Jerry Taylor (30 Aug 2020)
"New Pastor Dana Dream"


New Pastor Dana dream this week



Sounds like civil war in November along with an EMP or nuclear attack. The wagon represents all the plots against our president and the explosion is the backfire that didn't work against the president. The wagon, rifles, old dynamite, and old guns represent civil war coming or persecution. People confused, shocked, homeless, and a sun that's trying to break through the clouds is a nuclear attack. The sky with a bright light and the darkness is an EMP or nuclear attack. Previous videos you had with Russian and Chinese troops( I think) plus the UN validate this. Shock & Awe in the US.


Famine, volcanoes, Nov 3 the tides will be turning, fire, Trump wins the election, civil unrest, more devastation. No funds to the people (intentionally), Kamala is the driving force behind Biden's Campaign, Hillary will try and lay a trap for Trump so that the Democratic party can take the win but will step into her own snare. The defeat will be shocking and devastating. People will question the win. Martial law. Democrats destroyed by loss, divided, party in shambles (dead). Message to the church = time is up (no time for the lukewarm) , the rapture has happened and the ones that are left are questioning why. Asteroid hits and the UN will step in but the US will not recover.