Chance (12 Feb 2023)
"Add This To The CCP Spy Balloon - Green Laser Lights Over Hawaii"

Hello John and Doves,
The spy balloon and the "green laser lights" over Hawaii - may be related.  They both seem to have CCP connections.  And that doesn't bode well for the U.S.
Interesting timing on these:
"The Chinese balloon was first detected approaching Alaska on Jan. 28....."
Chinese surveillance balloon was at least 5th spotted over the U.S. in past 6 years, U.S. officials say
"On Jan 28, bizarre green lights were on full display in the skies of Hawaii.  Initially, the experts at the National Astronomical Observatory of Japan...announced on Twitter that the source was a radar device of an orbiting satellite known as ICESat-@, which is owned by NASA....However, on Feb 6, a new report came from NAOJ after they updated the footage of the laser beam.  They apologized and said that based on the trajectory, the source of the laser beam was unlikely NASA.  Dr. Martino, Anthony J, a NASA scientist working on ICESat-2 ATLAS, told NAOJ that the source was not their instrument."

Hawaii Green Laser Beam Not From NASA's ICESat-2 ATLAS But China's Daqi-1's ACDL | Science Times

So this wasn't from a NASA satellite.  So what is the source of these lasers?
"A potential source" for the green laser is a Chinese Daqi-1/AEMS satellite.  Supposedly this is an atmospheric satellite.  But what was it doing above Hawaii??  Doesn't the CCP have enough 'atmosphere' over China?
run time 00:35
The Daqi Chinese satellite is an "atmospheric environment monitoring satellite".  "That means it's in orbit around Earth in order to monitor global carbon levels, as well as atmospheric pollution."
These laser beams are sent towards Earth and then bounce back with "information on the composition of the atmosphere and ground below."
Ominous Green Lasers Shot Over Hawaii Didn't Come From NASA Satellite After All : ScienceAlert
Why in the world would China care about "global carbon levels"?  "China emits more greenhouse gas than the entire developed world combined, a new report has claimed." 
Report: China emissions exceed all developed nations combined - BBC News
China cares nothing about carbon in the atmosphere:  China has the biggest carbon footprint in the world!
Everyone should be suspicious of any CCP "project" to measure "global carbon levels" or "atmospheric pollution"...especially over the U.S. or any other American ally!  They should be measuring it over their own country!  But they aren't even trying to reduce their carbon emissions - so why invest money in measuring carbon levels??
Back to the lasers - They aren't really sure of the "source" - and why over Hawaii??
"NASA believes the bright green lasers were likely from a Chinese satellite."
Wall of Green Lasers Blankets Sky in Hawai'i, Likely From Chinese Satellite
So to think these lasers are being used to detect pollution - from an "atmospheric" research satellite from China/CCP is at the least grossly naive, or at the most, deception at the highest levels - ignoring this could be aiding China in an invasion of the U.S. 
These laser lights and the spy balloon could be the final touches on the CCP attack plans for Hawaii and the continental U.S... Our DoD allowed China to collect data/information/pictures across most of the U.S. and our military bases/silos.  Was this for mapping routes for hypersonic missiles - giving them exact paths/coordinates?  And not a peep from the DoD about these green laser beams over Hawaii.  Was this for 3-D mapping of the beaches of Hawaii for a land invasion?
Coincidence that these green laser lights show up above Hawaii on the same day that balloon makes it to Alaska?  
We don't even know if the laser beams came from a satellite - they could have come from aircraft.  Laser pulses are "directed at the Earth's surface from an instrument attached to an aircraft.  The time it takes for the pulses to bounce back is measured, allowing researchers to work out the distance to the object or surface they strike.  Combined with location data, the approach allows scientists to build 3D maps of an area."
'Ultimate gift to future generations': plan to laser map all land on Earth | Science | The Guardian
Those green lasers could have been mapping the land of Hawaii for a sea to land invasion.  3-D laser scanning can be used to make detailed maps of all the land on Earth.  Or these lasers could have been for a myriad of other reasons - all high-tech, need to know basis only.
Looks like I'm not the only one questioning these green lasers over Hawaii.  The DailyBeast article states, "Maybe it might be smart if they (China) gave a heads up before they, you know, shoot Matrix-style lasers to U.S. states." 
Chinese Satellite Likely Shot Green Laser Wall Over Hawaii
Not a peep from the DoD about these laser lights.  That's not a good sign.  Just like the CCP spy balloon - the  only reason we know about that balloon is civilians and news media sighted it and reported their findings.  That sure threw the DoD and Biden et al for a loop!!
The public trust in the DoD was profoundly altered, for the worse, after this spy balloon fiasco.  And add this to the DoD being behind the development, manufacture and distribution of Covid-19 "vaccine" (Warp Speed).  The department of defense should never be involved in civilian vaccinations.  Never.
Maybe my tinfoil hat is on too tight, but my gut says otherwise....
Something is very, very wrong.
Pray for the peace of Jerusalem!