Dear Doves,Below is a letter written by Pastor F.M. Riley with a Biblical perspective concerning Planet X that I, and others, have presented on 5Doves in the past. Many of you may find this information very interesting and helpful now in understanding today's events as they relate to Comet Elenin and Nibiru, also known as Planet X ...~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Planet Xby Pastor F. M. Riley, 2/1/11IntroductionIn 2001 I began seriously studying and writing about Planet X and the role it would playin fulfilling end-time Bible prophecy. My interest in this subject was kindled by receivingdocumentable information sent to me by reliable sources at that time. After carefullyconfirming the information I received and studying what the inspired Scriptures actuallysay about the role the heavenly bodies have to play in fulfilling the end-time propheciesof the Tribulation, I have continued to study and write about the coming of Planet Xwithout apology to anyone.Oh yes, I have been mocked, ridiculed, scorned, falsely accused, lied about, and calledevery vile name my critics could think of [mostly “dedicated Christian believers” ???] tolabel me, for teaching that Planet X is the real Deal and that it will play a vital role in thefulfillment of the Tribulation prophecies of God’s Word. So what? I couldn’t care less!I am not the first follower of Christ who has suffered for standing for the truth of God’sWord, and I am sure I won’t be the last.Nine years have now passed since I first began studying and writing about Planet X. Inprevious articles I repeatedly pointed out that information on this subject was beingdeliberately kept from the public by the “insiders” that have known the truth aboutPlanet X since 1983. I have also repeatedly pointed out that the time would comewhen the wicked “insiders” could not conceal Planet X any longer, and would be forcedto admit that it is real. THAT TIME HAS NOW COME! Therefore I am sending forth thisarticle as a brief review for those readers who have never heard about Planet X, andalso as an UPDATE on the subject for those who have read my studies on Planet X inthe past. Read on…….The Discovery of Planet XPlanet X was discovered and photographed in modern times by JPL’s deep spaceInfrared Electronic Telescope. The year was 1981. At that time the astronomers andscientists working on the project were so elated with their discovery that they releasedthe news of its discovery to the public news media. The story of its discovery waspublished in the New York Times and the Washington Post in 1981, then picked up byother newspapers and carried all over the world. I have copies of both of the originalarticles printed in those two major newspapers in my files right now. Any reader canobtain copies for themselves by researching the subject on the Internet.After the discovery in 1981 the astronomers and scientists began seriously studyingPlanet X in an attempt to find out every little detail about this tenth planet in the solarsystem. What they soon learned must have scared some of them half to death. Theylearned that the writings of the ancient Sumerians were really true. Up to that time inhistory the writings of the ancient Sumerians about Planet X had been regarded by“modern” scientists as exaggerations, myths, or outright fiction. It must have beenquite a blow to the ego of some of these “brilliant” scientists of today to suddenly learnthat the ancient Sumerians WERE NOT the stupid primitive peoples they have beenmade out to be by modern “intellectuals.” Sic!Some of what these modern scientists learned is that Planet X is a huge DARK planetpossibly five to six times or more LARGER than the earth. It is so large that it had tobe classified as a planet, yet it has an elliptical orbit more like that of a comet than aplanet. Its orbit is so elongated that it spends most of its time in the darkness of outerspace, but comes back into the inner solar system flying past the earth and the otherplanets every 3,630 years. Wow!Because it is so large, Planet X also has an electro-magnetic field surrounding it that issecond only to that of the Sun in the solar system. In other words, it acts similar to apowerful “magnet” in space, pushing all kinds of space debris out in front of it as itadvances through space and trailing a million miles or more long tail of space debrisbehind it.The astronomers and scientists who lived in 1981-82 also learned that Planet X wasINBOUND into the solar system, and they calculated that it would be somewherebetween 25 and 30 years before it would come flying through the solar system and pastthe earth. In view of the gigantic size of Planet X and its powerful electro-magneticfield, the scientists knew that when it comes flying through the solar system it willcause all kinds of destruction to the planets in the solar system. This destruction will becaused by Planet X virtually wiping out or overwhelming the gravitational and electromagneticfields