Chance (30 Aug 2020)
"More From Pastor Dana Coverstone - Three Dreams"


Hello John and Doves,
For those who are following Pastor Dana's dreams - here is the link to 3 more.  This youtube is dated 8/25/2020
(169) DANA COVERSTONE: 8-25-2020 Compiling a dream I had last Monday night - YouTube
This is less than 15 minutes long.
He is reporting what he saw in his dreams - and 'we can think what we want'.
Some notes from this youtube:
This first dream happened on August 17 - this time he saw the November calendar - it was bent, torn and dirty.
The finger appeared and circled November 3rd continuously, clockwise, then it suddenly turned counterclockwise.  Then images appeared - he saw cities on fire and headlines "Trump victory challenged everywhere."  Protesters in the streets.  A bell rang and these people became angry and mad - hitting each other in their wrath.  More cities with pillars of smoke.  Crumbled and burned out buildings in DC.
He then saw a treasury official that's in office now - so he recognized this man - and the official winked - almost in a sarcastic way.  (The only treasury official I would recognize is Mnuchin as he has been in the news quite often this year.)
Then he saw a wagon with Kamala Harris driving and two mules pulling it and Biden was riding one of the mules.  In the wagon were cases of TNT stamped dynamite.  Harris was whipping the mules and Biden.  Heading towards a target.
Then he saw Hillary with Trump - her dress was unfinished and ugly and a gawdy ring was on her index finger (with blood on it) and a skeleton key on a necklace was around her neck.  Trump was on his knees in front of her and she held Trump with a knife to his throat.  The key was hanging in front of Trump's face.  The necklace made a SS lightning strike symbol on her shirt.  The wagon was heading towards Hillary/Trump.  There was a large animal trap next to HIllary's foott.  Trump grabbed the key, pulled it down and then hit Hillary in the face and he escaped from Hillary.  She steps in the trap and is caught.
Trump runs towards his vehicle (the beast) - as Trump is running - 3 separate times secret service agents take a bullet met for Trump in the chest and fall....Trump makes it to the vehicle.  SS are surrounding the vehicle and they have muskets and are not wearing glasses. They are walking beside the vehicle as it moves ahead slowly.
Meanwhile, the wagon is heading towards Hillary - it strikes her and then there is a huge explosion as the TNT explodes.   The mules are thrown up into the building rubble and smoke is rising from them.  Biden is face down in the street with wheel tracks over him and a vulture is sitting on his head.  Harris is crying in disbelief and she is crying tears that looked like quarters.  There was a huge hole in the ground.  Building collapsed.
Then he saw the church. there was a separation line and no middle ground....Fire on the altars in churches around the nation and fire on the heads of people who were praying.  And above the heads of some people in the church were question marks - they appeared confused by what they were seeing in the church - then he heard a voice say, "Those who refuse to get ready will be wanting in the end.  So brace yourselves and tell others that I have warned them to brace themselves for they are about to see even more shocking things."
Dana said he was thinking of Habakkuk then - he had preached a sermon on this a while back.
His second dream:
August 21 - he saw a white figure appear and point his finger to the sky and say, "Ready or not nation, here it comes. Brace yourself."
His third dream:
August 24 - he saw the calendar turn to the month of November - had shadows all over it; he saw this very large, bright light in the sky and then darkness.  Then it began to get light and morning, and he saw many Americans in an emergency shelter (seemed like Gulf coast area to him) - they were huddled together and shivering, some lying on cots and many with desperate looks on their faces.  With suitcases everywhere.  There were 'encouragers' in the crowd and they were all wearing crosses.  They had smiles on their faces and hope on their faces.  They were checking on people, being kind in spite of some people being angry to them.  He saw businesses in the bigger cities that were shuttered and gas stations that looked like people had just walked away from them.  And he saw headlines and one read:  Shock and Awe in the U.S." and another read: U.N. Steps in to Help Post Nation".
The nation was quiet - no wars, no riots, no fighting, no yelling, like not awoken from a bad dream yet.  The nation was fitful, suspicious, leery, people were looking around, taking things in, hesitant like expecting something to happen.  Then the white figure appears again and said, "Remain braced.  As this calm comes before a gathering storm that recovery will have a hard time finding.  Remain braced.  As this calm comes before a gathering storm that recovery will have a hard time finding."  Remain braced."
Pastor Dana said he's trying to be obedient in sharing these.  He believes the Lord is coming back soon and He needs the church to be ready. The Lord is trying to wake America up.  He's trying to wake the church up.  There is not much more time for us to wake up.
It's amazing how these dreams center around the calendar...and these last few involve the month of November.  November 3, of course, is election day in the U.S. - so that's a really important day for the country.
We haven't seen a calendar page for December...that I recall.  But he did have a dream of a sign:  Passover 2021.  See "Pastor Dana's October Dream" Doves letter.
I find these dreams very interesting in light of what is going on in the U.S. with the riots, the upcoming presidential election, various Democrats, etc.  Amid the recent aggressive activity of China and Russia and their war games.
"The Russian Navy conducted its biggest war games since Soviet times off the coast of Alaska this week, with more than 50 warships and 40 aircraft taking part in the exercises in the Bering Sea.  Among the warships was the nuclear submarine, Omsk, which surfaced Thursday, startling fishermen working in nearby waters.  Later that day, the U.S. Air Force sent F-22 fighter jets to intercept three groups of Tu-142 Russian maritime patrol aircraft that cam close to Alaska....The Russian aircraft remained in the area for about five hours and came within 50 nautical miles of Alaska.  "Our northern approaches have had an increase in foreign military activity as our competitors continue to expand their military presence and probe our defenses," said NORAD commander Gen. Glen D. Va Herck.  "This year, we've conducted more than a dozen intercepts, the most in recent years." 
Russian sub, aircraft edge close to Alaska amid war games
"China launched a series of ballistic missiles into the South China Sea this week, according to United States defense officials, part of a flurry of military exercises extending thousands of miles along the country's coastline, as tensions with Washington over the disputed waterway continue to escalate." 
China test fires so-called 'carrier killer' missiles into South China Sea
Pastor Dana's dreams aren't about a Chinese/Russian attack or invasion...seems they, along with the blue helmets, step in to 'help out' after something catastrophic happens in America.  That leaves Americans in shock.  And that, whatever it is, seems to occur in November.  
Pray for the Church in America to wake up!  Jesus is coming soon~
Pray for the peace of Jerusalem!