Mary (30 Aug 2020)
"Biden and Harris finally ( August 26 ) break their long silence concerning the violence"

Where are the Democrats when leadership is needed?

For months, Harris and Biden have said nothing about the violence. They were even silent all week during the Democratic convention. The convention had hours and hours of messages and none were condemning or even mentioning the violence. 

They ignored the plight of people who have been victims or people who are worried about being victims - until the polls showed people moving away from Biden because of his silence.

Silence until August 26, 2020) even though our country has suffered through months of terrible violence and destruction and death......

When leaders refuse to speak out against violence - they encourage it. The democrats have been very silent - and most concerning is the silence of Biden and Harris.

ALL SUMMER - Where were the Democratic voices saying -  We AMERICANS have a right to PEACEFUL Protests - but no right to being involved in violence?

In the link below - Earlier in the summer, Harris was talking in glowing terms about the protests which have involved some un-peaceful actions.

Below - here is what was happening during some of the very protests that Harris said she gave glowing reviews and said she was a part of in the video above.

MLK became one of the greatest heroes of all time by being peaceful. Where is the respect for the huge things he accomplished with non-violence? 

Where are the Democrats when leadership is needed?