of each of the planets in the solar system. The far greater gravitationaland electro-magnetic fields of Planet X will cause great earthquakes, volcanic eruptions,and geological changes on all of the planets in the solar system. Compare Psalm102:25-26. Significantly, this is exactly what was recorded by the ancient Sumeriansas happening the last time Planet X came flying through the inner solar system some3,600 years ago.If the earth was exempt from this there would be no problem, for man’s moderntechnology has revealed that earth is the only planet in the solar system that is actuallyinhabited by mankind. But the earth is not and will not be exempt! This planet will beaffected terribly by the passing of Planet X, just as the records of the ancient Sumeriansrecord the terrible destruction and death that occurred the last time Planet X camesome 3,600 plus years ago. When Planet X comes through the solar system and fliespast the earth the whole earth will shake. Compare Haggai 2:21, Hebrews 12:26-27,and Isaiah 2:12-22. There will be great earthquakes, volcanoes all over the earth will erupt,terrible tsunamis will sweep over whole continents, mountain chains will fall and others will rise,some land areas will sink beneath the oceans and some landpresently beneath the seas will be raised above the waters. There will be weird andeven instant climate changes, causing strange and terrible storms to ravage the earthwith terrible winds, floods, freezing temperatures in some areas, and blistering heat inothers. MILLIONS OF PEOPLE WILL DIE! The infrastructure of every nation on earthwill be destroyed. There will be massive death and destruction all over the earth, andthe world as we have known it in the past will cease to exist.Scriptural VerificationIf this sounds like the raging fanaticism of a wild eyed “conspiracy nut” to some of ourreaders, then perhaps they should read Psalm 46:2-3, 83:13-15, Isaiah 2:10-22,14:1-13, 24:1-6, 24:17-20, 40:4, Ezekiel 38:19-20, Micah 1:3-4, Nahum 1:5,Haggai 2:6-7, 2:21-23, Hebrews 12:25-28, Revelation 6:12-17, 11:13, 16:17-21, and many other similar Scriptures throughout God’s Word. Then after theseScriptures have been read, tell the Lord Himself who gave us His inspired Word that Heis just a wild eyed “conspiracy nut” and that these clearly stated prophecies in His Wordwill never happen. Good luck! You will need it!The Great CoverupThese terrible truths are what astronomers and scientists studying Planet X laid outbefore those attending a top secret meeting of world leaders in 1983. At that meetingwere Illuminists [the movers and shakers who behind the scenes literally run the world],government officials from all leading industrial nations, top military brass, theCEO’s of the world’s leading corporations and banks, the ultra-rich one world globalists,and selected heads of the world news media. They were all informed of what is goingto occur when Planet X comes flying through the solar system. The general consensusat that meeting was that in order to avoid a world wide panic possibly resulting in thecollapse of the world economy and the infrastructure of the nations, the publicSHOULD NOT BE TOLD about the coming of Planet X and the destruction and deaththat its coming will cause on the earth. It was therefore agreed upon at that meeting in1983 that a blanket of secrecy should be imposed upon all who were privy to thisinformation, and that no further news releases should be made about Planet X beingdiscovered, and that even the existence of Planet X should be denied. Those attendingthat meeting were sworn to secrecy. So for these now 28 years since 1983 worldleaders have been denying that Planet X was discovered and that it even exists. Overand over again official representatives of our government [U.S.] and other governmentsof the world have lied and lied and lied to the public about the existence and comingof Planet X and are still lying about it.How do I know all this? Because some of the people who attended that meeting in1983 had a conscience. A few of those people could not live with the knowledge thatmillions of their fellow human beings were going to die in the future without even anopportunity to know what they were facing. There were a few who felt that the publichad a right to know what was coming in order to make whatever preparations werepossible. So from time to time there have been “leaks” of information. Little by littlemore and more information has been “leaked” until the whole grim picture has cometogether.In fact there were so many “leaks” of information about Planet X that some “brilliantinsider” [Sic!] came up with the idea of planting disinformation designed to discredit thewhole subject in the eyes of the public. So in 2001, 2002, and 2003 there was all kindsof information about Planet X being deliberately “leaked” to the public. Much of theinformation being released at that time claimed that the coming of Planet X would occurin May of 2003, and the public