Neil Lipken (30 Aug 2020)
""A SOLEMN ASSEMBLY" ------- A short commentary on Pastor Dana Coverstone's dream about September of this year."

Ever since I watched Pastor Dana Coverstone's video about his dream concerning this September, I have been wondering about "a solemn assembly" happening in that month.   What could that possibly mean?

Well, I have a theory.   Let's say that the Rapture happens in September and we are all gathered around the Lord in Heaven immediately after the Rapture.   What will the atmosphere be like at that meeting?   Two possibilities I believe------ either jubilant celebration or "a solemn assembly".   The thought hit me that we would all realize that the Tribulation would be beginning on the earth, a terrifying time unlike the world has ever seen, a time of extreme destruction and death among the inhabitants of the earth, and many new Christians on the earth being martyred by being beheaded (Rev. 20:4), and by other means.   So, in light of that, would not the first meeting in Heaven after the Rapture be "a solemn assembly"?   Perhaps a major time of prayer in Heaven?

Now we know that on earth Christians are scattered all over the world, but could only truly "assemble" together right after the Rapture.

So, perhaps the Rapture in September?   I welcome anyone's thoughts on this!


P.S.   Please understand that I do not set dates.   I don't know about September.   I am just speculating based on Pastor Dana Coverstone's dream.   If September should come and go, then we just "keep trucking on"!    The hour is late in these End Times, and most certainly the Rapture will eventually happen!   It is very easy to prove scripturally that the Rapture will occur pre-Tribulation!