GOD'S JUDGMENT IS NOW FALLING ON THE UNITED STATESThere can be very little doubt that God's end-time Judgment has been pronounced upon the United States. It is my opinion that the starting point was the total solar eclipse on August 21st, and that the culmination will be the Sudden Destruction of 1st Thess. 5, which almost certainly will be nuclear. Through the extremely dangerous and ominous situation with North Korea, God is giving the U.S. ample warning (although I am not sure that the nuclear judgment will necessarily come from North Korea).Revelation 18:2 says, "(Mystery) Babylon is fallen, is fallen." Verse 5 says, "For her sins have reached unto heaven, and God has remembered her iniquities." Verses 8-10 give an ominous warning for Mystery Babyon. "Therefore, shall her plagues come in ONE DAY, death, and mourning, and famine; AND SHE SHALL BE UTTERLY BURNED WITH FIRE. for strong is the Lord God who judges her. And the kings of the earth, who have committed fornication and lived deliciously with her. shall bewail her, when THEY SHALL SEE THE SMOKE OF HER BURNING. Standing afar off for the fear of her torment, saying, Alas, alas, that great city Babylon (New York City?), that mighty city! FOR IN ONE HOUR IS THY JUDGMENT COME." Verse 19 says, "FOR IN ONE HOUR IS SHE MADE DESOLATE."I strongly encourage each reader to read this entire Chapter of Revelation 18 to see if you do not agree that this Mystery Babylon is either the entire U.S. , or New York City. I believe this is the Biblical event that brings about the Sudden Destruction of 1st Thess. 5, and the Rapture of the Bride in the preceding chapter of 1st Thess. 4. The nuclear situation with North Korea is very dire and has reached the crisis stage. GOD IS SERVING WARNING!!!Any serious Bible Prophecy student knows that Hurricanes Harvey and Irma, with their unparalleled and record-setting devastation, falling rapidly on the heels of the TOTAL SOLAR ECLIPSE, COVERING THE ENTIRE CONTINENTAL U.S., was definitely not coincidental. THIS ECLIPSE WAS THE SIGN OF GOD'S JUDGMENT UPON THE UNITED STATES!!! We can reach no other conclusion. Ready (spiritually), or not, God's Judgment has arrived. If you want to declare them Warning Judgments, until the Sudden Destruction (nuclear) Judgment, that is okay.We should now prepare for more of God's Judgments on the U.S. Hurricane Jose is looking more serious by the day now. Look for more devastating hurricanes, powerful earthquakes, tornadoes, floods, fires, possible tsunamis, and other natural disasters, until the Big One (nuclear) arrives. These should serve as Warnings to every person in the U.S. How much these natural disasters are being manipulated by other countries and the New World Order elite, we can only speculate. The last obstacle to the NWO elite's evil and sinister plan of a one-world government, headed up by the Antichrist, Barack Hussein Obama, is the United States. Our country MUST be taken down.God wants to give everyone ample warning, because He loves us so much. But it certainly appears that the cup of God's wrath is just about full. Either God is causing these disasters, or He is allowing them. Either way, God's Judgment has obviously been pronounced upon the U.S., as the events of past month or so have proven, starting with the total solar eclipse, and culminating with the nuclear Sudden Destruction event, which I believe will bring about the Rapture of the Bride and the start of the Great Tribulation.Why should we be so sure that we are finally standing on the doorstep of the Rapture/Sudden Destruction, and the start of the Great Tribulation? There are MANY good reasons, but let me give you my top three reasons, in reverse order:3. My interpretation of Revelation 17 is that the Antichrist, Obama, is the 8th King. Verse 11 tells us that the Antichrist, or Beast, is the 8th King. This makes Jimmy Carter, who started the whole Middle East peace process, the 1st King (or 1st President, in the line of 8), and Obama the 6th King, as well as the 8th King. Rev. 17:11 says, "And the beast that was, and is not, even he is the eighth, AND IS OF THE SEVEN..." THIS MAKES DONALD TRUMP THE 7TH KING. What does Rev. 7 teach us about the 7th King? Verse 10 tells us, "and when he (the 7th King) comes, HE MUST CONTINUE A SHORT SPACE."This means that Donald Trump's days as the President of the United States are numbered!!! He is, according to my interpretation of Rev. 17, only going to