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This article documents remarkable rhyming historical parallels between the Donald Trump andRonald Reagan attempted assassinations, and the 1924 and 2024 Paris Olympics. The numbersand timelines involved with these events reveal mindboggling detail in pointing us multiple confirming waysto the coming Great Tribulation > 4/19/2025 > 1260 Days to > 9/30/2028.Eric Liddell competing in the 1924 Paris Olympics wearing #451 jersey.So the way all the above events in history prophetically synchronize together is as follows...
The famous movie "Chariots of Fire"featuring Eric Liddell and Harold Abrahamsat the 1924 PARIS Olympics was released on <<<<<<<<<<prophetic parallels<<<<<<<<3/30/1981. Attempted Opening CeremonyOn the exact same day the assassination of of the PARISAttempted assassination of Donald 33rd OlympicRonald Reagan took place. Trump on Games on3/30/1981. 7/13/2024 7/26/2024!..exactly 13 days and 519 months to....!.....13 days..............!^^^^ ^^^^^ >A=1,B=2 etc> ^^^^^^^^^^^^In the Bible exactly 13 > 519 = September Thirty + ^^^^^^^^^^^^books have a 4:19><20:25, Two Thousand Twenty Eight ^^^^^^^^^^^^Chapter verse configuration in them. ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^^^^Start Date End Date ^^^^^^^^^^^^Great Tribulation Great Tribulation ^^^^^^^^^^^^4/19/2025 9/30/2028. ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ !.......................1260 Days to.............! ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^Number 419 jersey was worn by Harold Abrahams at the 1924 Paris Olympics.^^^^^Number 451 jersey was worn by Eric Liddell at the 1924 Paris Olympics.^^^^^451 = = = = = = = 41 x 11^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^^^A=1,B=2 etc > 451 = April Nineteen ^^^^^^^^^^^ End DateTwo Thousand Twenty Five ^^^^^^^^^^^ Great Tribulation4/19/2025 ^^^^^^^^^^^ 9/30/2028.!..................exactly 41 months 11 days................!!......................same as 1260 days......................!.................................................................................................................................................Its in the Trillions to one odds these prophetic parallels of Assassination Attempts+Paris Olympics+ all the numbers involved could so perfectly sync to these prophetic datesof the coming Great Tribulation > 4/19/2025 > 1260 Days to > 9/30/2028 !!..................................................................................................................................................In addition Paris has held the Summer Olympic games now three times inyears 1900 + 1924 + 2024 = 5848^^^^^^68x86= 5848^^^^^ 274th day of yearThere are 13 Books of Bible with a 4:19><20:25 chapter vs combo. > is 9/30 in 2028!!Total vs ct between those pts for all 13 books is 6886 vs's !! ^^^^ 6x338=20286886 - 274 - 274=6338The Divine Prophetic layout of the ^^^^Bible reveals the following... ^^^^End of OLD TESTAMENT ^^^^End of Book of End of Book of ^^^^JOEL MALACHI ^^^^!!!! End of !!!! End of ^^^^Start of !!! Book of !!! Book of ^^^^ THE ENDBible !! ZEPHANIAH !! Matthew ^^^^ of Bible!.....879....!.....30......!......20.....!.....28......!.........6886 verses to...........!^^^^ ^^^ ^^^ ^^^^ ^^^^^^^These are chapter counts of the Bible. 6886 is the total number of verses from87=9 + 30 + 20 + 28 4:19> to <20:25 in the 13 Bible Books thatreveals the prophetic date have this chapter verse combo configuration.9/30/2028 Start Date 4/19/2025 Great Tribulation!.................1260 Days............!See more details in our EZEKIEL 48 article >
See more details in our Golden Ratio X 7 article !!! Golden Ratio X "7"+Fibonacci Sequence reveals JESUS 2nd Coming 2028 !!!
