Dear Saints,Clay Cantrell posted last week > Bob Ware Obituary notice < Robert Ware passed away on10/17/2024. Robert Ware was a great friend to me. Robert had a unique gift with Bible numbersand he and I collaborated in numerous articles posted with Five Doves. We will miss him greatly.So this article is dedicated to some remarkable Bible number syncs Bob discovered and how theypersonally sync with him and END TIME Prophecy. One of the little known syncs about his nameis in reverse standard gematria > Robert Ware = 2368and in greek gematria > Jesus Christ = 2368In this article > < posted 7/2/2023, wefeatured Bob's article > 7957 New Testament verses > 11 September 2001 plus 7957 days will be 25 June 2023 <where he talked about 2368 .In that article Bob posted the first half of this prophetic timeline chart, and we have now added thesecond half to complete the prophetic picture, showing Jesus Christ name syncs to it ALL !!^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Prophetic SignInauguration day for sync date Robert WareDonald Trump in Robert Ware article >>>>>><< <<<< died onwas on 1/20/2017 7/16/2023 10/17/2024!.................................2368 Days..........!......... 15 mnths 1 day....................!in greek > Jesus Christ = 2368 A=1,B=2 etc > 151 = Jesus ChristAlso in the above article Robert Ware was the first one to show me when you take the totalnumber of Bible chapters 1189 X golden ratio = 1924 <rounded up to whole #<^^^^^^And Bob was the first one to discover this amazing chart below also featured in above article.^^^^^^in reverse standard gematria > Robert Ware = 2368^^^^^^ The Bible reveals > GOD is 3 Persons > Father, Son, Holy SpiritBob Ware discovered when the circumference of a circle is 3 X 2368the sides of the Golden Ratio Rectangle within that circle 2368 = Jesus Christare 1189 and 1924 . in greek gematria< Divine reflection of GOD + BIBLE syncedFrom Bob's above article quoting # 1924 in it, beingposted on 6/25/2023 >>>>>>its exactly 1924 days to >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>9/30/2028From 9/11/2001 And 1924 = 962+962 End Dateits 7957 days. Jared 6th Patriarch died age 962 in Genesis 5:20. Great
7957 is total Jared 6th Patriarch died age 962 in Genesis 5:20. Tribulationverses New Testament ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Prophetic Sign Start Date^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Robert Ware GreatThis prophetically >> ^^^^^^^^^^ died on Tribulationreveals the Bible date >> 6/6/1924 10/17/2024 4/19/2025!......exactly 36658 days....!........184 days...............!^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^ ^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ 36658 divide by 184 = 199 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Start of Jewish Year ^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ 5785 ^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ 10/2/2024 ^^^^ 4/19/2025^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ !.......................199 days......!^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Prophetic Sign^^^Jared^^^ Robert Ware Start Date End Dateprophetic Bible date died on Great Tribulation Great Tribulation6/6/1924 10/17/2024 4/19/2025 9/30/2028!...exactly 36658 days....!........184 days.......!......1260 days.....!^^^^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^ ^^^^ ^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ 36658 divided by 184 divided by 1260 = .158117^^^^^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^ ^^^^This Date 6/6/1924 in that rare leap day year was DAY of YEAR 158!! ^^^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^A=1,B=2 etc > 158 = Day of Atonement = 9/30/2028 in this yr.In the Bible Revelation 15:8 is last verse of chapter vs # 257 book of Revelation.And REVELATION 15 is the only chapter of the Bible ^^^^^^^^where the verses of the Book when added ^^^^^^^^equal > 250+251+252+253+254+255+256+257 = 2028REV 15:1,15:2,15:3,15:4,15:5,15:6,15:7,15:8.