Steve W (6 Jun 2021)
"!!! 4/3/2012 Stan Deyo Dream + Rosh Hashanah 9/6/2021 sync to 2nd Coming of Jesus 2028 !!!"

        Hello Five Doves, 
                     Last week 5/31/2021 Five Doves posted these two articles from us >
                                     !!! FAY > Rosh Hashanah Chart 9/6/2021 syncs to 2nd Coming of Jesus 2028 !!!
                       !!! (947 X PI) - 947 + Carlos Mwangi RAPTURE testimony syncs to 2nd Coming of Jesus 2028 !!!

           The first one focuses on the date 9/6/2021 where Rosh Hashanah begins at SUNSET on Jewish Calendar.
              The Second article focuses on 9/30/2028 , DAY OF ATONEMENT with SUNSET 6:24 pm JERUSALEM time
            on that date, where all the evidence we are  examining is amassing for Second Coming of Jesus Christ !!!!!!
                                                                                              Prophetic sync with EPHESIANS 6:24  in the Bible.

        On SATURDAY 5/30/2021 immediately after I sent the above articles to Five Doves to be posted, I was led to do an internet 
 search for potential prophetic dreams and testimonies and I immediately came upon this Stan Deyo dream/vision from 4/3/2012.
                                   > <

            LO and BEHOLD here are the prophetic revelations we have discovered about Stan Deyo's dream/vision.

 Remarkable sync here in the timeline with our
 Carlos Mwangi (947 X PI) - 947  article
        and sync to JOHN 4:43 in article       Jewish Yr 5781/5782                                 DAY OF ATONEMENT
                                        ^^^                       In ISRAEL                             astonishing amount of
           STAN DEYO         ^^^                 New Yr Begins                         evidence amassing here 
           dream/vision           ^^^                   at SUNSET                             for Second Coming of 
              testimony              ^^^               Rosh Hashanah                                Jesus Christ
              4/3/2012                 ^^^                  9/6/2021                                        9/30/2028
                     !......................3443 days..............!....................2581 days...................!
                     !                           ^^^^                                      ^^^^                               !
                     !                             3443    =     862     +    2581                                  !
                     !                                                  ^ ^ ^                                                     !
               4/3/2012                                           ^ ^ ^                                            9/30/2028
                     !................................................6024 days.............................................!
                     Notice the perfect sync here of 6:24 pm exact time of SUNSET on 9/30/2028  in JERUSALEM documented 
                   in the Carlos Mwangi (947 X PI) - 947  article sent to Five Doves just before I discovered Stan Deyo's dream !!!WOW!!!
                                                                        ^ ^ ^
                                   Notice also the number 862 here syncs to DANIEL 12 of the Bible all about END TIME PROPHECY !!!
 And HEBREWS 6 and 7 chapters are the only place in the New Testament where there is a verse 
       sequence of 20,28 then its exactly >>> 862 verses to REVELATION 15:8 which syncs to 9/30/2028 in the
                                                                            following way A=1,B=2 etc > 158  = DAY OF ATONEMENT.
                                              In the Book of Revelation verse REVELATION 15:8 being the last verse of that chapter is the only chapter of Bible
       we are aware of where all the verses of that chapter add up to exactly 2028 !!!!!!! 
                         Of the Book of Revelation starting with REVELATION 15:1   ^^^^
                      these verse #'s are 250+251+252+253+254+255+256+257=2028 
                                          Last place phrase seen                            9/30/2028
                 A=1,B=2 etc >  DAY OF ATONEMENT 158                   synced here
Start of the                              in text of verse                         DAY OF ATONEMENT 158 
    Bible                                    Leviticus 25:9                                    Revelation 15:8
        !...................3479 vs to..............!..................27476 verses to..............!
                                ^^^^                                     ^^^^^
                                   3479     divided    by    27476  =    .12661959 !!!!!!
                                                                       ^^^                ^^    ^^   ^^^^
                                                      My Birth date STEVE W is 6/19/1959 !!!!!!
                                                                    ^^^                ^  ^ ^^       ^^^^
                                                                   ^^^    Notice 1+2+66+1959 = 2028
                                                         The 274th day of year is >>>>>  9/30/2028 only because it is a rare leap day yr

                                                                                 HEBREWS 7:28>   !..............862 vs to.................! < REVELATION 15:8
                                                                                                      20,28 vs sync                       9/30/2028 syncs here
Start of Bible                                 DANIEL 12                               HEBREWS 7                        REVELATION 15
          !...................862 chapters..........!...............278 chapters...........!...............42 chapters............!
                                          Notice DANIEL 12 is clearly a chapter about END TIME Prophecy !
                             And in the Book of DANIEL the 278th vs is DANIEL 9:27 which has the famous 
                                  ONE WEEK of Seven Years which is also clearly about END TIME Prophecy !!
                                                                                   And Revelation 13:6 has the 42 months or 1260 day prophetic countdown
              which we believe will run from April 2025 to the 2nd Coming of Jesus Christ Sept 2028 !!!