In addition there are very ominous prophetic syncs with Donald Trumpchoosing J. D. Vance his Vice Presidential pick on 7/15/2024 8/2/2024^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ !.....18 days.......................!J. D. Vance See below > REVELATION 18 Middle of the 33rdwas born on is where Stage 3 Fall of Babylon Olympic Games Paris8/2/1984 Prophecy is synced in Bible. 8/2/2024!......................................exactly 40 years.......................................!As seen above Ronald Reagan was 40th President of USA . !^^^^ !In the Bible GOD had ISRAEL wander 40 years !in the wilderness as a typology of the coming !Great Tribulation of 1260 Days. See our ^^^^ "Lo, I am with you always,"Forty Years" article for more details. ^^^^ even to the End of the Age". ^^^^ Matthew 28:20> 8/2/1984 < In addition 40th book of Bible is Matthew !J.D.'s birth Date was right in the middle of the >< Matthew begins chapter 930 of Bible.Los Angeles 1984 Olympic Games where >< Ends chapter 957+vs#1071=2028the USA set the record that still stands today >< beginning to end reveals 9/30/2028.with 83 Gold 61 Silver medals. >< This is the date Stage 3 Fall of BabylonSee Dumitru Dudeman article for more revelations >< Prophecy is synced in Bible toabout this > <<<<<<< for execution 9/30/2028.Stage 1 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^Fall of Babylon ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Prophetic marker dateProphecy ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ J. D. VanceTwin II Towers ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ turned exactly age 40Destroyed ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ on this date9/11/2001 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ 8/2/2024!.......................................................8361 Days................................!^^^^^^^^^^^^ ^^^^ ^^^^<<<<prophetic parallel with Bible. ^^^^^^^^^^Stage 1 ^^^^ Stage 2 ^^^^ Stage 3>>>> ^^^^^^^ <<<<< ^^^^^^^^^"they had as king over them ^^^^ Babylon ^^^^ Babylonthe Angel of the ^^^^ is Fallen ^^^^ is Fallenbottomless pit, ABADDON, ^^^^ is Fallen ^^^^ is Fallen(which means Destroyer ) ^^^^ in text of vs ^^^^ in text of vsRevelation 9:11 ^^^^ Revelation 14:8 ^^^^ Revelation 18:2!.......................83 vs to.........!..................61 vs to...............!
9/11/2001 ^^^^ 3/6/2009 ^^^^ 9/30/2028Twin II Towers ^^^^<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< ^^^^Destroyed ^^^^^^^^...................................................................................................^^^^^^^^.................On 9/11/2001 the official death >< Prophetic Phrase >< 8361 is thecount for the day stands at 2996 !! >< seen first time in Bible >< gematria ct of this vs.^^^^^^^ >< Babylon is >< First of 3 times seen^^^^^^^ >< Fallen is Fallen >< in Bible hereFrom PSALM 73:28. ^^^^^^^ ISAIAH 21:9 JEREMIAH 44:7!....................its 2996 vs to..............!..............1973 vs to........................!^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ 1973 is the 298th Prime # synchronizing^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ verse # 298 book of Revelation 18:2^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Babylon is Fallen is FallenPSALMS Book 19 of Bible. ^^^ 9/30/2028 syncs to this vs ^^^chapters 72, 73 vs sequence 20,28Notice 1973+28 = = = = 2001PSALM 73:28 is vs 1109 of Psalms.Notice how the date 9/11/2001 is revealed here.
^^^^^^ ^^^^^ 186 = 11 + 175^^^^^^ ^^^^^ Flights 11 and 175 Crashed into the Twin II Towers.^^^^^^ 110 Stories was the height of both Twin II Towers.^^^^^^ ^^^4/4/1973 theTwin II Towers officially opened andwere Destroyed 9/11/2001 FulfillingStage 1 of the Fall of Babylon Prophecy. place in bibleStart book of vs has a 8361 gematria ct.Matthew Matthew 7:20 Matthew 15:1!..............192 vs to............!.....................298 vs to.................!^^^^^ prophetic parallel > 298th vs in book is Revelation 18:2^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^^ where Babylon is Fallen is Fallen seen.^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^^ ^^^ 9/30/2028 syncs to this vs ^^^A=1,B=2 etc > 192 = Great Tribulation ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^^^Vs # 23337 of Bible is Matthew 7:20 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^^^233X37 = 8621 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^^^.........................................................................................................................................Stage 1 ^^^^^^^ Stage 3Fall of Babylon ^^^^^^^ Fall of BabylonTwin II Towers ^^^^^^^ Start Date End DateDestroyed ^^^^^^^ Great Tribulation Great Tribulation9/11/2001 ^^^^^^^ 4/19/2025 9/30/2028!..................exactly 8621 Days............!.............. 1260Days..........!Lo and Behold... Now running fornext President USA28th President USA Vice President of USAWoodrow Kamala Start DateWilson Harris GreatDied on was born on Tribulation2/3/1924 10/20/1964 4/19/2025!....exactly 40 years 260 days...........!...............22096 days........!