By A. W. Tozer
Then he opened their minds to understand at last these
many Scriptures. - - Luke 24:45
Truth that is not experienced is no better than error,
and may be fully as dangerous.
Remember that the scribes who sat in Moses' seat were
not the victims of error; they were the victims of failure to
experience the truth they taught!
We should see that one of the greatest foes of the
Christian is religious complacency. The man who believes
that he has "arrived" will not go any further; and the
present neat habit of quoting a text to prove we have
arrived may be a dangerous one if in truth we have no
actual inward experience of the text.
The great saints of the past have all had yearning hearts.
Their longing after God all but consumed them; it propelled
them onward and upward to heights toward which less ardent
Christians look with languid eye and entertain no hope of
May we offer this word of exhortation: pray on, fight
on, sing on! Press on into the deep things of God. Keep
your feet on the ground, but let your heart soar as high as
it will!
Yours in Christ,
Paul N. F.