^^^^^^ List of palindromesIn addition the 158th palindrome number is 6886.^^^^^^And see more in Pearl Harbor article > <^^^^^^ Massive evidence aligning^^^^^^ here for Start date of theBook of > Numbers, Psalms, Proverbs, Lamentations ^^^^^^ Great TribulationBook # of Bible > 4 , 19 , 20 , 25 ^^^^^^ << 4/19/2025total vs's of Book >1288 + 2461 + 915 + 154 = 4818 << ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^++++ << 1260 days toBook of > 1st Samuel , Amos , Proverbs , Hosea ++++ << ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^Book # of Bible > 9 , 30 , 20 , 28 <<<< ++++ << 9/30/2028
total vs's of Book > 810 + 146 + 915 + 197 = 2068 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^total > 6886 < ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ In math the 158th palindrome # is 6886 This date is theA=1,B=2 etc > 158 = = = = = = = = = = = Day of Atonement^^^^^ ^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^"For then there will be Great Tribulation,such as has notbeen since the beginning of the world until this time, no, nor ever shall be."Matthew 20:28 ^^^^^ Matthew 24:21 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^!...............158 vs to..................! 274th day of yearThere are 13 Books of Bible with a 4:19><20:25 chapter vs combo is 9/30 of 2028!!and the total verse count between those points for all 13 books is exactly 6886 !! 6x338=20286886-274-274=6338See more details in our EZEKIEL 48 article >
And See more details in our Golden Ratio X 7 article !!! Golden Ratio X "7"+Fibonacci Sequence reveals JESUS 2nd Coming 2028 !!!^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ 36658 divided by 184 divided by 1260 = .158117 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ A=1,B=2 etc > 158 = = = Day of^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Revelation 15:8 ^^^^^ AtonementProphetic Sign in the Heavens numerically syncs to >> ^^^^^ >> 9/30/2028described in txt and synced to ^^^^^ ^^END DATE^^Revelation 12:1 ^^^^^ Greatoccurred on ^^^^^^ Tribulation9/23/2017 ^^^^^^ 9/30/2028!..............................................................exactly 11 yrs 7 days............!^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^Jared^^^ Prophetic Sign ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ which on our modern calendarprophetic Robert Ware Note> on the BiblicalBible date died on Jewish Calendar Leviticus 25:96/6/1924 10/17/2024 the 10th day of 7th month!......exactly 36658 days....! was Day of Atonement36658 minus 5789 = 30869 will be 9/30/2028Jewish Year 5789 begins in >>>>>>>> Sept/2028^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^^^^Revelation 10:7 is vs number 30869 of Bible. See more below.Bob would be the first one to point out as noted ^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^many times in his articles # 107 is a KEY # synced in the Bible to the END TIMERapture/Resurrection of GOD's Saints, which comes at the sounding of the Last Trumpet^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ 1st Corinthians 15:52.On 15 July 2013 DISH satellite time froze on rapture number 107 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^In fact Bob documented ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^Robert a unique experience ^^^END DATE^^^Ware he had with # 107 in ^^^^^Great^^^^was born on a personal way on Tribulation2/7/1948 7/15/2013 9/30/2028!...............23900 days..............!........................5556 days.....................!