should prepare themselves for imminent destruction. Onthe one hand “official” sources were denying the whole story, while on the other handequally “official” sources were steadily “leaking” disinformation to the public. TheirSCAM worked like a charm. When Planet X DID NOT show up in May of 2003, mostpeople labeled the whole subject of Planet X a hoax and began ridiculing anyone whowould even bring up the subject.How sad it is that the whole world wasn’t told the truth about Planet X clear back in1983. Yes, there might very well have been panic on the part of some. But it is alsopossible that if the public had been told what they are actually facing, many hundredsor even thousands of people might have turned to the Lord. I personally believe thatSatan himself, “the god of this world,” [2 Corinthians 4:4] absolutely does not wantthe masses of humanity to know what is coming in order to keep them from calling onthe Lord. I don’t believe for a minute that the wicked world leaders at that meeting in1983 were trying to protect humanity. Rather, I think what they really wanted was tokeep the cash registers ringing to the very last minute. They couldn’t care less aboutthe people. Too harsh you say? Too judgmental? Well let’s just see…..Lies and HypocrisyImmediately after that meeting in 1983 the ultra-rich “elite” and the governments ofthe world’s leading industrial nations began the building of vast underground structureswhich they believe will protect them and their “chosen” servants from the terribledestruction coming. Over these past 28 years hundreds of these underground“bunkers” have been built all over the earth. These bunkers are constructed of vastamounts of reinforced concrete and steel. They are equipped with the very latest inhuman technology to guarantee the safety of those who will occupy them while “ridingout” the passing of Planet X. These underground bunkers have been built in sizeswhich can accommodate anywhere from a few people up to several thousand people.Over the past few years these underground sanctuaries have been stocked with vastamounts of food and water, fine wines and liquors, medicines and drugs, clothing, goldand silver bars, cash, and other forms of wealth, works of art, fine automobiles, fuels,and every other conceivable comfort and luxury that the idle rich might even imaginethat they may need when they enter them. Why? If Planet X is not real and is notcoming, which is the “official party line” of the “insiders” of the world, then why suchpreparations? Well…??The plan is that at a certain time the “elite” of the world and their “chosen” servants[spell that S-L-A-V-E-S] will just suddenly disappear into their well stocked underground“bunkers,” leaving the masses of humanity to fare for themselves the best way they canuntil Planet X has passed and the devastation it causes is over. Then the wicked “elite”plan to emerge from their bunkers with all of their hidden wealth and rule as kings overwhatever portion of humanity which was left on the outside will have managed tosurvive. Sic!I am certain that some of our readers will think that this is some wild fantasy that Ihave dreamed up. Not hardly! If you are one of those readers who think I am somekind of “nut,” then do yourself a favor. Start quietly inquiring about the existence ofthese massive underground “bunkers.” Carefully and selectively ask the ultra-wealthycivic and political and business leaders that you may know on a personal basis aboutthese underground bunkers. I am urging caution, for you could end up dead for askingtoo many questions of the wrong people.I can assure every reader that there is one of these underground “bunkers” locatedwithin a reasonable driving distance of every major city in the United States today, andthe major cities of most of the other industrial nations of the world. I personally knowabout two such underground bunkers located just a short distance from where I am atright now. One of these bunkers is large enough to accommodate and take care of2,oo0 or more people. I have received information on bunkers in the U.S. and othercountries which are much larger. Even as I write I have an article laying on my desk,containing details and maps revealing the locations of some of the more than 200underground bunkers which have been built over the past 28 years right here in theUnited States under the guise of “military projects” for national security. Sic!Now why would the ultra-rich leaders of this present world system spend vast amountsof money [billions of taxpayer dollars] SECRETLY building such underground sanctuariesfor themselves unless THEY KNOW that Planet X is real, and THEY KNOW thedestruction and death its passing is going to cause on the earth? Perhaps some ofthese “super smart” mockers and scoffers would like to explain all of this to those of uswhom they have labeled “conspiracy nuts.” Well…??Update on the Coming of Planet XHubbleOur readers may not be aware of this, but the real reason