Fay (30 Aug 2020)
"America in our Prayers"


Hi John and Doves,

After watching Pastor JD Farag's prophecy update of August 23rd, I came across the YT clip linked below. JD's update, titled "If I were the Devil 2020", dealt with the seeping onset of the persecution of the churches in America. Almighty God provided me with the confirmation needed, with the clip in the link. UNBELIEVABLE. I am still absorbing the shock. As the narrator points out - it appears to be legally acceptable for violent mobs to march, en masse, through the streets - but a shocking lapse if people dare to gather together in church.

It's happening, Doves. It is all becoming horribly real. And what has become very clear is that America is getting HAMMERED first. America's churches are blatantly being targeted. This is no exaggeration. The man of sin and his idiot human cohorts are hell bent on hammering the United States of America first. Here, in UK, we know it's only a matter of time before this horror comes to us too.

Urgent prayers are needed from all of us, Doves.

Maranatha, LORD Jesus. PLEASE.
