Bob Ware (25 Sep 2016)
"Seven Day Warning on 25 September 2016"


The sum of all 929 Old Testament chapter numbers equals the 24,978 days from Israel’s rebirth on 5.14.1948 to the last day of 5776 and the first day of 5777 (10.2.2016).


The last two chapters of the Old Testament are Malachi 3 and 4. The sum of the title case ASCII codes for "Malachi Chapter 3 And 4" is 1776 (2 x 888).


        3 + 4 = 7


                Thus, the first 927 chapter numbers of the Old Testament total 24,971.


                        24,971 is the 76th and last sum of Old Testament chapter numbers to be a prime number.


                                76 x 76 = 5776 which is the current Jewish year ending at sunset on 10.2.2016.


5.14.1948 + 24,971 days will be 9.25.2016.


            Noah was told to enter the Ark seven days prior to the release of the flood waters. We may be given a seven day warning on 9.25.2016 prior to 10.2.2016.


There are 260 chapters in the New Testament. The 260th triangle number is 33,930 which equals: 45 x 754. 754 is the gematria for the Hebrew translation of Jesus Christ: ‘Yehoshua HaMeshiach’.


The sum of the 260 chapter numbers in the New Testament is 2361.


        2361 + 7 (Malachi 3 and 4) = 2368 which is the Greek gematria of 'JESUS CHRIST'.


I cut and pasted the King James translation of Malachi 3 and 4 from my PC Study Bible program into ‘Microsoft WORD’ and had it do the word number count. It returned a word count of 777.


            Noah’s father Lamech lived to be 777.


The last two chapters of Malachi (3 and 4) plus the 260 chapters of the New Testament equals 262 consecutive chapters.


        >From 262 to 927 there are 666 inclusive values.


9.25.2016 will be 2882 days since Obama was first elected on 11.4.2008. 2882 equals 2 x 1441. 1441 is the sixteenth Star of David number. 9.11.2001 was the 1441st day of the current Jewish calendar cycle. 1441 is the sum of the ASCII codes for the last two books in the Bible; 'Jude' (392) + 'Revelation' (1049). 2882 is also the sum of the two sets of three prime numbers that make up the 'Prime Cross': 113 + 467 + 881 and 431 + 467 + 523. Its four points total 1948: 113 + 431 + 523 + 881.


9.25.2016 will be 10 x 666 days since 7.2.1998 which was the center day of 1998. 1998 is the gematria of the first five words of GN 1:1. 1998 is also the sum of the ASCII codes for 'JESUS CHRIST' (855) and 'Jesus Christ' (1143). 1998 equals 3 x 666. 666 is the sum of the ASCII codes for 'HOLY BIBLE'.


Romans 9:25 is 2922 verses from the end of the Bible. 2922 is the number of days in two Presidential terms.


Malachi 3:1 is the 23,122nd verse in the Bible.


        When 23,122 equals the circumference of a circle plus the perimeters of the three objects within it (triangle, square and golden rectangle) then the perimeter of the square is 5776.881.


                881 is the 153rd prime number and the last point of the 'Prime Cross' where Obama's name falls. The sum of the four points of this ‘Prime Cross’ is 1948 (113 + 431 + 523 + 881).


        When the sum of these four values is 23,123 (verse number for Malachi 3:2) the square perimeter jumps to 5777.130.


                Thus, Malachi 3:1 is the breaking point from which to mark off the seven day warning period proceeding the last day of 5776.


The seventh Hebrew word of Genesis 1:1 is ‘earth’. The Hebrew gematria of ‘earth’ is 296. 3 x 296 = 888 (‘JESUS’) and 5 x 296 = 1480 (‘CHRIST’).


            10.2.2016 is the 276th day of 2016. There were 276 on board in Acts 27:37.


                        296 + 2016 + 276 = 2588 = 793 (English gematria of ‘Barack Hussein Obama’) + 1795 (ASCII code sum of ‘Barack Hussein Obama’).


The sum of the protons and neutrons in the 25 consecutive elements from the 3rd to the 27th is 793. 793 is the 12th Star of David number and the English gematria of 'Barack Hussein Obama'. The sum of the protons and neutrons in the last 23 elements in this same series is 777. The sum of the last 21 (7+7+7) in this same series is 754.


The sum of the protons and neutrons in the 10 consecutive elements from the 68th to the 77th is 1795. 1795 is the sum of the ASCII codes for 'Barack Hussein Obama'. When you include the electrons in this group, the sum is 2520. There are 2520 days in the seven prophetic years of the Tribulation.


My previous posts linked to October 2nd 2016: