DP (21 Feb 2014)

This study goes with my study on the day of the crucifixion of Jesus.
I should have made more clear why I reached the conclusions I did.
That reason is because of the significance of the Date of Nisan 17.
When going by typology, Nisan 17, in my estimation 'had to be' the Day of the Resurrection. We Know that Nisan 14 was the day of the Crucifixion. We also know that Sunday was the day of the Resurrection.
So if Sunday was Nisan 17, then Thursday becomes Nisan 14. That makes Nisan 15 a Friday and the High Day Sabbath, also known as the first Day of Unleavened Bread.
My study ''hinges'' admittedly on Nisan 17 being the day of the Resurrection, but I think the Typology is so strong that it is virtually certain.
Here are some of the historical events that happened on Nisan 17, that I know of. There may be others. ALL of these events on Nisan 17 seem to be representative of the theme of Deliverance and Rest.....and 'Entering' a New Environment.
 Isn't that what the Resurrection pictures?! The New Creation took place on Nisan 17 when Jesus breathed ''into'' the Disciples/ see Greek which is the word used in 'secular' Greek which means to blow 'into' a trumpet!/
Jesus did not blow 'on' the Disciples.........He Blew INTO them and when He did........they received the Holy Spirit!
(Yes, on Pentecost the Baptism of the Holy Spirit came. But, the New Creation started on the day of the Resurrection!)
This event of Jesus blowing 'into' the Disciples late Sunday afternoon in John 20 is just like the First creation of Adam.....where Jesus breathed 'into' Adam and he became a living soul. Well, in John 20, Jesus again breathed into man and man received the Holy Spirit and became a NEW Creation!
1) Noah's Ark RESTED on Mt. Aarat on Nisan 17. The ''old'' world was left behind and Noah and his Family entered a 'new world'.
2) In Leviticus 23 God ordained the day after the weekly  sabbath during the days of Unleavened Bread as the Feast of Firstfruits. The HARVEST could Not start until the offering of the Feast of Firstfruits was offered and accepted by the Father. Jesus, resurrected, was that offering.
3) In Joshua chapter 5 it appears that Israel kept the Passover, the text says on the 14th day of Nisan, ate the old grain left behind the next day which would be the 15th of Nisan. The Manna ceased on the next day which was Nisan 16 and .........then.....they ate of the NEW fruit of the land after that. This of course means they were legally able to eat of the Firstfruits of the Land starting on the Day of Firstfruits which would have been starting on Nisan 17!
The manna had stopped on the 16th.
4) Haman was hung on his own Gallows on Nisan 17!
Now ''get this''! I learned somewhere, (but cannot remember where), that after WWII at the Nuremburg War Crimes Trials of Nazi leaders, that several of them, I think it was 7 Nazis were HUNG on Nisan 17.......the same date that Haman was hung! Mercy, isn't that amazing! That would have been in 1945 I believe. It could have been in 1946.
And in the OT, the 7 sons of Saul were Also HUNG, the text says , ''at the beginning of the harvest cycle''........this means they were hung on Nisan 17!
Nisan 17 certainly pictures Deliverance, especially for the Jewish nation. The number 17 itself means Deliverance and Victory. Song of Solomon has 117 verses in it and is the 17th book of the OT cannon according to the original sequence of books. Song of Solomon is read by the Jews during Passover!
Is this starting to paint a picture for us? These Old Testament and historical examples are God's ''Big Red Book'' to teach us His Plan......for future events.
In several examples/above/ those who wanted to exterminate the Jews were ''dealt with'' by being hung on gallows....on Nisan 17.
This makes me speculate about the 'nut cases' in Iran who have publicly stated they want to eliminate the Jewish nation.
Look what happened to the Nazi leaders who wanted this same thing, and look what happened to Haman who also issued an edict to exterminate the Jewish nation!
5) Then a careful study of Exodus and Numbers ch 33 shows that Moses and Israel Crossed the Red SEA on the early morning hours of Nisan 17!!
When they crossed that Red Sea they for SURE entered a new environment and Pharoah who would have killed all of them was himself killed.
Of all events in history, there is none more Awesome and none more Powerful than when Jesus was Raised from the Dead and humanity is Delivered/ potentially/ from the Devil and Death and Bondage to corruption.
Now you see why Nisan 17 is very likely the date of that Sunday when Jesus was raised from the dead. In Ephesians it says that it was the greatest display of the Power of God ever released............the resurrection of Jesus! The enemies of all mankind, death and hades, are now in His hand.
With the Tetrads starting this year and considering the date of Nisan 17 as THE HISTORICAL DATE OF DELIVERANCE  for Israel, it certainly is a ''watch'' date for us.
In all the above examples the folks who hated Israel ''got their's''/death by hanging/ on Nisan 17.
Watch that date! It may not be this year, but surely time is starting to run out, and if I were a betting man, I would place my chips on the square of Nisan 17 for the destruction of Israel's enemies.
One other observation. In each of the above cases, it looked like Israel/ the Jews/ were doomed to destruction UNTIL something miraculous happened on Nisan 17. It may well repeat itself, with Israel again being in a 'hard' place...........before The Deliverer ''comes out of Zion''............on a Nisan 17!