for the construction of theHubble Space Telescope WAS NOT to explore the solar system and the Universe, assome claim from time to time. The real reason for spending the billions of dollars toconstruct the telescope, place it in orbit, and then almost immediately repair or replacesome of its lenses, was for the purpose of viewing inbound Planet X. I have receivedthis information repeatedly from several different reliable sources, so I really don’t carewhether some want to believe it or n0t. Their unbelief won’t change the truth.The Big BendIn the past few years the U.S. government has also financed the building of a majorobservatory in the Davis mountains in the Big Bend area of Texas, built for the specificpurpose of monitoring the incoming of Planet X into the solar system. More millions oftaxpayer dollars spent to observe an incoming planet which according to the “officialparty line” statement doesn’t even exist. Sic!The VaticanYes, even the Vatican hierarchy in Rome have their hands in all of this. They havespent millions of dollars quietly building one of the most technologically advancedobservatories in the world in northern Arizona here in the United States, specifically forthe purpose of viewing and tracking Planet X on its inbound journey into our solarsystem. Significantly, there are NO major highways or paved roads leading to theirobservatory. It is not even listed in the phone book or in any publication which mightreveal its location. They have deliberately made it as inconspicuous as possible. But itis there! Some sources have gone to the trouble of searching out the location of thisobservatory in the mountains of Arizona and even photographing it, so its existence hasbeen carefully DOCUMENTED. But why all the secrecy? The Vatican hierarchy in Romeregards Planet X as the prophesied and much dreaded “wormwood” of Revelation8:10-11. They KNOW it is coming, and they are spending millions of dollars to trackits inbound journey. I could say much more about the Vatican’s reason for wanting tomonitor Planet X, but to save time and space in this study I won’t.AntarticaThe United States government has also spent millions [billions?] of dollars more onother projects to daily watch Planet X as it is inbound into the solar system. It has longbeen known that the orbit of Planet X will bring it into the solar system from beneaththe earth. In other words, from the deep south. Two new observatories have beenquietly built in Antartica in the past ten years for the express purpose of watching theprogress of Planet X into the inner solar system. These two new observatories aresome of the most technologically advanced observatories in the world today, and costmillions of taxpayer dollars to build and operate. But who cares about the cost? Thegullible American “sheeple” provide an unending source of revenue for our “brilliant”politicians, world leaders, and ultra-rich internationalists. Sic!Estimated Time of ArrivalNow nearly three years ago [2007] reliable “leaks” revealed that Planet X would showup on really good telescopes [expensive] by the Spring of 2010. Did it happen? It suredid! I have been receiving reports on its approach ever since last Spring. Planet X isstill far out in space, but it can now be seen by those who have the proper telescopesand know where to look.But just how far out in space is it? The latest “leaks” report that it will show up to thenaked eye as a tiny dot in the sky, appearing like a very faint star, by April of this year[2011]. It can then be easily seen if one has good eyesight or a powerful pair ofbinoculars and knows where to look. It will then from night to night gradually appearlarger and brighter in the night sky over the next several months, becoming easilyvisible to the naked eye in the night sky by October of this year [2011]. During the lastthree months of the year the world’s “elite” should begin disappearing into theirunderground bunkers. When the “elite” leaders of the world just suddenly disappear itwill cause absolute chaos among those left on “the face of the earth.” YES! IT ISMUCH LATER THAN MANY TODAY WANT TO BELIEVE!Planet X will continue to appear larger and brighter in the night sky until it will take onthe appearance of a “second moon” in the sky at night. As it comes closer and closerthe entire earth will begin to shake, earthquakes will increase all over the earth,massive volcanic eruptions will occur and increase with many new volcanoes cominginto existence, tsunamis will become much more frequent, and yes, the earth willliterally and actually be bombarded with large and small rocks and asteroids from out ofspace. Due to every [presently] extinct volcano on earth going into eruption, and manynew volcanoes coming into existence, the entire earth will become shrouded indarkness and gloominess both day and night. Read Joel 2:1-2 and Zephaniah 1:14-17, and BELIEVE what you read.The Demise of AmericaHere in the United States there are now FOUR GREAT PROBLEM