John B (30 Aug 2020)
"Does the 7 year tribulation start September 1st when a "banner"appears in the sky?  I believe so"


It's my belief based on scripture that the prophetic stage is set for some spectacular things to soon happen.


Many of you are following the story line of an asteroid that is supposed to make a close to earth fly-by on September 1st.

Is there a scriptural reference as to this celestial event to be found in the bible? I say yes.....yes indeed!!

In one of my favorite chapters of scripture (of which I have written much on) is Isaiah 18. There in verse 3 we see..........


3 All of the inhabitants of the world (ie. people) and dwellers on the earth; (ie. fallen angels / UFO community)

When he (God) lifts up a banner (long trail-like ensign) on the mountains (high enough in the sky for all to see) you (all) will see it.

And when he (God) blows a trumpet, you (all) will hear it.



It's my belief that the asteroid event for September 1st has all the markings for what this verse in Isaiah 18 portrays.

A spectacular asteroid fly-by over earth high enough in the sky to be seen by all.....and this asteroid being accompanied by a great sound, like the sound of a great trumpet.


Here in upstate New York where I live the sky has been littered daily by chemtrails for many many months now...... but, as of a couple of weeks ago the sky here has cleared and it looks like it did when I was a child in the 50's. A beautiful deep blue with white puffy clouds. A radical change indeed that many people have noticed.

I believe that God intends to clear the sky worldwide of haze and clouds before the day of “the banner” so that the banner sign / asteroid will be clearly visible to all. I also believe that on that “banner” day that the whole world will be illuminated during this event. Meaning that there will be no normal darkness for half of the earth during this event. Jesus is described in Malachi as the “Sun” of Righteousness and I believe He will illuminate all of the earth for this event.


And it's my belief that this asteroid fly-by (the banner) will signal the start of the final 7 years before the millennial reign begins. It will be like God dropping a green flag to start a race or in this case to alert us that the final 7 years have begun.


If this is the case then we can expect several other events to happen soon as well.

As per Zechariah 11 we can then expect.......

…...3 popes to be “dismissed” within a months time

…....the two end time witnesses to make their appearance on the world stage

…... and the antichrist to also arrive soon after the popes are dismissed


As most of you are well aware the table is set or is being set for the antichrist to oversee a one whole system. A one world currency, a one world religion and a one world government. The weapon used to accomplish all of this as you well now know is the false plan-demic of Covid 19 that has been orchestrated by the Luciferians.... the Ephesians 6:12 control the world. And in case you haven't noticed, it's working perfectly as they planned. The table is basically set for the antichrist to make his appearance and take over the reigns of power that the Luciferians now control. I have posted before who these Luciferians are who control the power.......Jesus twice in the book of Revelation tells us they are from the synagogue of Satan. Read between the lines as to who many of them are.


I referenced Isaiah 18 as to the banner which we will see and hear.....are there any other clues to the banner timing from that chapter? Yes....the chapter starts by referencing a dispute between Egypt and Ethiopia. Is that now happening? Yes....the two countries are nearly at war over a dam Ethiopia has built on the headwaters of the Nile River which will limit water flow to the lower Nile in Egypt which in my mind authenticates that we are in the correct era in time for the banner event to happen.


Also I referenced Zechariah 11 which speaks to the departure of 3 popes and the arrival of the two end time witnesses and the arrival of the antichrist. This 11th chapter of Zechariah starts by referencing fires in Lebanon....could those fires apply to the great explosion in Beirut which we just witnessed? I believe so.

And also in the beginning verses of Zechariah 11 we see a great abandonment of shepherds who are tending to their sheep. These shepherds giving over their flocks to their kings. Is this happening now? Most definitely!!!!

Here in America the Christian pastors because of a false plan-demic have knuckled under to the kings of their states when they had every legal constitutional right not to. The vast majority of them put up no fight at all when the “kings of their states” illegally shuttered their churches and even canceled simple home bible studies......just as was described to happen in Zechariah 11:4-6 which is just another huge circumstance that stamped a time marker telling us to soon expect what follows in Zechariah 11.....which is the dismissal of 3 popes within a months time, the arrival of the two end time witnesses and the arrival of the antichrist.


I wondered why God used the word “dismissed” instead of “killed” in verse 8 when referring to the 3 shepherds (3 popes) but it makes perfect sense when you realize 2 of these popes are living and one is being kept viable in a cryogenic chamber in the bowels of the Vatican. You can't kill someone who is already dead but you can certainly “dismiss” said entity.


And as I have said many times before on this forum when one solves the riddle in Revelation 17 as to who the antichrist will be, his identity........ the answer is John Paul II..... who will be “dismissed” from his cryogenic chamber to then be indwelled by a being from the bottomless pit and reappear on earth to the great amazement of the world.

Scripture says twice that the coming antichrist was, is not and yet is.......meaning that he was alive, he died and yet he will re-appear to the amazement of all.


Why would John Paul's body, his shell, his likeness have been kept viable all these years if not for an entity, a demonic spirit from beneath the ocean, the bottomless pit, to indwell it as scripture clearly shows?