^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ! prophetic !^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ! parallel Vice Presidential running mate^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Woodrow ^^^^^^^^ ! of Donald Trump^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Wilson ^^^^^^^^ J.D. Vance^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ was born on ^^^^^^^^ was born on^^^prophetic^^^ 2/3/1924 ^^^^^^^^ 8/2/1984^^^ parallel ^^^ !................22096 days.........!^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Start DateJ.D. Vance ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Greatwas born on ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Tribulation
8/2/1984 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ 4/19/2025!.......exactly 40 years 260 days..........! Properties of the number 260The New Testament has 260 chapters.And in math # 260 the sum of all its divisors equals 588A=1,B=2 etc > Jesus Christ Second Coming Two Thousand Twenty Eight = 588Our 28th President Woodrow Wilson is the only President of USA who is buried inWashington D.C. at the Washington National Cathedral, whose locationis on the exact longitude line of 77.07 degrees. >< Also Ronald Reagan 40th President,This reveals a perfect ^^^^^^^^^^^^ >< his 2004 funeral service, and hisprophetic sync with Verse # 7707 of the >< 1985 inauguration address were bothNew Testament, which is >< held at Washington National Cathedral.Stage 1 ^^^^ Stage 2 ^^^^ Stage 3Revelation 9:11"they had as king over them ^^^^ Babylon ^^^^ Babylonthe Angel of the ^^^^ is Fallen ^^^^ is Fallenbottomless pit, ABADDON, ^^^^ is Fallen ^^^^ is Fallen(which means Destroyer ) ^^^^ in text of vs ^^^^ in text of vsRevelation 9:11 ^^^^ Revelation 14:8 ^^^^ Revelation 18:2!.......................83 vs to.........!..................61 vs to...............!
9/11/2001 ^^^^ 3/6/2009 ^^^^ 9/30/2028^^^^^^^^^^^^ ^^^^<<<<<<<>>>>>>>>>>^^^^As seen above J.D. Vance syncs to 8361 prophetically by way of his birthdate 8/2/1984 syncedto 8/2/1984 Olympics USA > 83 Gold 61 Silver medals+J.D. turned age 40 on 8/2/2024.From 9/11/2001 >>>>>>>>>>>>> 8361 Days to >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 8/2/2024.
Israel–Hamas war - Wikipedia Pakistan and Turkey dedicated the date 8/2/2024 as a
"Day of Mourning" in regards to the assassination of HAMAS leader Ismail Haniyeh on 7/31/2024.prophetic sign prophetic sign ^^^^^^^^^^Ismail Haniyeh was the Donald Trump ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^highest ranking attempted assassination ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^HAMAS leader to be 7/13/2024 7/31/2024 >< 8/2/2024killed since the start of the !..............18 days..!...2 days......!ISRAEL HAMAS WAR ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Ismail Haniyehbegan on ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ assassinated on10/7/2023 ^^^^^^^^^^^^ 7/31/2024!............................................298 days.....................................!Book of REVELATION 298th verse is where the prophetic phraseBabylon is Fallen is Fallen is seen in REVELATION 18:2, for the 3rd and last time,prophetic for Stage 3 Fall of Babylon prophecy coming 9/30/2028 !!!................................................................................................................................................Jonathan Cahn gives an excellent analysis of the prophetic parallels between the consecration of a Priestand the attempted assassination of Donald Trump with his Bloody Right Ear.In standard gematria their full names equal > Matthew book 40,28 chapters.>> Ronald Wilson Reagan = 1138 <<<< 40th President.> Thomas Woodrow Wilson = 2432 <<<<<<< 28th President.> Donald John Trump = 977 <<< Matthew syncsHis birthdate 6/14/1946 encoded in Bible ^^^^^^ beginning to end to the datewith HEBREWS 6:14 also synced to 9/30/2028 there. ^^^^^^ 9/30/2028Total > 4547 <Much evidence shows Donald Trump encoded in Bible as 45th, 47th President USA .............................................................................................................................................Also see our "Sword" article. How one word Sword syncs all 3 Stages of the
...........................................................................................................................................Lo and Behold...