AREAS just waiting forthe right catalyst to set them off. These FOUR are (1) the San Andreas fault inCalifornia, (2) the Yellowstone Super Caldera in Wyoming, (3) the New Madrid faultalong the Mississippi River, and as of this past year (4) the man made time bomb nowticking in the Gulf of Mexico.The whole earth has been slightly trembling since the great Indian Ocean quake of2004, and earthquakes all over the earth have dramatically increased since that time.The interior of the earth is now so unstable that if any one of these four problem areasin the U.S. breaks loose, it is highly likely that it will trigger the other three areas intoalso breaking loose. When [not “if”] this happens it will be the end of the UnitedStates, very likely in one terrible 24 hour day. MILLIONS WILL DIE! Psalm 9:17 is stillin the Bible whether some want to believe it or not.Planet X, according to information received from “leaks,” will come flying through thesolar system and ultimately past the earth beginning in late 2012. The effects whichprecede its coming have already been occurring for several years, and will continue toincrease throughout this year [2011]. Major destruction upon the earth will continue tooccur as Planet X approaches and flies past the earth and continues on its journey backout into the blackness of outer space.Even the wicked unbelieving “elite” are aware that the major destruction that will becaused by the approach, fly by, and departure of Planet X will cover approximatelySEVEN YEARS. Now isn’t this interesting? Or is it just a “coincidence?” Sic! This timingappears to totally harmonize with the seven year Tribulation plainly predicted in TheBook of Revelation and many other inspired prophecies throughout the Word ofGod. Compare Psalm 111 through Psalm 118, which correlate with the years 2011– 2018. The timing even appears to correlate with the pagan prophecies of the Hopi,Navajo, and Mayan Indian tribes. Well how about that! And some folks are sospiritually dense they don’t think the Bible is “relevant” to the times we are living intoday.Think about it…..Carefully!Crazy huh? The raving of a “conspiracy lunatic”? If you think so, then YOU apparentlyhaven’t read The Book of Revelation lately? Or maybe you have never read it? Ormaybe you have read it and don’t believe it? Well rest assured that if you fit into one ofthese categories, the Lord Himself has already made provision for YOU in His Word.Read John 3:16-18 and Revelation 21:8. YOU will either repent of your sins andbelieve on the One who made provision for your eternal soul’s salvation, or YOU willburn in the lake of fire and brimstone “for ever and ever.” The choice is yours tomake. Choose carefully!More Scriptural VerificationIsaiahI have already referred to the prophecies of this entire earth being shaken “terribly”as recorded in Isaiah 2:12-22, Haggai 2:21, and Hebrews 12:26-29.Now look at Isaiah 13:1-14. These Scriptures are another inspired prophecy of thecoming of “the day of the Lord” [the Tribulation]. It is explicitly stated in thisprophecy that the Lord is going to bring His “sanctified ones” [13:3] “from a farcountry, from the end of heaven, even the Lord, and the weapons of Hisindignation, to destroy the whole land [erets…earth],” 13:5. Planet X is comingfrom the blackness of space on the far outer fringes of the solar system. It doesn’t takea rocket scientist to make the connection. Hello!Notice also in this prophecy that the Lord explicitly states that He is bringing “the dayof the Lord” [Tribulation] “as a destruction from the Almighty” [13:6], and that itwill effect the stars, the constellations, the Sun, the Moon, and the earth, literallymoving the earth out of its present orbit, 13:6-14. Do any of our readers who reallybelieve the Scriptures have any doubts that this prophecy is describing the coming ofPlanet X and also other heavenly bodies into the solar system? Also study Isaiah24:1-20, 28:17-23, and many other similar Old Testament prophecies.I would emphasize to our readers that the Lord God of Heaven DOES NOT NEEDmankind’s silly little nuclear bombs and planes and missiles and other modern weaponsto bring judgment upon the wicked of this earth. All He has to do is command Hiscreation and it obeys His will explicitly. Thousands of years ago the Lord, whenspeaking to the Patriarch Job, said, “Hast thou entered into the treasures of thesnow? Or hast thou seen the treasures of the hail, which I have reservedagainst the time of trouble, against the day of battle and war? Job 38:22-23.Hey! You never thought of these “natural” elements as “weapons”? Almighty Godhas! Now read Psalm 148:7-8. Do these verses say that the Lord’s creation fulfillsHis Word or not? Well…?? There is more [controlled] raw power unleashed in onehuge thunderstorm than a hundred nuclear bombs. Think about it! Now read Nahum1:3 and “be not faithless, but believing,” John 20:27.The LordIn Matthew 24:35, after telling the disciples to “learn a parable