Gerry Almond (24 Oct 2011)

I am beyond excited with the possibility of this being correct.  I am impressed by the Holy Spirit's direction for me to post this.  I hope it blesses you.  Please read the entire paper.

To:  All Watchers..I think our homegoing will be 11/11/11.  Here’s why.


I know I must sound like a broken record to you all about the Daniel experience of 21 days delay in the release of the captives from Babylon, but please read on.  I am absolutely convinced that the 21 days DELAY of Daniel chapter 10 will be repeated in this matter of our Lord’s appearing to take us in the rapture.  The picture in type is just too much to ignore, and a study of it might convince you of it.


I will here repeat what I have written about several times already.  When the Babylonian captivity should have ended, it did’nt.  This realization upset the prophet Daniel, who had been in captivity all of his adult life.  True, he was a very high ranking individual in the Babylonian Empire, but nevertheless, he wanted the freedom of his people, the Jews.  Having understood from the prophecies of Jeremiah (Jer 29:10) that the captivity was to be 70 years in length, he knew that on his birthday when he reached 87 years of age, the time would be up.  (He was taken at age 17 on his birthday).  And, he did’nt  want the Jews to remain captives even one day past the prophesied number!  So, did he think God was a liar, or that God was not attentive?  No, but, what did he do?  He went to prayer asking God about this, because he knew that his God was very precise in all of His doings. 


A few friends went with him and they were by the big river.  They FASTED AND PRAYED for three full weeks, i. e. 21 days.  (See Susan and Sabrina’s letter of 10/21 posted on, which shows God calling for us to fast).  Daniel’s prayer was not answered immediately, not until the 21 DAYS WERE FULLY COME!  (Perhaps we should fast and pray ourselves for 21 days now, just as Daniel did?)  Anyway, on the 22nd day, messengers came to him (Dn 10:5).  He had a vision, but his friends did not see the vision because a great earthquake came and they fled. (vs. 7)  Daniel “died”, that is, “there remained NO strength in me; for my comeliness was turned in me into corruption, and I retained no strength”. (vs. 7). 


It is well known in medical circles that hearing is the last sense to fade at death.  Daniel experienced the hearing of a voice even though he was in a “deep sleep” with his face on the ground.  Dead or at least near dead? (vs. 9)


A hand touched him and he was set up on his hands and knees.  A messenger said to him, “O Daniel, a man greatly beloved, understand the words that I speak to thee, and stand upright; for unto thee am I now sent” (vs. 10, 11).  Daniel then stood up trembling.


“Fear not Daniel; for from the first day that thou didst set thine heart to understand, and to chasten thyself before thy God, thy words were heard”  ( That was 21 full days earlier).  “And I am come for thy words.”  (vs. 12)


“But the prince of the kingdom of Persia withstood me one and twenty days (21 days); but, lo, Michael, one of the chief princes, came to help me; and I remained there with the kings of Persia”.  (vs. 13). 


It is apparent from this verse that a DELAY of 21 days occurred and the captivity of Daniel’s people went on that length of time.  Also, the messenger arrived on day 22.  This may be the numbers 21/22 that some have been addressing here on Five Doves.  I have seen it on other sites as well.


“Now, I am come to make thee understand what shall befall thy people IN THE LATTER DAYS; for yet the vision is for many days”  (vs. 14).


Christians, the latter days are here RIGHT NOW!!!  Israel is back in the land, Jerusalem is theirs, and God is watching the evil right now encircling His holy land that is seeking to stamp out His chosen people from the face of the earth and divide up HIS chosen land for gain. 


The picture becomes more and more like the resurrection/rapture in Daniel 10.  “And when he had spoken such words to me, I set my face toward the ground, and I became dumb (couldn’t speak).  And, behold, one like the similitude of the sons of men touched my lips; then I opened my mouth and spoke, and said unto him who stood before me, O my lord, by the vision my sorrows have turned upon me, and I have retained no strength”.  (vs. 16).  Daniel asked in his mind, I suppose, how he could speak without strength or breath?  HE WAS DEAD, it appears.


Is this an Old Testament picture of the resurrection of the dead and then the rapture of the living, both in the vision of Daniel and using him as both dead and alive?  I do not know, but I do think that a key thing in this experience for us is the delay of 21 days until day 22, when we will surely find out.


Having said that, I think that we need to look at the DELAY this way:


If the Feast of Tabernacles, last day was not the time of our departure, as it certainly looked to many, including myself, then how about simply waiting 21 days more?  Instead of the 21 days delay counting from RHH, maybe it started with the last or 8th day of Tabernacles?  If so, this means that on the last day of Tabernacles, our Lord began His journey to come for us, and has been delayed by the WAR IN HEAVEN, at which time Satan will be cast out to the earth on 11/11/11!!!!


RHH         ATONEMENT       TABERNACLES                           


9/29/30………10/8/9…………10/13/14 – 20/21+1………….+21 days = 11/11/11.


The time line above shows the inclusion of the 8th day of Tabernacles, which totals to 22 days in the entire three feast count. 


I am thinking that our taking out may be either 11/10 or 11/11.  Well, much has already been written about 11/11/11.  And most recently understood is that it is the time of the birth of the great dragon (Saturn) of Rev. 12, which is expelled from the womb (kicked out of heaven?) and immediately seeks to devour the newborn baby.  The body of that baby is us.  BUT THE BABY IS CAUGHT UP TO GOD AND TO HIS THRONE.  That is also us.  That must be accomplished by the rapture event.  


The times right now are pregnant with possibilities.  Keep looking up,  Our redemption certainly draweth nigh!!!