              Stan Deyo even talks about DANIEL's 70th week of Seven Years from DANIEL 9:27 in his testimony.
                                And here we are in the year 2021 with  Seven Years to go to 2028 , and we have recently documented SIGNS
   in our articles, that give us confidence we will see major prophetic developments with the DANIEL prophecy later this yr 2021 !!

      The details of Stan Deyo's dream/vision are quite remarkable. For example at one point he see's the HEBREW
     phrase  "Erev Shabbat" (means the Eve of Sabbath)...And the date  9/30/2028 is a Saturday SabbathHoliest day of
                   the Jewish Year, and the Eve of that Sabbath day comes at exactly 6:24 pm time SUNSET which as we
             saw above perfectly syncs with Stan Deyo's dream/vision 4/3/2012 then 6024 days to 9/30/2028 !!!!!!

                                              Another fascinating point of Stan Deyo's dream vision is this quote >
"Then I saw the year 1967 to my left in the air with the number 45 after that. I realized this meant 2012 (adding 1967 and 45 )."
               We submit there's a deeper prophetic revelation in what Stan was seeing here, which goes as follows.....
                                                                        DONALD TRUMP was 45th President of the USA !!
    DONALD TRUMP born 6/14/1946, turned in the year 1967 from age 20 to 21 on 6/14/1967 !!!!!!!
                                Notice how this date/time prophetically forms the year 2021 !! And notice it was on
                                             exactly 6/7/1967 when ISRAEL captured JERUSALEM for the first time since the 1st century. A clear 
             prophetic event !! And from 6/7/1967  its exactly ONE WEEK of Seven Days to 6/14/1967 !!!!!!! Now synchronize the
                DANIEL 9:27 prophecy here and from 2021 its ONE WEEK of Seven Years to 2028 !!!!!!!
                                And remember it was  DONALD TRUMP 45th President of the USA who brought ISRAEL and ARAB partners
  together, to the WHITE HOUSE,  to sign the ABRAHAM ACCORDS on 9/15/2020. And the general consensus of prophecy 
 watchers is the ABRAHAM ACCORDS was a stepping stone event that will lead to the initiation of the DANIEL 9:27 prophecy
"ONE WEEK of Seven Years". We believe there is growing evidence it could happen in the 2nd half of 2021 !!
    Stay tuned we're going to be presenting a future Five Doves article revealing where DONALD TRUMP's birth date 6/14/1946 is
perfectly encoded in the Bible !! We'll give you a heads up clue, the location is in the evidence that's already been given in this article !!
LO and BEHOLD...                                                                      DONALD TRUMP
                                    DONALD TRUMP                               turned from age 20 to 21
                                      born 6/14/1946                                         on 6/14/1967
                                                      !........................7670 days..................!   DONALD TRUMP sworn in as
                                                    !                        ^    ^    ^^                                45th President of the USA !!
                                           6/14/1946                ^        ^        ^^                                         1/20/2017
                                                  !....its exactly 7 months 6 days 70 years to...........................!
            Notice this chart is revealing DONALD TRUMP's first full day as President being 1/21/2017 means his
       age was exactly 7 months 7 days 70 years which is also exactly 25789 days !!!!
                              ^         Notice this timeline reveals the Jewish Year 5789 which begins 9/20/2028 where all the evidence is amassing
               for the 7th millennium to begin on GOD's calendar in yr 5789 DAY OF ATONEMENT 9/30/2028 with 2nd Coming of JESUS !!!!
      In addition DANIEL's 7 year END TIME prophecy will be ending  5789 yr of 2028 which is also
                    known as  DANIEL's 70th prophetic week !! Obviously for that to happen it means DANIEL's END TIME prophecy of 
ONE WEEK of 7 years is going to have to start sometime later this year in 2021 !! So all eyes on events in ISRAEL for later this Yr 
as we expect some real word event will trigger the initiation of DANIEL's Prophecy  !!

All of this appears to also be strongly suggesting that GOD still has plans for DONALD TRUMP to play a significant role
                                                                                in END TIME prophecy from 2021 to 2028 !!!!

ALERT to all Doves > MIKE LINDELL has released this video >

               This video shows 100% Proof that CHINA and others Cyber Hacked the Dominion Voter machines on 11/3/2020.
         The White Hats caught them in real time on 11/3/2020 doing the STEAL for BIDEN so its irrefutable proof !!!
         This evidence will go the Supreme Court showing DONALD TRUMP the rightful winner of the 2020 Election.
         We need to get this video to all the Doves and everyone you know. 
God Bless
Steve W
comments welcome >

more articles >>
!!(947 x Pi) - 947 + Bob Ware/Steve W Personal Revelations sync to 2nd Coming of Jesus 2028 !!!

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!!! TABERNACLE reveals Jesus Crucifixion 4/28+2nd Coming 2028  !!!

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