3 and 7 -- the same phenomenon observed in the 28 Hebrew letters!
No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 Multiples of 37 999 1517481 999 1998 407 1406 1924 888 1406 2405 296 1295 1813 777 1295 2294 703 1702 2220 1184 1702 2701 Skip of 3 (Forward) 481 407 888 296 777 703 1184 Skip of 3 (Reverse) 481 407 888 296 777 703 1184 Skip of 7 (Forward) 1406 1813 1184 Skip of 7 (Reverse)481 1406 2294 The 'skip of 3' total minus the 'skip of 7' total is 9472 - 8584 = 888, JESUS!
The seven Hebrew words conceal JESUS (888) in the difference of sums of the ELS sequences with skips of 3 and 7. The twenty-eight Hebrew letters conceals JESUS (888) in the sum of differences of the ELS sequences with skips of 3 and 7. In both instances, JESUS is revealed by the number 37.
Ian Mallett is right about the number 37; it is the Number of God. The question remains: Why 37? Why not other numbers? My answer is still the same: we will have to ask Jesus when we see Him in the clouds of glory when He comes to gather His people. That time is almost upon us now. Readers, be ready to meet thy maker. He is coming sooner than you think!