Elliot Hong (30 Aug 2020)
"The Full Moon of Elul is Harvest Moon"

Dear Doves:

The September full moon is called as Harvest Moon which fits to the Birth of the Remnant.

1) Jewish calendars mark 9/3(Elul 14)-9/4(Elul 15) as the full moon of Elul.
    But according to Moon Phases Calendar, 9/1(Elul 12)-9/2(Elul 13) is the full moon of Elul.
    And September 2,3,4 fit to Vincent Tan's $2.34.

2) The full moon of Elul begins from the sunset of 9/1 which is 3 months from Shavout.

3) It's written in Psalm 81:3 as "Sound the ram's horn at the New Moon and the Full Moon"
     Rabbi Glazerson found the Bible Code of Asteroid/Elul 12 and "You shall observe it as a
    day when the horn is sounded"

4) The explosion of Beirut occurred on 8/4 which was O's birthday and the 216(6x6x6)th day of the year.
     From the sunset of 8/4, it's Tu B'Av which was the day of Love and Romance.
     And it's 1 month from O's birthday/Tu B'Av to this coming full moon of Elul.

5) This coming full moon is the 7th full moon from Purim this year.
     Charity heard "5,6,7,Jesus!" and saw the ark door was shut.
     Barbara received the message on 8/24 "I Am Closing The Ark Door."

6) It's 10 years 6 months 6 days from Purim of the 8.8 Concepcion earthquake to this coming full moon.

7) It's 1800 days from the last Blood Moon of the Tetrad to this coming full moon.
    1800 is 18(666) x 100(Elect).
     Byron received "Judgment and Glory come at the same time."

8) It's 1109 days from the Great American Solar Eclipse to this coming full moon.
     1109 can be read as 911.

9) It's 21 days from the announcement of "The Abraham Accord" to this coming full moon.
     21 means Exceeding Sinfulness of Sin.

10) John Lawler received that there will be a great explosion when the moon is in the top of it's phase.

11) Since Labor Day weekend begins from 9/4, "On a holiday?" could be fulfilled this time.

12) Byron received the message in December, 2019 "2020 begins with the Bang and ends with Boom."
       Then he received the message on 1/20/20 "The Bang has happened and the Boom will come."
       Thus the Bang should be the killing of Soleimani on 1/3 and it's 8 months from it to 9/3.
       Also "7 Weeks" that Byron received ends on 8/31.

Could Laura be 7 Day Warning?
Here is an interesting pattern.
Jonah warned Nineveh for 40 days after 3 days in the belly of a big fish.
Jesus witnessed for 40 days after 3 days in the grave and the Resurrection.
The Bride might witness 40 days after the birth in 3 months from Shavout, then ascend Heaven on Simchat Torah.
No one knows the day or the hour, but it's coming.