Harvey Troyer (1 March 2013)
"Eleven Days of March—Eleven Days of Adar—and the Real All-Seeing Eye[ ‘i’ ]—Now  Connected as we Enter into the Strange 2012-->2013 Cusp of Time--A MUST READ!"


March 1, 2013

Dear John Tng and all Faithful and Beloved Doves,


Subj: Eleven Days of March—Eleven Days of Adar—and the Real All-Seeing Eye[ ‘i’ ]—Now  Connected as we Enter into the Strange 2012-->2013 Cusp of Time--A MUST READ!

Please Click THIS URL LINK to read my Article posted in Five Doves February 28, 2013.


[As you read this post contemplate in your mind how you would calculate the odds that Harvey Troyer’s High School called Adair High School, in Adair, Oklahoma could have this other world amazing connection to ADAR (Ada ‘i’ r) the twelfth month of God’s Hebrew Calendar.  It’s the perfect picture of the Rapture; and, when you take that fact into consideration with what I posted on RFTH Titled: Let’s All be Winners of the Greatest Prize Ever—We can do this Thing—Read Dynamite Post Now, December 9, 2011, tell me how this could happen by accident?  Click on this URL LINK and read about the Miracle Long Shot at the Regional High School Basketball Tournament for Adair High School where ‘i’ , with the help of the Real all seeing eye, the Lord Almighty, won the game at the very last second in a sudden death overtime.  Up to age 15, I attended Middlebury School in Middlebury, Indiana; and, in my freshman (9th grade) High School year my father pulled me out of that School and moved me almost 1000 miles away to Adair, Oklahoma.  What are these odds?





ADAR 19 THROUGH ADAR 29THàSunset March 11, 2013

Monday, Monday


March 1 -----Adar 19  = Faith

March 2------Adar 20 = Redemption

March 3------Adar 21 = The Exceeding Sinfulness of Sin

March 4------Adar 22 = Light

March 5------Adar 23 = Death

March 6------Adar 24 = PRIESTHOOD

March 7------Adar 25 = Repentance; The forgiveness of Sins

March 8------Adar 26 = The Gospel of Jesus Christ

March 9------Adar 27 = Preaching  of the GospelàSaturday(Sabbath)

March 10-----Adar 28 = Eternal LifeàSunday

March 11-----Adar 29 = DepartureàMonday, Monday

March 12àNissan 1àTuesday

Adar 29th 5773 marks the end of God's Hebrew Lunar Calendar for 2012

Again, please read and memorize the following paragraph.

The Jewish Day—Jewish Calendar explained @ Chabad.org

Unlike the civil calendar in which one day becomes the next at the stroke of midnight, THE TRANSITION FROM ONE DAY TO THE NEXT IN THE JEWISH CALENDAR OCCURS SOMEWHERE BETWEEN SUNSET AND NIGHTFALL.

Therefore the Jewish date will always overlap with two days in the civil calendar, and the same is true of the reverse.

Link:  http://www.chabad.org/calendar/1000year.asp?tdate=3/1/2013


The Adar ‘Ada‘i’r Connection!

Ada‘i’r High School

A Warrior Wearing a Green and White Uniform and always Number 20 = Redemption

Why did Abba Choose a Green Uniform for ‘Har’ vey the Rabbi ‘t’ ?  Because his next assignment was to enter the OU College of Pharmacy to become a Pharmacist par Excellence; and, green is the official color for the ancient Art and Profession of Apothecaries (Pharmacists) from ancient times, who practiced the science of  Pharmacognosy, preparing standardized therapeutic substances (drugs) from the constituents of THE MAGNIFICENT BIOTANICAL and zoological creations of Abba.

Today in our bizarre Obama Care Matrix, it’s simply: “do you want to take the red pill or the blue pill”?  Ha Ha.

No! Thank You!


[Thurs Feb 28th=22ndSlamming of Noah’s Ark Door

Post Cheshvan 17th November 1, 2012à22=Light]

Also: March 7th=23rd Slamming of Noah’s Ark Door

Post Cheshvan 17th November 1, 2012à23=Death

17 x 7 = 119 daysàJuly 4, 2012 to Oct 31=119 Days

Halloween Oct 31st Satan’s Celebration of Death

July 4, 2012 to Nov 1st Cheshvan 17th=120 Noah’s Sign

Nov 1st(Cheshan 17), 2012 to March 11, 2013=130 Days

Gematria 130 is a direct hit on KEY VERSE Isaiah 51:23!!!  

