Paul Wilson-RE: 360
Day Prophetic Year Question
would seem to me that if the 360 day ‘prophetic year’ were
a Biblical standard, it would have predicted some
historical events recorded in the Bible. Certainly, the
correlation with two descriptions, as recorded in
Revelation 12, equates 1260 days to a ‘time, times and a
half’. Therefore
a ‘time’ would be 360 days if a time is intended to refer
to the year.
believe the term ‘prophetic year’ was coined by Sir Robert
Anderson as he calculated the 69 weeks of Daniel, the
decree to rebuild Jerusalem and the Temple until the
Messiah, to be 483 ‘prophetic years’ based on 360 day
years. He
claimed the decree occurred in 445 BC and then 69 x 7 x
360 days later, Jesus had his triumphal entry into
Jerusalem just days before the Crucifixion which Anderson
claimed occurred in 32 AD.
His calculations and dating have been found by many
scholars to be in error for various reasons. However, the
360 day ‘prophetic year’ stuck in the Christian
vernacular. The
erroneous accounting of Daniel’s prophecy has been
repeated as gospel for so long that it is often cited in
pulpits as an artifact of our faith. While Sir
Anderson may have been proven incorrect dating both the
decree and the Crucifixion (based on the 360 day year) his
method recognizing the ‘weeks’ of Daniel equated to
‘sevens’ of years was brilliantly inspired and I believe
absolutely correct.
The 360 day year though was in error, an effort
trying to make the prophecy fit the history.
360 day year was an ancient and crude method of reckoning
of the movement of the sun.
Some speculate that the year length before the
Deluge was 360 days and became 365.24 days after. There is no
Biblical basis for this assertion and there would
absolutely be no way to prove it scientifically. The
simplest explanation for the ancients reckoning a 360 days
year was their method of measurement. If you hold
your finger at arm length to the sky, it is approximately
1 degree in width. The
sun will appear to move against the background stars
(early in the morning) 1 degree per day (360 /
365.2421896=.985647 degrees). The more obvious method of
calculating dates by the ancients was the lunar cycle. The average
between the solar year and the lunar year (354.367 days)
is very nearly 360 at 359.8046 days. The difference
between the duration from ‘morning star’ rising to rising
(583.9202 days) and the orbital period of the morning star
(Venus) 224.695 days is also close to 360 (359.22 days). The 360 day
year by the ancients though, has roots in the Sumerian
mathematical system.
The sexagesimal (base 60) system was among the
first mathematical systems devised some 3000 years before
Christ. Our
clock of 60 seconds = 1 minute, 60 minutes = 1 hour has
its origins in that ancient Sumerian system as well as the
360 degrees of a circle.
have attributed the 360 day year to the Babylonians of
Daniel’s time. However,
the Babylonians were using the lunar-solar calendar over a
thousand years before Daniel’s time. The cuneiform
Venus Tablet of King Ammisaduga (tablet 63) dates to the
17th century BC (he was the 4th
ruler after Hammurabi).
It is possibly older as some posit that Hammurabi
and Abraham were contemporaries. The observed cycles of
Venus are recorded on the tablet over a 21 year period
using the lunar calendar months (Nisan, Kislimu, Tishri,
etc.) The
calendar they used even had intercalary months (leap
months) every 3rd year or so, just like the
Modern Hebrew (Metonic) calendar. I personally
entered the data recorded on that tablet onto a
spreadsheet. I
painstakingly entered every event based on the
observations and then averaged the duration between
events. The
orbital period of Earth and Venus are almost exactly the
same today as they were 3700 years ago as the average
heliacal risings based on those ancient observations were
583.92 days apart. Mathematically then, the Earth orbital
period at the time was 365.24 days and Venus was 224.7
days, just as it is now.
While they occasionally inserted intercalary days
to reconcile the solar year, the average 3-year period
with the leap month every third year was 364 days! 354+354+384
average is 364.
The 364 Day Prophetic
Year and The Book of Enoch
made the case here before that if there is such a thing as
a prophetic year, it’s a 364 day year. The system of
Daniel’s ‘weeks’ prophecy based on the interpretation of
‘heptad’, has the meaning of seven. 364 days is 52
equal seven day weeks, Sabbath to Sabbath. 360 days is not
divisible by 7 (sabbath to sabbath). During the
Second Temple Period, the 364 day year calendar was in use
by the priesthood. From
the First Decree of Artaxerxes in 457 BC until 25 AD (when
Jesus was about 30) there are 69 heptads of 364 day years! Daniel’s
prophecy states that from the decree to restore until the
Messiah (anointed) would be 69 weeks of years! Jesus was
baptized around his 30th birthday, the Spirit
of God descended upon Him like a dove (anointing) and God
said this is my Son in whom I am well pleased!!! The 69
weeks of years was fulfilled exactly 483 years of 364 days
per year!!!
1:14 quotes a prophecy from the Book of Enoch, giving that
book real validity.
Some of the phraseology Jesus used is reflected in
the Book of Enoch. Interestingly,
the Book of Genesis records that Enoch lived 365 years,
which is the observed length of the year. However, the
Book of Enoch records that an angel told Enoch the
year was 364 days long! While some may discount a 364 day
year (because the actual length is 365.24 days), a
calendar using the 364, inserting an extra week every 7th
year, could well be more accurate over the long term than
the Gregorian calendar we use. In a 364 day system, the date would
also fall on the same day of the week each year. While this may
be a little technical, the length of a sidereal day is
less than the full 24 hours. As Earth progresses through its
orbit, the time it takes any particular point on our
rotating planet to point at the same background star from
day to day is 23.93447 hours. Probably more accurately, sidereal
time follows the Vernal Equinox which precesses at about 1
degree every 71.6 years.
Multiplied by 365 days the sidereal day length
yields a total of 8736.082 hours. Dividing this
8736.082 hour value by the complete 24 hour day yields a
total 364.0034 days.
maybe the angel who spoke to Enoch understood celestial
mechanics pretty well.
hope I gave you some background on the 360 day, as well as
the 364 day alternative 'prophetic year'.