Vs # 23900 of Bible is # 5556 in Strong's greek is the wordMatthew 22:27, a chrysoprase appearing only one time inKEY vs synced to the 3 Stage Revelation 21:20 vs # 376 of Revelation.Fall of Babylon Prophecy encoded It was just last week, we featuredin the Bible. See Dumitru Duduman Revelation 21:20 and # 376prophetic revelations article. in the amazing Revelation 14:15 article, all about the Prophetic BIBLE found miraculouslysurviving the Helene NC Flood , withmany prophetic syncs in it pointing to the END TIMERapture/Resurrection of GOD's Saints 2028 ...............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................The Seventh Angel who Sounds the 7th and Last Trumpetfor the Second Coming of Jesus Christ appears3 times in Revelation in a 19-84 verse count alignment this way...Start Seventh Angel Seventh Angel Seventh AngelRevelation Revelation 10:7 ^^^^ Rev 11:15 ^^^^ Rev 16:17!.............171 vs...........!...........19 vs.......!...........84 vs..............!^^^^^ ^^^^^ ^^^^^^171 divided by 19 divided by 84 = = = .1071^^^^^^^^1 2 3 4 5 6 7 ^^^^^^^^
31102/Golden Ratio/Golden Ratio/Golden Ratio/Golden Ratio/Golden Ratio/Golden Ratio/Golden Ratio= 1071
31102 = total number of verses in the Bible. 7X153 =1071 ^Last vs of Book Matthew 28:20 is vs # 1071.And Matthew 28 is also chapter 957 of the Bible.The total of the two reveals the year 2028.Matthew and the New Testament begin with chapter 930 of the Bible.So beginning to end the Matthew reveals the prophetic date 9/30/2028."Lo, I will be with you alwayseven to The End of the Age."Matthew 28:20^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^And Revelation 10:7 has a 15326 gematria ct.^^^^^^^ ^^^ Seventh Angel sounds theOnly vs in Bible with # 153 in text is 7th and Last Trumpet hereJOHN 21:11 ^^^^^^^ ^^^ REVELATION 11:15!..........................153X26 vs to .............................!See our 153 revelations article > <.....................................................................................................................................................
Lets go back to the original prophetic timeline chart that started this article and see whatelse the LORD is prophetically revealing to us by using Bob's death as a Prophetic Sign.
in reverse For 47th President USAstandard gematria > 2368 = Robert Ware Prophetic Sign PresidentialInauguration day for sync date Robert Ware Inauguration day
> Jesus Christ =2368 A=1,B=2 etc > 151 = Jesus ChristDonald Trump ^^^^^^^ in Robert Ware article >>><<< died on Donald Trumpwas on 1/20/2017 ^^^^^^^ 7/16/2023 10/17/2024 1/20/ greek> !.................2368 Days..........!......... 15 mnths 1 day.........!..............95 days............!
^^^^^A=1,B=2 etc> 5X19 = 95>>>September Thirty Two Thousand Twenty Eight =519 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ HEBREWS 6:14 has a gematria ct of 7113 . ^^^^^^^^^^^^^HEBREWS 6:14 is 6914 vs # of New Testament and vs # 95 of HEBREWS.This is a number anagram 1946.HEBREWS 6:14 verse number 30059 of Bible.From 6/14 /1946 its 30059 days to >>>> 9/30/2028Donald Trump was born 6/14 /1946. ^^^^^^^^^^^^^A=1,B=2 etc > Trumpet = 113 . Revelation 11:157th Trumpet sounds here 9/30/2028.
Much Bible evidence reveals Donald Trump will be the 47th President USA,and his inauguration day will take place on on 1/20/2025.
And for the first time ever on that very same day 1/20/2025,the National Championship Game of College Football is going to beplayed in Mercedes Benz Stadium ATLANTA Georgia, exact same placeMercedes Benz Stadium ATLANTA Georgia, SUPERBOWL 62 in 2028 scheduled for.Lo and Behold...^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Stage 3 Fall of BabylonDonald Trump Prophecy encoded in!.........................exactly 1349 days to............................................!INAUGURATION DAY Bible for execution herefor the New President of USA END DATEwill be on Great Tribulation> 1/20/2025 < 9/30/2028^^^^^^ Last vs in Bible with 2028 gematria ct.PSALM 55:10 last vs in Bible with a 1349 gematria ct. Psalm 65:9 vs 930 of Psalms, its^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^ 1222 verses to PSALM 122:2.PSALM 55:10 >>>>>>>>>> exactly 1349 vs to >>>>>>>>>>>>> PSALM 122:2.^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ "He turned the (Red) Sea into dry land; < See Pearl Harbor article.