Jerry Taylor (30 Aug 2020)
"The Timelines of Revelation"


A Kingdom of Priests: The Timelines of Revelation (PDF)


1. In 2017, Israel, the ‘fig tree’ nation celebrated 70 years since receiving statehood by a UN mandate in November of 1947. Jesus said that the generation that sees the ‘fig tree budding’ (Israel is re-gathered) would also see the return of Christ, including the

apocalyptic events of the 7 years preceding His return. (1 generation=70-80 years, Psalm 90:10) If the ‘last days’ began in 2017, then we need to add the 80 year upper limit set by Psalm 90:10 for an average ‘generation’ to the year 1947, which will take us

to 2027. Subtracting 7 years (‘tribulation’) from 2027, we arrive at 2020 being the last possible date for the 7 years to begin. The beginning of the 7 years therefore must begin some time between 2017 and 2020.


2. A series of astronomical events directed our attention both to Israel, and to the starry heavens. These events included a ‘blood moon’ tetrad taking place on Jewish Feast days; a reoccurrence of the ‘Star of Bethlehem’; a total solar eclipse over the United States (with another scheduled to occur 7 years later in 2024); and the ‘Great Sign’ of Revelation 12 on September 23, 2017. 

After the events in the paragraph above, believers (main harvest of the Wheat) are transformed and get glorified bodies, which are equivalent to the Child (‘teknon’ described in Revelation 12, not the ‘manchild’ which has another Greek word for it). Then the dragon tries to devour the Child but isn’t successful, and the Child is raptured to Heaven (glory to God!!!). This is the first rapture of believers, which Brenda Weltner estimates to take place before October 2020. In her opinion, the only day in the year that the High Priest in Israel entered the Holy of Holies was Yom Kippur. As the 24 Elders appear in the Throne room of God, which is the real Holy of Holies (the one in the temple in Jerusalem was a simplified replica of the real thing in Heaven), she defends the case that the transformation of our bodies happens some time before Yom Kippur (maybe Feast of Trumpets) and the rapture itself on Yom Kippur.