Fay (30 Aug 2020)
"The Churches and the Aegean Sea"


The Aegean Sea opens up into the Mediterranean. On one side of this sea are the 7 churches of Revelation (Turkey) and on the other side of the Aegean Sea (Greece) are the churches that Paul began and ministered to in the gospels. Have a look at the map in the link.

This is where Turkey is aggressively claiming rights - fuelling a head on confrontation with Greece. This confrontation is escalating rapidly, with neither side backing down.

I have taken this as a major heads-up to the church. When a war kicks off in that region, the church has been placed on major alert.

In view of all this, I wonder if it will be 10 days before the war is then taken to Israel? As per Revelation 2:10 and the 10 days of tribulation of Smyrna?
