Gino (30 Aug 2020)
"The second, and better thought, about the feast of trumpets"

I had mentioned the 1st thought, that I wrote about in the previous letter.
Then I had a second thought, that I think may be a better one.
	Jesus ascended up to heaven 40 days after the feast of firstfruits, when he rose rose from the dead.
Then 10 days later began the LORD's special program,
10 days after he went up, was the beginning of the church age, with the LORD interacting primarily with the church.
So, what if Jesus does takes the church up at the feast of trumpets, similar to his ascension?
But, then, again, 10 days later, which would be the day of atonement, something else happens?
What if 10 days after the blessed hope, Jesus begins to work primarily with Israel again?
What if on the day of atonement, Jesus restarts Israel's prophetic time clock again?
Wasn't Israel's prophetic time clock paused for the church age?
Perhaps on that day of atonement they find the ark, or some other important prophetic event happens?