A Goodrick (30 Aug 2020)
"For such a time as this"

Dear Brothers and Sisters,
Right now the Church is undergoing  great persecution.
We think of death and torture as great persecution, and indeed it is.

But the Smyrna church includes all who are under 
harrassment, opposition, fines, imprisonment, exclusion and perversions of twisted justice.

Yes, our Constitution is being boldly trampled upon and abused, as well as our Bill of Rights. 
Yes, all the illegal lawsuits against worshipping God 
(the worship that has been true for 2,000 years ) is being scorned, rejected and made unlawful by authorities who are not obeying Romans 13....

"Rulers are not a terror to good works 
(worshipping God), but to evil.
" For he is the minister of God to thee for good."

Yes, The Powers that Be
(Governors, Mayors, City Counsels etc.)
 are testing Christians world wide and finding us mostly silent.
We need to *Apply* our Faith.
We need to make known our strong support of our dear brothers and sisters. 

We need to fight the good fight of Faith and to gird up the loins of our mind.
We need to speak up in their defense. To pray in deep earnest that they will have the victory in their judicial trials. We need to give them our moral support by sending letters to them of encouragement.
And yes, we need to send monetary support to Mat Staver and Liberty Councel and to Jenna Ellis and the Thomas More Society. The defense needs our back-up support.

We need to see what Satan is trying to do here.
He is trying to wipe the Church off the face of history.
 He is trying to take away any chance of Hope and Faith from the earth.
He is trying to end forever any chance of mankind  having a personal relationship with his God.

All our world leaders are in collusion with Satan, otherwise we would not witness the global persecution that there is today of our brothers and sisters in Christ, and also of our Jewish brothers and sisters -- Romans 11.

Now is the time. The Everlasting Judge is standing at the door.
James 5:9
The people of God are on trial.
We have come to the kingdom for such a time as this.
Silence is not golden, it is yellow.
If we die, we die.

The Book of Esther chapter 4:8
"and to charge her that she should go in unto the King,
 *to make supplication unto Him, and to make request before Him for her people." (pray)
To God be the Glory !