Steve W (25 Oct 2020)
"!!! TRUMP+DEBORAH=AMY CONEY BARRETT prophecy coded book of JUDGES !!!"

  "Now DEBORAH, a prophetess, the wife of Lapidoth, was judging Israel at that time.                     And she would sit under the palm tree of DEBORAH between Ramah and Bethel
               in the mountains of Ephraim. And the children of Israel came up to her for judgment."
                                                                  Judges 4:4,4:5

        Hello Five Doves.
            We found a remarkable place in the bible, in the book of Judges, that makes a strong case
    DONALD TRUMP and AMY CONEY BARRETT are encoded there.


       DEBORAH was the only female Judge of ISRAEL, and AMY CONEY BARRETT is the only female
      Judge TRUMP has nominated to the Supreme Court, so she fits perfectly the typology of DEBORAH,
       especially when we look at these numerical alignments with BARRETT and TRUMP in the book of
      Judges in the following way....

                                                                         AMY CONEY BARRETT
                 first time in                                               fits the typology                   second time in
              book of Judges                                      of DEBORAH female                book of Judges
         word TRUMPET seen              end of           Judge of ISRAEL              word TRUMPET seen
                  in text of                         chapter             seen in text of                          in text of
               Judges 3:27                  Judges 3:31            Judges 4:5                          Judges 6:34
                         !.................4 vs.............!.............5 vs.........!.................84 verses............!
                                              ^                        ^                                     ^^
                                                  ^               ^      add the letters in her   ^^
                                                      ^      ^      last name > BARRETT = 84 which = 6 X 14
                 DONALD TRUMP is the 45th President of USA  who's  birth  date  is    6/14 !!

       Even more Judges is book 7 of the bible 
                                 and chapter 4 where DEBORAH is first named in the book reveals
             a sync with the number 74 , and DONALD TRUMP
                                        is age 74 this year 2020 when he first nominated AMY BARRETT to the Supreme Ct !!
                                                   ^^                                                                   ^^^^^^^^^^^^^
                                                   ^^                  Supreme Ct Justice             TRUMP officially nominates 
       In fact TRUMP turned age 74                    RUTH GINSBERG                AMY CONEY BARRETT
                  on the date of                                          died on                              to the Supreme Ct
                       6/14/2020                                          9/18/2020                                 9/26/2020
                              !........................96 days.....................!.................8 days....................!
                              !........................^^..............................................104 days...................!
         In the book of Judges verse 96 is                              verse # 104 book of Judges is Judges 4:14
      Judges 4:6 where DEBORAH gives her first                 where DEBORAH declares VICTORY in battle
   proclamation as a prophetess, Judge of ISRAEL !!           for ISRAEL !!

   "Then she (DEBORAH) sent and called for Barak the son of               "Then Deborah said to Barak, “Up! For this is the day
       Abinoam from Kedesh in Naphtali, and said to him,                         in which the Lord has delivered Sisera into your hand.
           “Has not the Lord God of Israel commanded,                                 Has not the Lord gone out before you?” So Barak
     ‘Go and deploy troops at Mount Tabor; take with you                    went down from Mount Tabor with 10,000 men following him.
10,000 men of the sons of Naphtali and of the sons of Zebulun;                                             Judges 4:14
                                 Judges 4:6

        AMY CONEY BARRETT is expected to have a full vote in the Senate on OCT 26, 2020 for her official confirmation
                   to the Supreme Ct.  Mitch Mcconnell leader of the Senate has said he has the votes to confirm her. 
      So from TRUMP's 74th birthday 6/14/2020 it is 134 days to OCT 26, 2020 
                       In the book of Judges verse number 134 in that book is Judges 5:20.  The title of Judges 5 is called
           the SONG of DEBORAH !!! How amazing is that !!! AMY CONEY BARRETT who is the perfect typology
       of DEBORAH in the bible, on the very day AMY is officially to be voted on to sit on the Supreme Ct, OCT 26, 2020
               she will be synced, by way of TRUMP alignment, with DEBORAH SINGING in Judges chapter 5 !!!!!

Donald TRUMP has so far nominated 3 Judges to the Supreme Ct and here is how they synchronize 'prophetically'
in the timeline below...
            Neil Gorsuch                             Brett Kavanaugh                     DONALD      JOE
        assumed office on                        assumed office on                    TRUMP vs BIDEN
     the Supreme Court on                  the Supreme Court on                  USA ELECTION
                4/10/2017                                     10/6/2018                               11/3/2020
                      !........................544 days..............!.................759 days...............!
                                                   ^^^                                  ^^^
                                                        ^^^                        ^^^
                                                           544  +  215  = 759
                                       In the bible chapter 215 is JUDGES 4 right where we see above JUDGE DEBORAH is first
                                                    seen in the bible as the perfect prophetic typology of JUDGE AMY CONEY BARRETT

In this prior Five Doves article we documented that DONALD TRUMP fits the prophetic typology of
                                                                             ABDON in Judges 12:14 where it says in the verse
"He (ABDON) served ISRAEL for 8 years", thus strongly suggesting TRUMP will be re-elected on 11/3/2020
                          to serve out a full 8 years as President of USA !!

So we take the DEBORAH/AMY BARRETT revelations above and synchronize them with ABDON/DONALD TRUMP
and we get the following revelation...

                                                                                                        ABDON prophetic typology 
                             DEBORAH prophetic                                          of DONALD TRUMP
                      typology of AMY BARRETT                                     served ISRAEL 8 years
                       first seen in Judges 4:4                                                     Judges 12:14
                                                  !..............................280 verses.........................!
                                                  !                              ^^^                                      !
                                                  !                              ^^^                        TRUMP vs BIDEN
                  AMY BARRETT turned age 48               ^^^                          USA ELECTION
                                        on 1/28/2020  ^^               ^^^                               11/3/2020 
                                                    !..........^^...............280 days.............................!
                                                               48  =  4  X  12
                                                                         ^       ^^
  DEBORAH/AMY BARRETT seen in Judges 4 !!    ^^
             ABDON/DONALD TRUMP seen in Judges 12 !!

                           Also remarkable is from                                          over to 
                               AMY BARRETT's                                         DONALD TRUMP
                                  48th birthday                                                  74th birthday
                                      1/28/2020                                                     6/14/2020
                                              !.........................its 138 days to...................!
          add the letters in his name A=1,B=2 etc > 138 = DONALD TRUMP !!!

God Bless
Steve W
comments welcome >

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