serve a short time. Do you understand the broader implication of this??? It will be that the 8th King, Obama, who succeeds the 7th King, Donald Trump, will become the ruler of the world, as the Antichrist. The Scriptures strongly imply that this disastrous event for the whole world, IS GETTING READY TO HAPPEN!!! It is the Rapture/Sudden Destruction event that brings about the reign of the Antichrist. DONALD TRUMP ONLY SERVES A SHORT TIME, AND HE IS TO BE SUCCEEDED BY THE ANTICHRIST!!! Here is the link to the post that I wrote earlier this year, on this interpretation of Revelation 17. It seemed to open a lot of eyes:2. Genesis 1:14 says, "And God says, Let there be lights (the sun and moon)...and LET THEM BE FOR SIGNS... In Luke 21:25--26, Jesus says, "And there shall be SIGNS IN THE SUN, AND IN THE MOON, AND IN THE STARS; AND UPON THE EARTH DISTRESS OF NATIONS, WITH PERPLEXITY; THE SEA AND THE WAVES ROARING; Men's hearts failing them for fear, and for looking after those things which are coming on the earth; for the powers of heaven shall be shaken."Surely, these two verses are being fulfilled right before our eyes. Right after THE SIGN of God's Judgment upon the U.S., with the total solar eclipse, covering from the west coast to the east coast (SIGN of the sun), verse 25 tells us that the SEAS AND THE WAVES WOULD BE ROARING (record-setting major hurricanes Harvey and Irma).So, we have not only THE SIGN of the total solar eclipse blanketing the U.S., but next up is the Revelation 12 sign on Sept. 23rd (one week from this writing), which most Prophecy students believe portends that the Rapture is about to take place. Then, just before these major signs in the heavens, we had all of the blood red moons, on Jewish holy days, in 2014 and 2015. These are just a few of the MAJOR prophetic heavenly signs that we have recently seen take place, by divine providence.The Prophetic Scriptures show us, beyond any shadow of a doubt, that we are living in the very, very, very last days before the Rapture/Sudden Destruction, and the start of the Great Tribulation. This leads me to my #1 reason why, we should be fully expecting the next few months, or possibly days, to be the beginning of the END OF THIS AGE. JESUS IS COMING VERY, VERY SOON!!! BE READY!!!1. Most of us have been hearing, and believing, for many years, that the End of the Age is almost here. So, why should we believe that this time, it will be any different? Well, Reasons #3 and #2, which I have just expounded upon, are excellent reasons, but I believe that Reason #1 is even better. Here it is:EVERY SINGLE PROPHETIC CYCLE POINTS TO 2017--2018 TO BE THE TIME OF THE END OF THE AGE. IT ALL POINTS TO THE FALL OF 2017 TO THE SPRING OF 2018. WE HAVE ARRIVED AT THE TIME, WHEN WE SHOULD FULLY EXPECT THE RAPTURE OF THE BRIDE, AND THE BEGINNING OF THE GREAT TRIBULATION.KEEP IN MIND THAT ALL OF THESE NUMBERS OF YEARS, INVOLVED IN THESE PROPHETIC CYCLES, HAVE GREAT BIBLICAL MEANING.1. 120 YEARS FROM THE 1ST JEWISH CONGRESS.2. 100 YEARS FROM THE BALFOUR DECLARATION, GIVING THE JEWISH PEOPLE THE LEGAL RIGHT TO GO BACK TO ISRAEL.3. 70 YEARS FROM ISRAEL BECOMING A NATION.4. 50 YEARS FROM ISRAEL RE-CAPTURING THEIR CAPITOL CITY OF JERUSALEM, IN THE 6-DAY WAR.5. 2 YEARS FROM THE START OF THE FINAL 7 YEARS, IN THE FALL OF 2015. ACCORDING TO GENESIS 45, THIS MEANS THAT JESUS SHOULD BE REVEALING HIMSELF TO HIS BRETHREN (IN THE RAPTURE) IN THE NEXT FEW MONTHS.There are more than 5 cycles pointing directly to 2017--2018. These listed are just some of the most important cycles. The culmination years of 2017--2018, of these extremely important Bible Prophecy cycles, are screaming to us that THE TIME HAS ARRIVED!!! In addition, here is an excellent post by Pastor F. M. Riley, about the Prophetic ten-year cycles, all ending in years ending in 7 and 8, since 1897--1898, which should increase our anticipation for 2017--2018:I fully understand that most Bible Prophecy students believe that the Fall Feast Days over the next several days have a very high potential to be the time of the Sudden Destruction/Rapture. To write anything, at this time, about the Spring of 2018, when I believe all these last-days signs will reach their grand climax, would not mean too much to most of you. So, I will wait, until more of you will be looking for answers, and will be open to what I believe the Lord is showing to me.JESUS IS COMING VERY SOON! BE READY!Maranatha!Ron Reese