of the fig tree,”the Lord explicitly stated, “Heaven and earth shall pass away, but My wordsshall not pass away.” Most believers who read this verse assume that theyunderstand what the Lord was saying, therefore they never bother to look up the literalmeanings of the words used in this verse. The word translated as “pass away” twicein this Scripture is the Greek word, “parerchomai.” This Greek word occurs 31 times inthe New Testament, and literally means, “to go by; to pass by; to come by; to comepast; to pass away; to be led by; to be carried past.” See Thayer’s Greek Lexicon, page488, Strong’s No. 3928.In view of the literal meaning of this Greek word and the way it is used in variousplaces in the New Testament, a literal translation of Matthew 24:35 would read, “Theheavens and earth shall pass by and away from each other, but My wordsshall never pass by and away.” In other words, the heavenly bodies in the solarsystem [which are believed by men to be absolutely stable] will leave their presentorbits and come flying past the earth, and then “pass” on out into the vastness ofspace, Psalm 102:26. But the words of the Lord, which alone are truly stable, willnever “pass away.” “For ever, O Lord, Thy Word is settled in heaven,” Psalm119:89. Praise the Lord! Glory to God!In making this statement the Lord clearly prophesied that one or more of the planets inthe solar system is going to come flying past the earth causing even the earth to leaveits present orbit, Isaiah 13:13-14; 24:17-20. It is now a documented fact thatPlanet X is the tenth planet in the solar system, and that it is the only one of the tenplanets whose orbit IS NOT STABLE. Since it is presently inbound into the inner solarsystem, it doesn’t require a lot of intelligence to believe that the Lord MAY have hadPlanet X in mind even as He spoke these words in Matthew 24:35.I would also remind our readers that it was the Lord Himself, in speaking of the“signs” that are to precede His second coming, who explicitly said, “…Nation shallrise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom: And great earthquakesshall be in divers places, and famines, and pestilences; and fearful sights andgreat signs shall there be from heaven,” Luke 21:11. How fearful? And to whatextent? In the same chapter the Lord also added, “And there shall be signs in thesun, and in the moon, and in the stars; and upon the earth distress ofnations, with perplexity [no way out; no solution]; the sea and the wavesroaring; Men’s hearts failing them for fear, and for looking after those thingswhich are coming on the earth: for the powers of heaven shall be shaken,”Luke 21:25-26. It ought to be obvious to our readers that these passages ofScripture establish a direct connection between whatever is going on in the heavens atthat time and “men’s hearts failing them for fear” because of what they anticipateoccurring on the earth. This isn’t hard to understand!The Apostle Peter…….Significantly, the inspired Apostle used the exact same word inhis epistle in 2 Peter 3:10 as the Lord used in Matthew 24:35. “But the day ofthe Lord [the Tribulation] will come as a thief in the night; in the which theheavens shall pass away [pass by; fly past] with a great noise, and theelements shall melt with fervent heat, the earth also and the works that aretherein shall be burned up.” I have already pointed out that the passing of Planet Xis going to cause great earthquakes and every volcano on earth will begin erupting.Can our readers even imagine the tremendous HEAT AND FIRE AND SMOKE that will begenerated all over the earth when this happens? Add to this situation the red hotflaming rocks and asteroids that will fall on the earth during the passing of Planet X.Read Revelation 6:12-17 again. Compare it with the account of Israel’s coming outof the land of Egypt some 3,400 years and take it to heart, Psalm 105:32-33.The best laid plans of mice and men…….…often come to naught!The plans are already made and the underground bunkers already prepared for theultra-rich “elite” of the world. They have carefully and secretly made every preparationfor their own survival during the coming Tribulation period when Planet X comes flyingthrough the solar system and past the earth. Their plan is for them to enter theirunderground bunkers and “ride out” the storm in style, and they couldn’t care lessabout the “ignorant masses” who will be left outside of their bunkers to survive the bestway they can or die. Figuratively speaking, the ultra-rich “elite” have dotted every “i”and crossed every “t”. They have left nothing to chance! So what could possibly gowrong?Hoo boy! Have they ever underestimated their enemy; the holy and just and altogetherrighteous LORD GOD OF HEAVEN. Yes I said “their enemy.” Read Psalm 5:5-6 and7:11.I realize that some of my readers may be so deceived by the silly, super emotional,“love gospel” being proclaimed from many pulpits today that they find it hard to believethat the tender lowly