Mary (30 Aug 2020)
"Here are the 3 lone voices of reason and common sense in the Democratic party"

Sadly, I can only find 3 .......... The Democratic Party is not the party of just a few years ago. 

Must See POWER Speech - Here is one AMAZING Democratic voice from Tennessee -  This speech is so POWERFUL - don't miss it......And take note that the Democratic party is now forcing him to run as an independent.

Vernon Jones - Democrat state representative in Georgia - He found out that there was no place for him in the Democratic party. They pressured him to leave the party but he wouldn't go - Here is Jones explaining his views as he speaks at the RNC for Trump .....

Jeff Van Drew - Democrat U.S. House of Representatives from New Jersey - 
Jeff Van Drew quotes .... "The Democratic party has moved from liberal to radical."  

"I was told, ' You must vote for impeachment ( of Trump) or your life will be made difficult and I wouldn't be allowed to run again.... I voted NO on impeachment." 

(After that vote, Jeff van Drew changed to Republican.) 

"Democrats have changed to a radical Socialist Agenda." 

Jeff Van Drew explains at the RNC -
