Jerry Taylor (30 Aug 2020)
"Day of Atonement"


Face to Face

The Day of Atonement was also known as the day of 'face to face'. This was because it was the one day a year where the high priest could come into the presence of God. This has a dual prophetic fulfillment.The phrase 'face to face' is also used by Paul to speak of the day when all believers will see Him:

1 Corinthians 13:12 Now we see but a poor reflection as in a mirror; then we shall see face to face. Now I know in part; then I shall know fully, even as I am fully known.

The Great Day

The Day of Atonement was known as 'the great day' or simply 'the day'. As mentioned earlier, it was the holiest day in the Jewish year and was the culmination of the 'days of awe'. According to Jewish thought, It is believed that the fate of those whose names were not written into the book of life by the feast of trumpets have until the Day of Atonement to find forgiveness and salvation from God.

The Great Shofar (trump)

You may remember from the study on the feast of trumpets that it included the phrase 'the last trump' to speak of the last trumpet or shofar that was blown on that day. Prophetically this spoke of the trumpet sound that will occur at the rapture to awaken the dead and assemble the believers together. Well, the Day of Atonement had the blast of a trumpet as well. This was known as the 'great trump' (Shofar HaGadol).

In 2020 this day is on September 29th.