Neil Lipken (30 Aug 2020)
"Don't think the "mark of the beast" (Rev. 13:16-18) is near? See short video"

If the "mark of the beast" is drawing near, and that will happen during the upcoming 7 year Tribulation Period, then the Rapture is even nearer!

Sadly the vast majority of churches and pastors are totally asleep, but this will indeed fulfill the prophecy in Matthew 24:39!


P.S.   Have you been watching the "peace process" in the Middle East?   The United Arab Emirates has come on board, and other Arab nations are likely to follow suit.   Right after the Rapture the antichrist will appear on the global stage and make a comprehensive Middle East FALSE peace, "confirming the covenant with the many" (Daniel 9:27 King James Bible).   This will begin the 7 year Tribulation Period leading to the Second Coming of Israel's Messiah (Christ) at the conclusion of the 7 years.   If you are Jewish and you are insisting that Jesus is not our Jewish Messiah?   Does God lie?   Take a very close look in the Tanakh (Old Testament) at Micah 5:2, Psalm 22:14-18, and all of Isaiah 53!   These prophecies were written between 1000 and 700 BC!