Chance (30 Aug 2020)
"Depopulation And The COVID-19 Vaccine"


Hello John and Doves,
This certainly isn't the first time we've heard or read about depopulation with the COVID-19 vaccine.
Adding another voice to those already warning us concerning this coming vaccine for COVID-19.  See the Doves letter last week:  "The Deception of COVID-19" for information on the RNA vaccine changing our genetic code and damaging people's health.
What I've come across recently is this warning from an Italian physician - Robert Petrella.
I would link the video I was viewing but it has since been removed by youtube for 'violating' their policies.  No matter - there is a transcript of what he said on that video.
In the transcript, translated from Italian, he said:  "COVID-19 means the "Certificate Of IDentification of Vaccination with Artificial Intelligence and "19" is the year it was created.  (In numerology '1' correlates to the letter A and '9' correlates to the letter I, so '19' = AI, Artificial Intelligence)....What they intend to inject inside of us is going to be the most terrible of all vaccines.  It is literally a descent into hell, with the aim of a massive depopulation of over 80% of the population."
Some refute this meaning, but it actually may not be so far from the truth.
Dr. Petrella is advising people to not get tested - the tests are inaccurate and most will show positive results - leading to more testing of family members, friends, etc, and your name on a 'list'.  This will lead to their big push to vaccinate everyone because everyone is 'infected'/positive.
We have seen a huge push and increase in testing in the U.S., with positive results being used to dictate further lockdowns, quarantines, and control. The testing and test results are being manipulated to control the public.
There is now a 15 minute COVID-19 test available to the public. Just approved by the FDA - Abbot's BinaxNOW.   And Walgreens has partnered with Abbot to do drive-thru testing in some states now.  
The U.S. government announced a $750 million contract with Abbott Laboratories to buy some 150 million of Abbott's newly FDA approved rapid-results COVID-19 test kits - called BinaxNOW.  The test kit was approved via the FDA's 'emergency use authorization'.  Abbott presented their results to the FDA, stating this test is 97.1% sensitive and 98.5% specific - within the first 7 days of the beginning of symptoms.  So companies are on the 'honor system' with presenting results to the FDA for the 'emergency use authorization' approval.
BinaxNOW was only approved on 8/26/2020 by the FDA.  "The company invested hundreds of millions of dollars since April in two new U.S. facilities to manufacture BinaxNOW at massive scale."
Abbott's Fast, $5, 15-Minute, Easy-to-Use COVID-19 Antigen Test Receives FDA Emergency Use Authorization; Mobile App Displays Test Results to Help Our Return to Daily Life; Ramping Production to 50 Million Tests a Month - Aug 26, 2020
"Abbot will start shipping the test within two weeks and intends to manufacture 50 million tests a month by the end of October.  The aim:  Meet a surge in demand from Americans seeking to return to in-person schoolrooms and work...The currently running about 800,000 tests a day nationwide, or 24 million a month according to the COVID Tracking Project.  Abbot built two new manufacturing facilities in the U.S. to produce BinaxNOW, allowing it to more than double the number of tests available to 50 million a month."
"At the same time, Abbott is launching a mobile app called Navica that will be connected to the test, giving users an electronic record of their coronavirus status.  The results could be used much like a boarding pass to allow those who are negative to return to everyday activities."
Abbott cleared for fast $5 COVID-19 test that avoids lab delay | National |
"The Turmp administration hopes that the new test will expedite the country's reopening process, allowing Americans to get back to work and children to get back to school."  August 28, 2020
Trump admin announces $750 million deal with Abbott Labs for new $5, 15-minute rapid-results COVID tests – USSA News | The Tea Party's Front Page
When companies do their own testing and reporting of results and the FDA makes approvals with their 'emergency use authorization' we can pretty much figure out things may not be on the up and up. 
Now THEY will be using this testing to see if you'll be allowed in the workplace, allowed in the grocery store, allowed in the school room....more control.  This is ridiculous!  The testing is not 100% - false negatives, false positives can happen and the testing can be done too early when not enough 'antigen' is present.  And it is presuming you aren't getting exposed AFTER you are tested!  So how often is one suppose to be tested?  Every week?  Every month?  There will be gaps. 