Lamb of God could be an “enemy” of anyone. Folks, your “Jesus”may be a spineless, gutless, wimp, but my “Jesus” isn’t! If some reader doesn’t graspwhat I am saying, then I suggest you carefully read 2 Corinthians 11:4 again, andthis time let the truth stated there soak in.Yes, I most certainly do believe in preaching and teaching and putting into practice the“love of God.” But I also have spiritual sense enough to know that the greatest act oflove ever witnessed in human history was when “…God commendeth His lovetoward us, in that, while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us,” Romans5:8. The Lord Jesus Christ came into this world for two basic purposes; (1) to savethose who will repent of sin and believe on Him as their own personal Savior, who whensaved, will rejoice in God’s righteousness, and (2) to destroy out of God’s Kingdomthose who obstinately refuse to repent, and who hate God’s righteousness. I canassure every reader that the “real Jesus” of the Bible, whom I serve in truth, is perfectlycapable of accomplishing both jobs. The “real” Lord Jesus of the Bible IS NOT A WIMP!What does the inspired Word predict for these ultra-rich incorrigible wicked “elite” whohave laid their plans so well? Listen and learn…..“Go to now, ye rich men, weep and howl for your miseries that shall comeupon you. Your riches are corrupted, and your garments are moth eaten.Your gold and silver is cankered; and the rust of them shall be a witnessagainst you, and shall eat your flesh as it were fire. Ye have heaped treasuretogether for the last days. Ye have lived in pleasure on the earth, and beenwanton; ye have nourished your hearts, as in a day of slaughter. Ye havecondemned and killed the just; and he [the just or righteous man] doth not resistyou. Be patient therefore, brethren, unto the coming of the Lord. Behold, thehusbandman waiteth for the precious fruit of the earth, and hath longpatience for it, until he receive the early and latter rain. Be ye also patient;stablish your hearts: for the coming of the Lord draweth nigh,” James 5:1-8.The clear implication in this prophecy is that when the Lord comes, it will be the ultrarichincorrigible wicked of the earth who will be in BIG TROUBLE. Is this a correctunderstanding of this prophecy? Let’s see…..I have already pointed out in this study that the plans of these “elite” world leaders areto go into their underground bunkers in order to escape the destruction they KNOW iscoming. Is it then just “coincidence” that the inspired Word tells us…..That they will flee into their Bunkers…“And the loftiness of man shall be bowed down, and the haughtiness of menshall be made low: and the Lord alone shall be exalted in that day. And theidols He shall utterly abolish. And they shall go into the holes of the rocks,and into the caves of the earth, for fear of the Lord, and for the glory of Hismajesty, when He ariseth to shake terribly the earth. In that day a man shallcast his idols of silver, and his idols of gold, which they made each one forhimself to worship, to the moles and to the bats; to go into the clefts of therocks, and into the tops of the ragged rocks, for fear of the Lord, and for theglory of His majesty, when He ariseth to shake terribly the earth. Cease yefrom man, whose breath is in his nostrils: for wherein is he to accounted of?”Isaiah 2:17-22.This prophecy speaks of these men who are “proud and lofty” [verse 12] going intothe exact parts of the earth [tops of mountains; caves; ragged rocks; isolated areas]where the ultra-rich have built their secret underground bunkers, and have placed inthem their silver and gold and other treasures which they so highly prize. Is this just“coincidence” too? Also compare Revelation 6:15-17.Notice that the Lord says that they are going to leave those treasures “to the molesand to the bats.” Now why would they do that? Because Almighty God is going tototally upset their plans. In so terribly shaking the earth, those underground bunkersare going to become “death traps” for everyone foolish enough to remain in them. IfAlmighty God could rip the earth apart as He did in the days of Peleg [Genesis 10:25],dividing the one great land mass into the continents and islands that exist today, thenhow silly it is for men to think that their reinforced concrete and steel undergroundbunkers will pose any challenge to the Lord. Yes, they will flee to their bunkers asplanned…But they will also flee from their bunkers…“They shall lick the dust like a serpent, they shall move out of their holes likeworms of the earth: they shall be afraid of the Lord our God, and shall fearbecause of Thee,” Micah 7:17.When the Lord begins to “shake terribly the earth” all of these secret undergroundbunkers of the “elite” will then be seen for what they really are; merely the silly, futile,efforts of wicked, willingly ignorant, men to resist Almighty God. Sic! Listen again tothe inspired Word of God…..