Isaiah 51:23(KJV) But I will put it into the hand of them that afflict thee; which have said to thy soul, Bow down, that we may go over: and thou hast laid thy body as the ground, and as the street, to them that went over.

11=Judgment and Isaiah 51:17-23 is the Classic Purim Swith

So we have 23=Death twice signaling double destruction/ death and it is CERTAIN TO HAPPEN, i.e., 23 msg x 2

On Adar 28 it will be March 10, 2013

28 = Eternal Life and 10 is Law and Responibility;Testimony

March is named for Mars the War god

March 11th=2-Year anniversary of the Japan Mega EQ Tsunai

March 11th 2013 is Monday, MondayàJudgment

March 11, 2013 is also Adar 29 and 29 = Departure; at Sunset it will be March 12, 2013àNissan 1

12 = Perfect Government]

[29 = 9 + 20à 20 = Redemption [ ‘i’ ] for the Rabbi ‘t’

son from the Abba Rabbi 9 = Divine Completeness from the Father]

Again, March 12th(Adar 29th) ends Jewish Calendar Year 2012

March 13th 2012 = Nissan 1 starts JC Year 2013

At this now imminent final countdown of seconds on Abba’s clock, just as the “great hornàshofar” above me [ ‘i’ ] is about to blast ‘i’ will hear that voice again saying Harvey, come home now!  Suddenly ‘i’ will soar like that winning shot high into the air—like the Basketball in the Regional Tournament for Adar + ‘i’ = Ada‘i’r H.S.—and strait to my life-long GOAL without touching “the NET”.  ‘i’ won’t be “NETTED OUT”!  Isn’t the Lord MAGNIFICENT?

2013 = [20 + 13 = 33]à 33 = 11 + 11+ 11

March 11, 2013[Monday, Monday] is tied to

March 12, 2013 from sunset Adar 28th Sunday (Jesus’ Day)

to sunset March 12 = Perfect Government.

Monday = Day “2”, Monday = Day “2”

Connecting the two for the same day can be 22

22 = 11 + 11 + 11 for March 11, [2013 = 11+ 11 +11]

So the day with the overflow of 11’s  is exactly to-the-day a two week warning from Adar 15th Shushan Purim, which ties at sunset to My Feb 26th, 2011 Miracle Motorcycle Accident!

Isn’t that just too cool!

  Folks, it is strategically absurd to throw in the towel on Harvey Troyer’s find in Ezekiel 32:1 and 17.  Have you read my FD posts, especially the one on Feb 23, 2013?

17 In the twelfth year, on the fifteenth day of the month, the word of the Lord came to me: 18 “Son of man, wail for the hordes of Egypt and CONSIGN TO THE EARTH BELOW both her and the daughters of mighty nations, with those who go down to the pit.


It is becoming abundantly obvious that the Hebrew Bondservant Contract Prophecy Riddles revealed 2 Key Sentinel Event Dates [January 18th, 2013 and February 16th, 2013].  These dates which perfectly triangulate, to multiple other key Seminal dates, stand as extremely bright giant revolving Beacon Lights at the very entrance or cusp of the exit time corridor, which now points wise virgins to a clear final countdown to the very Near Rapture and Sudden Destruction IMHO. The HBSC Prophecy Riddles are at the very CORE of Father God’s Plan to forge out, and into existence the Greatest of Nation and the very Head of all Nations—the Hebrew Nation world-wide.  This HBSC Prophecy Riddle is the very Foundational Structure overall—beginning to end—upon which He stretched out on fabric and designed the beautifully woven, intricate tapestry, which we today know as the Israeli Nation!  Although the Lord has seen fit to reveal this secret to me; and, to share it with you here on John Tng’s Five Doves Forum on the very eve of our [the Ecclesia’s] departure, my heart breaks for Synagoga who represents the still blinded Hebrews as Paul so masterfully taught in Romans Chapter 11.


Please pray mightily for the protection of God’s People (Israel) by God Yahweh and His Son Yeshuah HaMashiach, who is King of the Jews. May Michael the great Prince of Israel and all his mighty warriors now stand up to protect the Holy People of Israel from all of their Luciferian enemies! Amen and Amen!

Maranatha! (Come Quickly Lord Jesus!)

Harvey Troyer (YBIC)
Emmaus Road Ministries