Wade Balzer (20 Jan 2011)
"[Revelation2217] Sea-Dragon caught in 1749"


I came across this today in Webster’s 1828 Dictionary:

SE'A-DRAGON, n. [sea and dragon.] A marine monster caught in England in 1749, resembling in some degree an alligator, but having two large fins which served for swimming or flying, It had two legs terminating in hoofs, like those of an ass. Its body was covered with impenetrable scales, and it had five rows of teeth.


So I thought, if Webster knew about it, then perhaps it could be found written elsewhere.


Here is the text from the


1823 Edition of Encyclopedia Britannica Dictionary of Arts, Sciences, and Miscellaneous Literature page 68 of Volume XIX.

Sea-Dragon, a monster of a very singular nature. In the Gentleman's Magazine for the year 1749, we have the account of a sea-dragon which was said to be taken between Orford and Southwould, on the coast of Suffolk, and afterwards carried round the country as a curiosty by the fishermen who caught it.

"Its head and tail (says the writer) resemble those of an alligator; it has two large fins, which serve it both to swim and to fly; and though they were so dried that I could not extend them, yet they appear, by the folds, to be shaped like those which painters have given to dragons and other winged monsters that serve as supporters to coats' of arms. Its body is covered with impenetrable scales; its legs have two joints, and its feet are hoofed like those of an ass: it has live rows of very white and sharp teeth in each jaw, and is in length about four feet, though it was longer when alive, it having shrunk. as it became dry.

"It was caught in a net with mackerel ; and being dragged on shore, was knocked down with a stretcher or boat-hook. The net being opened, it suddenly sprung up, and flew above 50 yards: the man who first seized it had several of his fingers bitten off; and the wound mortifying, he died. It afterwards fastened on the man's arm who shows it, and lacerated it so much, that the muscles are shrunk, and the hand and fingers distorted; the wound is not yet healed, and is thought to be incurable. It is said by some to have been described by naturalists under the name of the Sea-dragon. We must add to the account now given of the monster called a sea-dragon, that we think it extremely probable that the animal was nothing more than a distorted or overgrown individual of some of the well known species of fish.


Too bad they didn’t have cameras back then.   Sounds like Job’s description of leviathan.


Job 41:1

Canst thou draw outH4900 leviathanH3882 with an hook?H2443 or his tongueH3956 with a cordH2256 [which] thou lettest down?H8257


Job 41:15

[His] scalesH650 H4043 [are his] pride,H1346 shut up togetherH5462 [as with] a closeH6862 seal.H2368

Job 41:16

OneH259 is so nearH5066 to another,H259 that no airH7307 can comeH935 between them.


Thought it was interesting that the feet were hooved like the feet of an ass.   Must have been an ugly creature.



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Wade Balzer
