Jean Stepnoski (2 Nov 2012)
"The Eternal Covenant: The Blessing or The Curse"


Dear Doves,
   We read about the eternal covenant made between Adonai (Abba Father) and Avram (Abraham, the Father of many nations) in the Book of Genesis: Chapter 12: 1-4 and Chapter 17:7. Those, including nations, honoring the covenant are given blessing, from the stronger partner Adonai. Disobedience, meaning dishonoring it, brings curse to individuals or nations. What has befallen the U.S.A., since the division of Covenant Land in the Gaza and certain communities in the West Bank, since the division of the Covenant Land and expulsion of the Covenant People? Has it been a full 7 year story of returning blessing or curse since Summer of 2005? There are many ways to dishonor Avram, his descendants through Isaac, Adonai, the covenant land, the covenant land, and/or Jerusalem. When the covenant is dishonored, curse and disaster follow. What are some ways of dishonoring? Some include war (invading and attacking) the Covenant Land, murder, kidnapping, economic sanctions, embargo, denying humanitarian aid, computer hijacking, denial of necessary planes and weapon systems for self defense, dividing the land, expelling the people, giving the land to other than the descendents of Isaac, showing disrespect to the Prime Minister, serious discussion of more division of the covenant land, building up weaponry to attack Israel, fund raising to hurt Israel. This is a partial list.
   On one subject in Summer of 2012, the two major parties agreed in their party platforms. These Democratic and Republican Party Platform documents set forth ideas to be relied upon until Summer of 2016. According to each platform, it is stated that there should be a two state solution, with a State of Israel and a State of Palestine. What land would be divided in order to create a State of Palestine? It would be taken from Israel. The original land mass of the covenant was much expanded beyond the current Zionist State of Israel, about 200 miles long by 20 miles wide. Going back to area boundaries before the 1967 War, would mean Israel could not defend itself, especially from losing the stronghold of the Golan Heights.
   There are people who write about the friendship and respect of Mr. Romney for the Prime Minister of Israel, Mr. Netanyahu. Well and good. The idea of Mr. Romney is that a two State Solution should be pursued, with the decisions between those two peoples. This is the idea expressed basically in the Republican Party Platform. It implies that the United States would not be a mediator or power player in the process. No bully pulpit? Yet, the idea remains that the Covenant Land would be more divided and more of the descendants of Isaac expelled from their Covenant Land. This would mean more breaking and dishonoring of the Covenant?
   The writings of Joseph Smith in a core document of Mormonism, the Book of Mormon, expresses very different, actually antithetical views of the future which disagree with ideas set forth in The Scriptures. The Scriptures state that Jerusalem, the Messiah, the Covenant Land of Israel, and the Covenant People of Israel will be very important during the 1000 year reign of the Messiah. Joseph Smith saw the future very differently in terms of A LAND AND A PEOPLE. He believed in THE SPIRITUAL CENTERPIECE OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, NOT ISRAEL, and THE MORMONS AS THE PREMIER PEOPLE ON EARTH, not the House of Israel Covenant People or another. It is no surprise that Mr. Romney believes and expresses such boundless belief in the future of America, such vibrant and glowing tremendous optimism for its future! Why not, if he believes Joseph Smith is the prophet, and the Book of Mormon is a core document to lead him, his family, members of the Church of Jesus Christ of the Latter Day Saints, all other Americans, and the United States of America as premier leaders of the world! Do not deceive yourselves. Such a vision of the future, if he believes Joseph Smith in his writings in the Book of Mormon, BASICALLY FACTORS OUT ISRAEL AND REPLACES WITH THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. This REPLACEMENT THEOLOGY constitutes AN IMPORTANT DISTINCTION between those who believe and follow The Scriptures first or the Book of Mormon first. Respect is good, but guiding ideas of SPIRITUAL AND ECONOMIC PRIMACY must be scrutinized! Who is your redeemer, guide, and teacher? Is it Moses, The Messiah of Israel/Christ the Lord, or Joseph Smith? Is it the prophetic visionary, a man of fervor with his conjurer's hat and stones?
   For whatever reasons, the continuing division of the Covenant Land of Israel, the expulsion of the Covenant People or the division of Jerusalem cannot be blessed and will never be blessed by Adonai, the stronger partner in The Eternal Covenant. Forever shall be The Eternal Covenant: The Blessing or The Curse. Come quickly, Lord...
With Love and Shalom,