^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ They went through the river on foot. < Start Date Great Tribulation^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ There we will rejoice in Him." < 4/19/2025 encoded here <PSALM 55:10 PSALM 66:6 <!.......................137 vs to..........! both synced to 9/30/2028 !!PSALM 55:10 >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 16092 Vs to >>>>> Revelation 8:7^^^^^^^ Vs # 16092 of Bible is PSALM 122:2 !! ^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^Revelation 8:7 is vs # 137 of Revelation. ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^"The First Angel Sounded: And hail and fire followed, mingled with blood,and they were thrown to the earth. And a third of the trees were burned up,and all green grass was burned up." Revelation 8:7 137 + 137 = 274in the Bible there are 13 Books Day of YR 274in2028with a 4:19><20:25 And 7 Books have a 9:30><20:28chapter/verse configuration, chapter/verse configuration,First Trumpet >>>>>><<<<< Last TrumpetStart Date End DateStart Book of Great Tribulation Great TribulationRevelation 109th day of year will be > 4/19/2025 9/30/2028!.....................109 vs...................! !....................1260 Days..............!Revelation 5:7 vs 89 Rev 6:13 Revelation 8:7 = = = = = = = = 9+30+20+28book of Revelation !........20 vs....!......28 vs....! >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 2028Jewish Year 5789 Begins >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Sept/2028..................................................................................................................................................................................................A=1,B=2 etc > Jesus Christ + Robert Ware + Donald Trump = 414^^^^^^The 7th and last time, and only time a verse in the New Testament ^^^^^^has a gematria ct of 2368 is MARK 4:14 !!!in greek gematria > Jesus Christ =2368 ^^^^^^^^^^^^in reverse standard gematria > Robert Ware=2368 ^^^^^^^^^^^^..............................................................................^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^..........................................................................Donald Trump Robert Warewas born on was born on6/14/1946 2/7/1948!.......exactly19mnths24 days.......! END DATEFrom Bob's above article quoting # 1924 in it, being Great Tribulationposted on 6/25/2023 >>>> its exactly 1924 days to >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>9/30/2028^^^^^^^^^^^^And 1924 = 962+962Jared 6th Patriarch died age 962 in Genesis 5:20.
Jared 6th Patriarch died age 962 in Genesis 5:20This prophetically >> ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ << And we're full circle back to where thereveals the Bible date >> 6/6/1924 << prophetic revelations of this article began.^^^^^^^^^^^MASTER PLAN of >> ^^^^^^^^^^^>>7000 yrs>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>!GOD from ADAM >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 6000 yrs >>>>>>!>>1000 yrs<<!^^^^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^ END DATE^^^^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^ Great Tribulation6/6/1924 ^^^^^^^ 9/30/2028!............7000 + 31102 Days to.............!7000 YEARS = Total MASTER PLAN of GOD.31102 Total verses in the Bible..........................................................................................................................................Lo and Behold...^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^Both these verses aretypology of the END TIME PSALMS book 19,48th chapterRapture/Resurrection of GOD's Saints syncs to year 1948 so count^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ each chapter fwd as a prophetic yr^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Noah's Ark is and PSALM 128 syncs toEnoch is lifted up/Raptured year 2028Raptured here High above the Earth here last vs of chapterGenesis 5:24 Genesis 7:17 PSALM 128:6!.............47 vs to......!.......15956 vs to........................!47 divide by 15956 = .00294562nd Corinthians Book # 47 of Bible, ^^^^^^^^^^^ Day ofits New Testament chapters ^^^^^^^^^^^ Atonement150 thru 162 added = 2028 Robert ^^^^^^^^^^^ END DATEWare ^^^^^^^^^^ Greatwas born on ^^^^^^^^^^^ Tribulation2/7/1948 ^^^^^^^^^^^ 9/30/2028!.......exactly 29456 days............!See you on the other side brother Bob ! !! Robert WareSTART DATE ! Died onGreat 2/7/1948 10/17/2024Tribulation !..inclusive ct 109 X 257 days..!4/19/2025 will be Day of year 109. 257th vs of Revelation isRevelation 15:8 where as documented aboveEND DATE Great Tribulation 9/30/2028 is synced........................................................................................................................................................GOD BLESS....comments welcome....Stephen