Garry B (30 Aug 2020)


Revelation 1:1

"The Revelation of Jesus Christ, 

which God gave unto Him ,

to show unto His servants

things which shortly must come to pass" 

Revelation 1:1 happened post crucifixion after Jesus was resurrected to heaven to sit at the right-hand of His Father. This is when His Father revealed the Day of the Rapture, in addition to everything else ,  to Jesus for Him to show all these things to us,  His servants, which He did in the Book of Revelation. The exact Day of the Rapture is revealed to us by Jesus in the Book of Revelation. The Book of Revelation speaks of a specific 1,260-day period of time that ends when Jesus returns to earth at His Second Coming accompanied with His previously raptured Church. Therefore, the Church is raptured to heaven at the beginning of this specific 1,260-day period of time which ends at the Lord's Second Coming. All we need to know is the date of the Lord's Second Coming, and then count backwards to find the Day of our rapture. 

 The Second Coming of the Lord Jesus will perfectly fulfill the three Fall Feasts of the Lord in order just as Jesus perfectly fulfilled the three Spring Feasts of the Lord in order at His First Coming. Therefore, the Second Coming of the Lord will occur on the New Moon of Tishri 1, Feast of Trumpets. When you calculate backwards 1,260 days, on God's Lunar Calendar, from the New Moon of Tishri 1,  every year in the future you will get the very same day every time. That Day is always Nisan 10, the Day of Palms,  which is the tenth day following the New Moon of Nisan 1 each year. 

Acts 17:31

"Because HE HAS APPOINTED A DAY in which He will judge the world in righteousness by that Man whom  he has ordained ; whereof he has given assurance unto all men , that He has raised Him from  the dead."


Jesus has revealed THE APPOINTED DAY to us in the Book of Revelation that Nisan 10, the 'Day of Palms', is THE ONLY DAY of each year on which the rapture can occur according to the Scriptures. The next Nisan 10 on God's Sacred Lunar Calendar begins at sunset April 21, 2021 and ends at sunset April 22, 2021 Jerusalem time. Adjust to your local time, AND WATCH ! 

If the rapture does not occur on that day, we must then look forward to the rapture happening the following year on Nisan 10, 2022. 

According to Your Word, come Lord Jesus !