Lynnette (20 Dec 2012)
"Charles &  Charity's vision 5.6. 7 Jesus"


Dear Doves ,

Many things in Charles' post yesterday!!!  

What if we consider  the "5,6,7 Jesus " in Charity's vision again.  We are  in the Jewish month of Tevet !!  
Tuesday Dec 18th is Tevet 5,
Wednesday Dec 19 is Tevet 6,
Thursday Dec 20 is Tevet 7 ,  and   JESUS!!! slam could be 
 before Tevet 8, the Winter Solice occurring Dec 21   11:11 pm UTC /GMT

Charles words and "   Be Home for Christmas " are still with me  from this original note on Dec 6 !

I'm more excited than ever  , Lynnette