"We're pairing this $5, 15-minutes, easy-to-use test with a mobile app, called NAVICA, which works like a digital "boarding pass" that can be scanned to enter organizations and other places where people gather.  This combination of life-changing technology that will attack the pandemic on critical fronts - speed, simplicity, affordability, access, and reliability."
Taking COVID-19 Testing to a New Level | Abbott U.S.
So it's probably coming sooner than later everyone will have to be tested so they can scan your results so you can enter a grocery store, restaurant, doctor's office, restaurant, school, etc. 
Years ago, when I was perusing news videos on youtube, I came across and interview with a women - a high up government official in a Scandinavian government.  She was dressed in a professional looking suit jacket and skirt, and was probably in her mid-50s.  The interview was conducted outside - it looked like on a balcony.  The interviewer was asking her general questions, then, out of the blue, she said, something to the effect - 'You know they plan on decreasing the population by 90%?'.  I was shocked.  Since then, I've heard more and more about this 'depopulating' the planet.
In previous letters to Doves I have written about Bill Gates and Warren Buffet - who are very much into depopulating the world.
So who else is speaking out, warning us about COVID-19 and depopulation?
From Russia, Russian biologist Igor Nikulin (former member of the U.N. Commission on Biological and Chemical Weapons, said in an interview, "The global government is the correct term.  At least that is what they call themselves.  These 200 families have $40 trillion, and they consider themselves to be the most important people on Earth....These families claim that humanity must be reduced to one-tenth of the current population."  (Reducing the world population by 90%.)  
Russian Biologist: Coronavirus Is A Conspiracy | MEMRI
So, as the vaccine for COVID-19 is being 'tested' THEY will still be able to control us until it's ready, via COVID-19 testing/ID!
As for COVID-19 and AI:
"Predictions about digitalisation - the fourth industrial revolution - and how it will transform our world have been circulating for some time.  The move to digital, facilitated by Artificial Intelligence (AI), big data, automation and advances in computing power and greater connectivity, promises to change how and where we work, play, consume and interact forever....COVID-19 has accelerated that process beyond the most ambitious predictions.  It has, by one estimate, compressed five years of progress within the space of three months.  Lockdowns across the world have propelled our social interaction and cultural consumption almost entirely into the digital sphere."
"Margaret Vestager, EU Competition Commissioner once said, there are only two types of business:  those that are digital and those that soon will be.  The pandemic has been a wake-up call to businesses that have been slow to embrace digitalisation and to commercialize their intangible assets.  As digitalisation speeds to the fore of the global economy, that call is only likely to become more urgent."
Digitalisation and Intellectual Property in the time of COVID-19 - Reuters
So we can see how important COVID-19 is to THEIR plan.  
"This brings me to the question of what exactly a vaccine is and what exactly is in the concoctions being injected into people today as well as the witches' brews currently under development....Whatever the ingredients of vaccines have been to date, nothing is more bizarre and unsettling than the proposals of what might be included in them in the future.  Strategies - already well funded and well on the way - include brain-machine interface nanotechnology, digital identity tracking devices, and technology with an expiration date that can be managed and turned off remotely.....The first and most important goal is the replacement of the existing U.S. dollar currency system...with a digital transaction system that can be combined with digital identification and tracking.  "De-dollarization" is threatening the dollar global reserve system...The managers of the dollar system are under urgent pressure to use new technology to centralize economic flows and preserve their control of the financial system...."
"The scheme is quite clever.  Get the general population to go along with defining their new injectible high-tech concoctions as "vaccines" and they can slip them right into the vaccine pipeline.  No need to worry about the disease and death that will result from something this unnatural delivered this quickly.  The freedom from liability guaranteed by the PREP Act through the declaration of an emergency - and the ability to keep the emergency going through contact tracing - can protect them from liability for thousands if not millions of deaths and disabilities likely to follow such human experimentation.  Ideally, they can just blame the deaths on the virus."
"I believe that Gates and the pharma and biotech industries are literally reaching to create a global control grid by installing digital interface components and hooking us up to Microsoft's new $10 billion JEDI cloud at the Department of Defense..."  "Whatever they (the vaccines) are, they are not medicine, which means they sure are not vaccines."
The Injection Fraud – It’s Not a Vaccine – Solari Report
All of this is moving the world head long into the One World Government, population control, and the Antichrist!
Surely the Rapture is in our near future!
Pray for the peace of Jerusalem!