“The kings of the earth set themselves, and the rulers take counsel togetheragainst the Lord, and against His Anointed, saying, Let us break their bandsasunder, and cast away their cords from us. He that sitteth in the heavensshall laugh: the Lord shall have them in derision. Then shall He speak untothem in His wrath, and vex them in His sore displeasure. Yet have I set myKing upon My holy hill of Zion,” Psalm 2:2-6.“Because I have called, and ye refused; I have stretched out My hand, and noman regarded; but ye have set at nought all My counsel, and would none ofMy reproof: I also will laugh at your calamity: I will mock when your fearcometh; when your fear cometh as desolation, and your destruction comethas a whirlwind; when distress and anguish cometh upon you. Then shall theycall upon Me, but I will not answer; they shall seek Me early, but they shallnot find Me: for that they hated knowledge, and did not choose the fear ofthe Lord: they would none of My counsel: they despised all My reproof.Therefore shall they eat of the fruit of their own way, and be filled with theirown devices,” Proverbs 1:24-31.Imagine if you can, being sealed up in one of those underground bunkers when thewhole earth begins violently shaking, so much so that the bunker itself literally splitsapart and water, mud, rocks, and only the Lord knows what else begins pouring intoyour bunker.Or, being sealed up in one of those bunkers when the section of the earth where yourbunker is located literally splits wide open in a vast chasm and the whole bunker fallsthousands of feet deeper into the earth, and then the earth closes up on it sealing offall the exits from the bunker “for ever.”Or, being sealed up in one of the bunkers when the violent shaking of the earth causesthe whole area of land where your bunker is located to sink, bringing the waters of thesea in to cover the whole area with the sea. Trapped beneath the sea with no way out“for ever.”Folks, “Be not deceived; God is not mocked: for whatsoever a man soweth,that shall he also reap,” Galatians 6:7.Every reader needs to remember that our just and altogether righteous Lord God haslovingly counseled with mankind by appealing to all men…..“Seek ye the Lord while He may be found, call ye upon Him while He is near,”Isaiah 55:6.This Scripture makes it quite plain that THE ONLY TIME anyone can ever be saved iswhen the Lord Himself is drawing them through His Word and through the wooing ofHis Holy Spirit, John 6:44-45; Romans 10:17. When men then set their hearts andminds and will against the Lord and against His Word and refuse to acknowledge God,they are willfully choosing their own eternal damnation!Again remember…..”It is a fearful thing to fall into the hands of the living God,”Hebrews 10:31.ConclusionYes! Humanity today is living in “the time of the end,” Daniel 12:4.Yes! The Seven Year Tribulation period is staring humanity in the face RIGHT NOW!Yes! Planet X is real and it is inbound into the solar system, and men left on this earthafter the rapture of God’s people will see it with their own eyes.Yes! Some living today will “escape all these things that shall come to pass,and… stand before the Son of man,” Luke 21:36. Why? Because the Lord JesusChrist is coming “in the air” to resurrect and rapture His New Covenant saints to gloryBEFORE the Tribulation, exactly as He promised in His Word. See John 14:1-3,Romans 5:9, 1 Corinthians 15:51-52, 1 Thessalonians 1:10, 4:13-18, 5:9, andRevelation 3:10.Yes! Salvation is still available for those who are willing to hear, repent, and believe onthe Lord Jesus Christ as their own personal Savior, John 14:6; Acts 4:12; Romans10:8-13. But hurry! Time is running out! Read 2 Corinthians 6:1-2. If you put offthe salvation of your eternal soul until the rapture actually occurs, you may have waitedtoo long, 2 Thessalonians 2:8-12.Yes! I DO CARE about the eternal salvation of my readers! I will be glad to hear fromany reader needing spiritual help, and will do everything I know to do to help you findsalvation and peace in the saving grace of the Lord Jesus Christ. As I close this study Iadmonish every reader to, “Examine yourselves, whether ye be in the faith;prove your own selves. Know ye not your own selves, how that Jesus Christis in you, except ye be reprobates?” 2 Corinthians 11:5. See also 2 Peter 1:10.THE RAPTURE… Don’t miss it for the World!“Because thou hast kept the Word of My patience, I also will keep thee fromthe hour of temptation, which shall come upon all the world, to try them thatdwell upon the earth,” Revelation 3:10.NOTICE: Permission is granted to any TRUE BELIEVER, or to any Bible believingChristian ministry, to forward this study to others, or to reproduce copies of it to sharewith others, or to quote from it IN CONTEXT AS WRITTEN.This ministry is supported solely by the freewill offerings of those who feel led of theLord to help us send forth God’s wonderful Word.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Hear, hear, Pastor Riley! ...well written :)ysic,Dru