"The people went about and gathered it and ground it in handmillsor beat it in mortars and boiled it in pots and made cakes of it.And the taste of it was like the taste of cakes baked with oil."Numbers 11:8Numbers 11:8 has an amazing combination of prophetic syncs in the following ways.^^^^^^^^^^^^^^Numbers 11:8 is verse number 4033 of Bible, which is a perfect sync with J.D. Vance^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ who turned age 40 on 8/2/2024 right when^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ then 33rd Olympic Games in Paris are being played.^^^^^^^^^^^^^^And Numbers 11:8 is only bible vs where Strong's # 4085 for mortars appears.^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^The Prophetic sync is on latitude line 40.85 degrees is exactly where theassassination attempt on Donald Trump's life took place in BUTLER PENNSYLVANIA^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ And BUTLER means CUPBEARER . In ancient times, the man whodrank from the same cup as the king was called the CUPBEARER . A highranking royal officer,the CUPBEARER not only served the king’s drinks but also ensured his safety,^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ protecting the sovereign from assassination !!^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^And Numbers 11:8 has a gematria ct of 4147 which perfectly syncs with thelatitude line of 41.47 degrees that runs thru the exact center of"Worlds End" Start park and its famous Seven mountains which we documented in lastweek's article > "Last Seven Presidents of USA" > 41+42+43+44+45+46+47=308 < in End Time Prophecy < the following way...How remarkable is it that these Seven mountains perfectly sync with the Seven mountains of Revelation 17:9. And even more remarkable these Seven mountains are in the same state ofPENNSYVANIA where the recent assassination attempt was made on Donald Trump 7/13/2024,in BUTLER PENNSYLVANIA, who is on his way to becoming the 7th President in line counting fromBUSH 41. This makes Trump a perfect sync as the 7th King of the Seven Kings ofRevelation 17:10 !! In fact the exact Latitude line of41.47 degrees runs right thru "Worlds End" park and theseLo and Behold ... ^^^^ ^^^^ Seven mountains !!WOW!!Prophetic Presidents = = = = 3081 , 2 , 3 , 4 , 5 , 6 , 7 This is vs # 308 book of Revelation.^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ "merchandise of gold and silver,"There are also Seven Kings. precious stones and pearls, fine linen and purple,Five have fallen, one is, silk and scarlet, every kind of citron wood,and the other has not yet come. every kind of object of ivory, every kind ofAnd when he comes, object of most precious wood,he must continue a short time." bronze, iron, and marble;
Revelation 17:10 Revelation 18:12^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^This is vs # 30986 of Bible + verse number 31006 of Bible = 61992^^^^^^^^^108 X 82 X 7 = 61992^^^^ ^^^ ^^^Donald Trump will be exactly 108 days and 82 years age on 9/30/2028^^^^ 6th Seal ^^^ ^^^ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^Start book of Revelation ^^^^ Rev 6:12 ^^^ ^^^ Revelation 11:15!..............108 vs.....!.........82 vs...............................! ^^^^^^108 X 82 = 8856 ^^^ is where the25200 is the sum of divisors of 8856 7th Angel sounds the25200 = 10 X 5x7x8x9 7th and Last TrumpetOn Jewish calendar 10th day of 5789 in Revelation 11:15Jewish Year is the Day of Atonement date on our calendar >>> 9/30/2028............................................................................................................^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^...................^^^^^^^^^^^^And 30996 + 30996 = 61992^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^^REVELATION 18:2 is verse number 30996 of Book. ^^^^^^^^^^^^REVELATION 18:2 is where Babylon is Fallen is Fallen is seen in text for3rd and last time, prophetic for Stage 3 Fall of Babylon coming 9/30/2028 !!!..............................................................................................................................................Lo and Behold...prophetic propheticProphetic Sign marker date marker dateAttempted Opening Ceremony J. D. Vanceassassination of of the PARIS turned exactly Start Date End DateDonald 33rd Olympic age 40 Great GreatTrump on Games on on this date Tribulation Tribulation7/13/2024 7/26/2024 8/2/2024 4/19/2025 9/30/2028!.........13 days....!............7 days......!...........260 days.....!.....1260 Days to...!! ^^^^^ !..........................................267 days.....! ^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^^^!........................................................................280 days.....! ^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^ Total > 807 < ^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^ ^^^^^ ^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^ 807 + 1260 = 9+30+2028^^^^^ ^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^13 Bible Books >< 7 Bible books have a >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 9:30><20:28have a 4:19><20:25 >< Chapter verse configuration in them. ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^Chapter verse configuration in them. ^^^^^^^^^^^^^4/19/2025 9/30/2028!.........................................1260 Days to..........................................!.......................................................................................................................................GOD BLESS...comments welcome to Stephen Wilkins > <