Fay (19 Nov 2023)
"Chance re Will there be an Islamic Mahdi"


Hi Chance, John and Doves,

Chance - your post linked below.

Will the Antichrist Be the Islamic Mahdi? (fivedoves.com)

These are interesting questions that are extremely relevant for any reasoning person to ask. Yet Daniel 11 tells us that the man of sin will not regard the god of his fathers or any other 'god'. Instead, he will declare himself to be a' god' and demand worship. Daniel 11 also tells us that the man of sin will not care about the needs (desires) of women. Perhaps this is telling us that he will be as gay as the day is long? Considering the current day cultural war against women, I fully believe this man is alive today. Not only alive, but kicking. And in a position of great power. This world is now so screwed up, it's obvious that this man is operating in real time. He (the AC) is simply using the Islamic Jihad and Israel to further his own ends. He does not hold any high regard for the Muslim people and hates the Jewish people with a passion. The AC wants worship for himself. He wants this earth as his own property. Think about when Jesus spent 40 days and nights in the desert and the devil came to tempt Him. That story tells us volumes about the power the devil currently holds over planet earth. It also tells us that we have a choice. Out of our God given freewill, the devil desires that we CHOOSE to worship him.

I fully believe that Natan's testimony is true. God tells us that He will do nothing without informing His servants, the prophets, first. As all Bible prophets were Jewish, I believe all present and future prophets will be Jewish. As in Natan. Everything Natan said is coming to pass. He said that America (Obama) will send over the whole US army to the Middle East. This is happening as we speak. This alone shows us how close we are!

The Glenn Beck video (linked below) ties in with what I suspect. Nothing is as it seems on the surface. Russia and the USA have been at war with each other since 2015. Fighting over oil interests in Syria. The USA politicians have tried to weaken Russia by fomenting war with them, using Ukraine as their proxy. Just as Iran uses their proxies - Hamas and Hezbollah. Sadly - Israel is obviously a reluctant proxy of the USA. I say 'reluctant' because it's clear that the Biden administration can't stand Netanyahu. Obama loathed Netanyahu. They have tried everything to get Netanyahu out of power in Israel. Bibi may not be perfect but he is obviously not dancing in complete sync to their tune. As much as anti Bibi protests were fomented - turning secular Israel against Orthodox Israel - nothing would budge Netanyahu off his throne of power. Hence - the Hamas attack.

I still wonder how this attack happened. Several hours went by before the IDF came to the rescue. I am torn between Netanyahu allowing it - OR (and this resonates best with me) Almighty God blinded the IDF so that the end times could begin. Because, let's face it, Israel's response would not have been as vicious as it is without the mindless atrocities that took place. This October 7th attack by Hamas signalled the end of tolerance and acceptance, by Israel, of an irritating neighbour. That irritating neighbour has proven to be a psychopathic mass murderer.

This doesn't detract from the fact that the USA is orchestrating everything. They always have. And I am quite sure that the secret societies from the old world (Europe, UK etc) are the founders of the USA. Old Europe became too overcrowded with secret societies battling against each other for power. The New World - America - became their juicy new battleground. Let's not kid ourselves - this battle of good v evil has been going on from the very beginning. I am now convinced that the USA is 'Mystery Babylon'. The USA politicians ride the Islamic beast. They use the beast. The beast hates Mystery Babylon - just as the Islamic Jihad beast hates America.

You will be fascinated by the Glenn Beck video below. Glenn articulates all the suspicions that I have. It pays for us to know our enemy. This begins by identifying just who our enemy actually is. Once we've done that - the way forward becomes clearer. We must pray for wisdom.

Glenn WAR GAMES: Are Israel, Ukraine, & China CONNECTED? (rumble.com)

May God Bless you, Chance. And all the Doves.