Donna Danna (30 Aug 2020)

As you know, the antichrist is in direct opposition to the Lord Jesus Christ who is the Lion of the tribe of Judah returning to reign and rule on Earth at His 2nd coming.  The sign of Leo, the Lion on the Christian zodiac takes place 7/23 - 8/22, and directly opposite to Leo, the Lion on the Christian zodiac would be Aquarius, 1/21 - 2/18 so I believe the antichrist on the 1261th day of 2,520 days will continue for 1,260 days beginning in Aquarius, 1/21 - 2/18.

When calculating the tribulation period of 1260 days beginning on Eve of the Feast of Trumpets or Eve of Rosh Hoshanah with the Rapture of the Bride of Christ in the years of 2020 through 2030 and the Great Tribulation period of 1,260 days which ends on the 2,520th day with the return of the Lord Jesus Christ to the Earth on the 2,520th day, I have only found two 1,261th days in Aquarius 1/21 - 2/18 when the antichrist would continue from the 1,261st day through the 2,520th day which would be 2/18/2025 or 2/14/2028 as the 1,261st day.  If the Bride of Christ is raptured to heaven on the Eve of  Hoshanah, 9/06/2021 in Virgo, the 1260th day is 2/17/2025. The 1,261st day is on 2/18/2025 in Aquarius, and the 2,520th day is on 8/01/2028 on Av 9 in Leo, the Lion. If the Bride was raptured to heaven on 10/02/2024 in Libra, the 1,260th day is 2/14/2028.  The 1,261st day is on 2/15/2028 in Aquarius, and the 2,520th day is 8/26/2031 on Av 9 in Virgo. The other nine 1,261st day during the years of 2020 - 2030 take place in Pisces 2/19 - 3/20.  If the Bride is raptured to heaven in Virgo, and the 2nd coming is in Leo, the Lion, that would eliminate the Eve of Rosh Hoshanah on 10/02/2024 in Libra as the Rapture of the Bride, and leave the Eve of Rosh Hoshanah 9/06/2021 in Virgo, the Virgin as the Rapture of the Bride of Christ.

Here are the other nine 1,261st days during the years of 2020 - 2030:

Eve of Rosh Hoshanah, 9/18/2020 in Virgo with the 1,260th day on Feb. 29.  1,261st day is on 3/01/2024 in Pisces, and the 2,520th day is on 8/12/2027 on Av 9 is in Leo, the Lion.

Eve of Rosh Hoshanah, 9/25/2022 in Libra with the 1,260th day on 3/07/2026 in Pisces. 1,261st day is on 3/08/2026 in Pisces, and the 2,520th day is 8/18/2029 in Leo, the Lion, which is not Av 9.

Eve of Rosh Hoshanah, 9/15/2023 in Virgo with the 1,260th day on 2/25/2027.  The 1,261st day is on 2/26/2027 in Pisces, and the 2,520th day is on 8/08/2030 on Av 9 in Leo, the Lion.

Eve of Rosh Hoshanah, 9/22/2025 in Virgo with the 1,260th day on 3/04/2029.  The 1,261st day is on 3/05/2029 in Pisces, and the 2,520th day is on 8/15/2032 in Leo, the Lion, which is not Av 9.

Eve of Hoshanah, 9/11/2026 in Virgo with the 1,260th day on 2/21/2030.  The 1,261st day is on 2/22/2030 in Pisces, and the 2,520th day is on 8/04/2033 on Av 9 in Leo, the Lion.

Eve of Rosh Hoshanah, 10/01/2027 in Libra with the 1,260th day on 3/13/2031.  The 1,261st day is on 3/14/2031 in Pisces, and the 2,520th day is on 8/24/2034 in Virgo, which is not Av 9.

Eve of Rosh Hoshanah, 9/20/2028 in Virgo with the 1,260th day on 3/02/2032. The 1,261st day is on 3/03/2032 in Pisces, and the 2,520th day is on 8/14/2035 on Av 9 in Leo, the Lion.

Eve of Rosh Hoshanah, 9/09/2029 in Virgo with the 1,260th day on 2/19/2029.  The 1,261st day is on 2/20/2029 in Pisces, and the 2,520th day is on 8/03/2036 on Av 9 in Leo, the Lion.

Eve of Rosh Hoshanah, 9/27/2030 in Libra with the 1,260th day on 3/09/2034.  The 1,261st day is on 3/10/2029 in Pisces, and the 2,520th day is 8/20/2037 in Leo, the Lion which is not Av 9.