Chance (20 Aug 2023)
"Google Fact Check Tools - Conditioning the Public"

Hello John and Doves,
This just keeps getting worse...more and more censorship on the internet. 
For several years we've been noticing an uptick in censorship online - I use AOL.  Back when President Trump was running for president and when he was in office, deceitful news articles about Trump/MAGA people were common - followed by thousands of hate filled, sometime violent comments from posters - maybe some of those were 'bots' that AOL used and maybe some were from people hired to add nasty comments.  I'd never seen so much vitriol - like a malignant cancer in article after article.  AOL censored comments that supported Trump - they were deleted outright or were 'sent for review' yet the violent rhetoric directed at Trump or MAGA people was left untouched.  On Twitter, there was lots of fact checking of conservative comments with disclaimers added that this was misinformation or information that had been debunked  The same thing happened for comments about the Chinese lab origins of Covid-19, the Covid-19 virus as a bioweapon, the Covid-19 vaccine as a bioweapon, the use of ivermectin/hydroychloroquine as a Covid-19 treatment, Covid-19 vaccine adverse events, side effects of the Covid-19 vaccine, etc.  If a comment didn't match their narrative it was deleted, debunked, fact checked.  
Now Google is going much farther - in anticipation of the 2024 election and the coming pandemic.  They want to control the narrative and control what news/information we get on 'selected' topics.  This is highly political and one-sided.  And this is demonic control.
Google has partnered with the UN and WHO to use algorithms "designed to delete websites that criticize topics such as:  Covid-19 statistics, the World Bank, the FBI's crime statistics, a one-world government, etc.
"Google's new global censorship tool's purpose is to eliminate dissent on any topic Google selects.
"Big Tech and the UN are laying the groundwork to completely eliminate independent media from online search results.  Google announced last week the release of a new censorship platform in partnership with globalist organizations like the United Nations and World Health Organization.  Using "Fact Check Tools" Google's aim is to 'improve information quality'.  
"Google's censorship initiative is part of a years-long plan outlined in the UN's Global Digital Compact proposal aimed at controlling the flow of information online, including shutting down narratives not approved by the global body."  UN Secretary General Guterres said Google's censorship tools are to "limit the reach of misinformation/disinformation, violent extremism, and other harmful content."  This will be done "without regard to a political party or point of view."  Google is "developing new approaches to proactively protect the integrity of information across the internet through initiatives like disinformation "prebunking", and building tools that allow other platforms and organizations to identify and remove toxic comments or violent extremist content before it spreads."
"The rollout of these new censorship tools comes right as the 2024 presidential election primary is heating up with only 15 months left until Election Day."
Google Partners With UN & WHO to Roll Out Global Censorship Tool – NewsWars
Google News Initiative has a youtube video (linked below):  Google tools for fact-checkers.  "helping audiences verify the authenticity and accuracy of online images, videos, and reports."   The fact checks are done by Snopes and Full Fact. 
"Google has built two tools for fact checking.  The first is the Fact Check Explorer.  It allows you to easily browse and search for fact checks from reputable fact-checking organizations around the world.  And if you want to add fact checks to the Explorer, one of the ways is using the Fact Check Markup Tool."
Fact Check Explorer - designed to facilitate the work of fact checkers, journalists, and researchers in discovering what has and hasn't been debunked all over the globe.  Like a search engine for your fact checks that help you determine fact from fiction.  "The tool uses a markup language called schema that tells Google that this is a fact check produced by a reputable fact-checking organization.  This "provides a way for journalists and fact checkers to flag fact-checked articles from platforms, search engines, and apps.
Claim Review:  tool for fighting mis and disinformation.  "It helps ensure that that fact check information is prominently featured and easy to find.
Here's their link to the tools:
run time 4:28
Add the above to this:  "YouTube announces it's 'ramping up' censorship of 'medical misinformation'.  YouTube "will remove content that "contradicts health authority guidance."  Democratic presidential candidate Robert F. Kennedy Jr. is "suing YouTube and its parent company Google for allegedly violating his free speech.  Kennedy's youtubes were removed because of 'vaccine misinformation."
YouTube Announces It Is ‘Ramping Up’ Censorship Of ‘Medical Misinformation’ |
The Left/Democrats will bury Kennedy - they'll discredit him, debunk him, cancel him, delete him because he's running against their chosen Democrat candidate for president - and he speaks up against Big Pharma, certain vaccines - like Covid-19 vaccine - he says the truth - and they can't stand that. They are followers of satan - the father of lies - so they can't tell the truth...ever.  And anyone who does is their enemy that needs to be destroyed.
Google reports that Snopes and Full Fact will be doing the fact checking.  What a joke. 
Snopes grew out of "Urban Legends Reference Pages" - a site for fact-checking myths, hoaxes, folklore, and rumors on the internet.  It was started by a couple 'in their basement' back in 1994.  Now it's the oldest fact checking site on line.  If you check out their 'fact checkers' - looking at the bios of  "Their Team" - there are no medical doctors, Ph.D.s, lawyers - they are reporters/journalists/activists.  Their newest fact checker is a trans-gender, "gender affirming' 'journalist'.
