Fay (30 Aug 2020)
"Meretz, Korach, Erev Rav and Samael"


Before watching the short YT clip on the Bible codes from Rabbi Glazerson (he sounds SO tired and depressed), I thought I would give you the meanings of some of the words in the code. I looked them up. Believe me... I am no Hebrew expert. I had to google them.

Erev Rav aka the Mixed Multitude. Just as in the Garden of Eden when Adam and Eve allowed evil into the world - so too did a mixed multitude leave Egypt with the Jewish people. As long as the Jewish people kept the law - the evil could not harm them. But, evil - the Mixed Multitude - will always be there. Tempting, testing and distorting. They need to be overcome.

Meretz -I will leave it to the link below:-


Who was korach:- Explanation in the link:-


And, finally - the Bible code.


This is a fight between good and evil, Doves. We need to pray hard for the Jewish people - for the peace of Jerusalem.