And Chance if you are reading this...... the antichrist to come is not shot in the head (head wound) as you suggested in your recent post. Scripture portrays the antichrist as symbolically not literally having 7 heads and 10 horns. Revelation 17:9 clears all this up when it says the 7 heads are a group of seven kings (seven popes) from which the antichrist is one of them, the sixth........ and the 10 horns are 10 kings the antichrist aligns himself with when he comes to power. Revelation 17:12


Scripture clearly says that it's one of the seven heads meaning one of the seven kings that was mortally wounded but survived. Was not John Paul II the sixth king of the Vatican State which became it's own kingdom / country in 1929......the exact king who John the Revelator was focused on in Revelation 17:10 who was indeed shot and received a mortal wound....yet survived fulfilling scripture??? And whose body / shell has been kept viable all these years waiting to be indwelled by a spirit entity from the bottomless pit....Revelation 17:7-9


And who are the 10 kings that align with the antichrist after he establishes / takes power? Scripture says these 10 kings to that point have no power and it says they have no earthy kingdom either. Revelation 17:12


So who are these mystery kings who the antichrist aligns himself with?

The answer to that mystery is given to us in the Book of Daniel.....more specifically Daniel 11:36-39. There we see that the antichrist forms a confederation with a foreign god, a god of fortresses not from our normal earthly reality. Daniel then states that this confederation of the antichrist and very powerful foreign (non earth) forces runs roughshod over the earth.....they rule over many and divide the land for gain.


Revelation 13:4 says the earth people marvel..... who is like this beast, this antichrist, who can make war against him?? Meaning he and his cohorts have power never witnessed before here on earth...... and the most powerful armies on earth are no match for these “foreign” forces.

It appears to me that after the antichrist teams up with the fallen angel / UFO community who now litter our skies with their multi-shaped crafts that he will divide the world into 10 areas that will be ruled / overseen by 10 of these alien / fallen angel commanders that the bible references as “kings”. And as per Revelation 17:13 this team will be of one mind and will give their power and authority to the beast, the antichrist.


In Zechariah 11 which we spoke of earlier it also says that this antichrist will divorce himself (so to speak) from the prior affiliation he had had. Zechariah 11: 15-16. Meaning in this case that when he arrives back on the whole scene he will distance himself from any dealings with the RCC.


And Chance....I love your posts.....keep them up.....just a minor correction from me on your head wound head wound.....a king wound ☺


All of this above is what I see from scripture as to what will soon prophetically happen on the world stage.......buckle up for a bad Luciferian ride for approximately 3.5 years.

I believe the coming “banner”in the sky will totally shock and astound the whole world and will signal God dropping the green flag officially starting the 7 year tribulation period.


Blessings Doves...... John B


And for all you rapture date setting happens mid tribulation near the end or at the end of the ministry of the two witnesses after all living mankind have had the opportunity to choose. Choose either the gospel of the kingdom preached by the two witnesses or choose the smoke and mirrors bull that the antichrist con-man will be pushing.


Matthew 24 says that those who choose correctly will be gathered (gathered not raptured) by Jesus and His angels and taken to the Fathers kingdom (New Jerusalem) which will then be here on earth not in heaven just like Jesus prophesied when He gave us the Lord's prayer in Matthew........”thy kingdom come, thy will be done on earth as it was in heaven”..........


The dead and alive in Christ are gathered then and taken to the Father's new earthly kingdom (New Jerusalem) located on a huge (1500 square mile) newly renovated (Isaiah 25) tract of land butting up to the city of Jerusalem.

Once inside this new compound / huge enclosure (read the spec.s on New Jerusalem...Revelation 21:9 and following) we Christians will be born again in the new river (Zechariah 14) which emanates from the spot where Jesus was crucified and shed His blood, water and Spirit there on the ground. This new river flowing within the New Jerusalem enclosure will contain the essence of Jesus.....His blood, water and Spirit. Once we Christians bath in this water we will “totally” be born again and will become the bride of Christ and receive our white robes that have been washed in the blood of the Lamb.

Note....When we accepted Jesus as our Lord and Savior into our lives (as per Paul) we received an adoption quantity of the Holy Spirit. When we bath in the new river containing the actual blood and Spirit of Jesus we will receive the full quantity necessary to be born again so that we can not only see but also enter the kingdom of heaven. John 3


The next day after our born again experience in the new river, the Father will throw a huge party for us.....The Marriage Supper of the is described in both the old and new testaments.


Then the following day (using the format from the book of Joshua) Jesus will harken to us from above the New Jerusalem complex to meet Him in the clouds. Not only is this expressed in Thessalonians but also in Isaiah 25 when He removes the veil over the mountain.....Isaiah couldn't find words to express the size of New Jerusalem so he called it a mountain.

We will be at that time changed from mortal to immortal in the twinkling of an eye and join Jesus in the clouds where He will take us to a place of safety within the kingdom of heaven for the remainder of the tribulation period.....on a honeymoon of sorts. Then we will return with Him at the end of the seven years when He comes as Lord of Lords and King of Kings to vanquish His Satanic enemies and take control of earth.