Clay Cantrell (30 Aug 2020)
"New Tumblr posts up re Book of Revelation topics"

Hello Interested Readers -

For my Bible number Tumblr “Numbers by the Book”, a couple of new posts are up by my co-blogger Will Schumaker.  One article discusses the mysterious 1/2 hour of Revelation 8:1 found here:

... and a shorter post on the fourth church of the seven Revelation churches, Thyatira, and the self-styled prophetess “Jezebel” found at this link:

I’ve thought all along that the fourth church, Thyatira, was for some reason unique. When the seven churches of Revelation are matched to the seven words of Genesis 1:1, then Thyatira is word number four with a Genesis 1:1 word value (gematria) of 401. 401 is a prime number and it is the ONLY prime number found in Genesis 1:1. So, in a theoretical sense, Thyatira is “prime” ... or is “primary”, or “of prime importance”.

Any material that is specifically about that Thyatira church is always of special interest to me. 

God bless you as you take time to read these posts, should you do so. Jesus is Lord!