Our Team |
Full Fact is a U.K. fact checking organization that checks and corrects facts concerning Covid-19 and the Covid-19 vaccine, news articles and social media claims. Full Fact, in regards to the Online Safety Bill, "argued for widening the definition of harmful content to be suppressed to include content that is harmful to democracy and society, not just individuals.  They argued that suppressed content should be specified by legislation for increased democratic oversight....In 2023, Full Fact called for the removal of Conservative MP, Andrew Birdgen, from the party after the MP made claims that Covid-19 vaccines were a gene therapy with various medical side effects."
Full Fact - Wikipedia
 Both Snopes and Full Fact have worked with Facebook in the past.  They are leftist organizations pushing an evil agenda, spreading the lies of the chosen narrative and helping the internet suppress free speech and shut people down.  Who will stand up to this handful of people that hold this power over our speech?  This is global control.
So we can see why these two - Snopes and Full Fact - were hired to push the chosen narrative.
This is all very, very bad.  For the public doing searches on the internet, for reading news articles on the internet, for youtube channels, for taking part in social media, etc.  
Long overdue to just pull the plug and get off the internet!   Soon, trusted sites will be taken down, honest voices will be silenced, and searches will bring up nothing but propaganda, mind control, lies.  It will be difficult to avoid being deceived!  They'll control the videos, the content, the news, the social media...  And with the upcoming election - will there be videos of "Trump" saying things that he didn't say- AI created?  Of news articles reporting on events that didn't happen?
I recently watched an interesting interview on Prophecy Watchers YouTube channel:  "Marking the Masses".
(202) Marking the Masses | Tom Hughes - YouTube
run time 28:30
Gary Stearman interviewed Tom Hughes about his new book "Marking the Masses". 
(my notes)
Mark talked about a conversation with his father he had back in the early 60s.  Mark's dad was a metallurgist at TeleDyne before it became a big company.  His father had met with others who were leaders of different companies that would eventually become the high tech companies of today.  A comment was made by a member of this elite group of men that 'someday they would be able to control everyone' - he meant everyone on the planet.  The technology they were working on was going to lead to this control.  Mark said that this 'system' to mark everyone is being put in place now - that infrastructure that will be necessary to get to the mark of the beast - this is being set up now so it will be ready when the Antichrist comes to power.  Mark brought up the UN meeting with Prince (now King) Charles who talked about 'we must use a military style of takeover, of basically, civilization - we have to go about this is in a war like manner that is be necessary to control the masses of people and "he has trillions at his disposal'.  "It's a military-like campaign to bring about this global system."  The global system is being crashed right now - and 'someone' is going to have to come in and fix it.  He believes there is going to be a big crash.  he believes people need to be conditioned first before the mark comes.  And that's exactly what is happening now with all of these bad things that are happening - an example is with the schools (gender affirming/gender transitioning/etc) - conditioning that's happen all across the U.S.  This is all very anti-Christian.  Conditioning people now who will willingly take the mark in the future. (end notes)
Another example is the censoring of speech - no more free speech.  Them telling us what is truth and what isn't, what we can and can't read, what is fact and what is fiction.  Conditioning us to believe ONLY what they present - which is what they want us to believe.
This conditioning is preparing people to accept the mark of the beast.  They'll easily go along with the Antichrist and take his mark because of all that's being prepared now.
Many people do not realize that THEY are at war with us.  In The Revelation we are told about a war in Heaven between Michael and his angels and satan and his angels. Rev 12:7 This is an actual war.  The same type of thing is going on here in our realm - satan, his demons are fighting against us.  Deceiving us with their lies - abortions are 'woman's health care' and not murder, sex changes in children are 'gender affirming' not horrific child abuse, pedophilia is the right of 'scorned and misunderstood people' not a crime against children deserving of a millstone, and on and on.  Taking each of man's sins and making excuses for them - twisting them into a 'human right' with no say or consequence from God because man can be a god too.  These are all lies because that's all they can do.
When I listen to the Left/Democrat media talk, it's shocking how they can lie with a straight face.  Replacing known facts with lies.  And they repeat the same talking points - using identical words/phrases - like they are all programmed to The Lie.  And when I listen to a physician say that a man can have a baby or a baby that's aborted is a mass of cells, a fetus..nothing more.  Their lies are deceptions designed to steal, kill and destroy.  John 10:10  And many people are clueless as to what is going on...they are the ones being conditioned to believe the lies; they will willingly accept the mark of the beast.  Many of these people are so far gone they can't be reasoned with...even if you show them the truth their eyes cannot see, not their ears hear.
"Hear now this, O foolish people, and without understanding; which have eyes and see not; which have ears, and hear not;  Fear ye not me?  saith the Lord...But this people hath a revolting and a rebellious heart; they have turned aside and gone away....Your wickedness has deprived you of blessings.  Your sins have withheld good things from you....For among My people are found wicked men:  they lay in wait, as he that setteth snares; they set a trap and catch men.  As a cage is full of birds, so are their houses full of deceit:  therefore they are become great, and waxen rich.  They have grown fat and sleek, and have excelled in the deeds of the wicked....Shall I not punish them for these things? saith the Lord:  shall not my soul be avenged on such a nation as this?  Jer 5:21 -29
Judgement is coming for America.  We are at war with the powers of darkness, with evil men who love the lies.  Deceiving the masses and preparing them for the rule of the Antichrist.  And conditioning them to accept his mark.
Pray for the peace of Jerusalem!