Luis Vega (24 Oct 2021)
"GRAPHENE OXIDE - Black Goo Making the Body a Human Network Device"


Black Goo Making the Body a Human Network Device

by Luis B. Vega  

‘A lot of what you are seeing as attacks on me quite frankly are attacks on Science because all of the things I have spoken about from the very beginning have been fundamentally based on Science’. -Anthony Fauci

The purpose of this study is to provide a transcript of an interview with Stew Peters about an extraordinary find by Dr. Zandre Botha. She discovered Metallic Substances, black in color that Self-Assembled in the COVID-19 Injection Vails. She took pictures and video-taped an incredible array of perfectly Spherical Metallic-Looking Substances that she examined the COVID-19 Injection Droplets under a Microscope. Dr. Botha’s interview with Stew Peters was like that of Dr. Madej’s about how Graphene Oxide or Hydrogel is in the COVID-19 Shots. This should be Headline News all over the World…but it will not be. Graphene Oxide is basically ‘Programmable Tissue’. 

It appears to be the Self-Replicating also as the Graphene Oxide is harvesting the Hemoglobin, a type of Iron Oxide from the Blood. Why? In order to construct a ‘Virtual Network’ in the Human Body that can ‘communicate’ with Mobile Connections worldwide, A.I., etc., The Globalists are essentially forcibly converting all Human Bodies into ‘Walking Cell Towers’. The Claus Schwab 4th Industrial Revolution is basically about merging Mankind with Machine. And it is being done now through the cover of a ‘Deadly Virus’, COVID-19 that has this Hydrogel, or ‘Black Goo’.


Hydrogel was invented by DARPA, ‘Black Goo’. Graphene Oxide is the smallest, strongest and best Conductor of Electricity known to Mankind. Dr. Botha photographed and video-taped how they even assemble, amazing. And this really the reason why the Luciferians that run the World presently want as many billions of People injected with it. It is about total control of a Human Being’s Body, Soul and Spirit. Their aim is to deface the Image and Likeness in which Humanity is unique among all of Created Beings. Eventually, the Graphene Oxide will permeate all of the Body and will indeed change the Molecular Structure of one’d DNA.

It will be so much so, that when the time comes for the ‘Mark of the Beast’ to be Mandated, the Network Platform will have been already constructed, 1 Human Body at a time. That is if one survives the Adverse Reactions. Those that do will be then equipped for the Digital Wallet for example. What for? To be able to enter stores to ‘Buy and Sell’, just like the Bible declares the Last Generation of Mankind will function as, just before the return of Jesus. The World have arrived at such a ‘Transformation’. The following is the transcript of the interview that aired on October of 2021.

Stew Peters
Well, if you have been paying attention, you saw last week we had Dr. Carrie Madej with some horrific images. That video on Rumble alone now surpassing 1.5 million views. Despite the Suppression and the Censoring that is happening. The Shadow Banning over on Rumble as they lie and say that they are the Free Speech Alternative to YouTube. That is just absolutely not true.

But what you are about to see, now these. These are images that have never yet been reported on. That have not been widely shown or anywhere that I am aware of, specifically here in the United States. And they come from Dr. Zandre Botha. She is a PhD in Alternative Medicine. She holds a Diploma in Integrative Medicine and is a Certified, Live and Dry Blood Analyst.

She uses Advanced Microscopic Techniques to analyze her Patient's Medical Ailments. And more and more of her Patients have Post-COVID Vaccine Illnesses. So, when an Attorney recently approached her with a Chain of Custody Documented Johnson & Johnson Vial, she looked at multiple portions of the Material and found something that no one else has yet shown. Dr. Botha joins us now. Thank you so much for coming. We appreciate this.

Dr. Zandre Botha
You are most welcome. Thank you for your show.

Stew Peters
Of course. So, can you walk us through what you found that shocked you? What was the most surprising ‘thing’ that you saw when you were examining these Vials and their contents?

Dr. Zandre Botha
I think …just to put the Vials into context, I am just going to go through …a couple of slides. Just explaining …the Blood and the Patterns that I have been seeing; in the Patients coming in. Which prompted me to start to keep Records. So, on the 1st Slide, that the Viewers are seeing. This is a Patient that came in …seeking Medical Attention before the vaccine, we treated her. And afterwards, this is what her Blood looked like.

So, a couple of months later, she was very happy and feeling much better. And her Blood was showing perfect round Red Blood Cells; beautiful Neutrophil. That is your White Blood Cell fighting Cancer and Viruses. And she was just feeling great. And then we did not see her because she was doing so wonderful.

And then after …a couple of months, she made another Appointment with me. She was insisting on an Appointment because she was very Short of Breath. She was not feeling her best and when she came in and I looked at her Blood after the Vaccine. So, she told me she had the Vaccine. And this is what her Blood looked like afterwards.

So, it was quite shocking to see a Patient with completely Normal Healthy Blood …coming after a couple of months. And we see this very severe ‘Stacked Rouleaux’. So, it is a very dangerous form of Rouleaux. It is not just a Normal Rouleaux with this. There is no Oxygen. These Red Blood Cells cannot function at all. If you would understand that the Capillaries and the Little Arteries are 4 Micron in Diameter. Red Blood Cells have to actually single file to get into those Capillaries.

You are talking Myocardial Problems … Intravascular Blood Clotting. So, there is no Oxygen that can actually reach the Small Arteries in the Brain and in the Heart. So, I was very shocked to see this …And she was not the only one. I started to see severe …these Weird Structures in Patients who had the Jab. And again, the Red Blood Cells are so deformed, you cannot even, you know make…Heads-or-Tail of it. I have never seen that before.

Stew Peters
So, when you are talking about these Weird Structures, are you referring to these Round Black Disc-Looking ‘Things’?

Dr. Zandre Botha
That, I did not see in the Blood, per se but I saw Black Structures in the Blood because there is 2 techniques that are used. And that is why you will see ‘Discs’ in the 1 technique and you will not really see it in the in the Blood. Because we use a Cover Slip to cover the Blood. So, it basically presses down the sample where when I looked at the Vials, I used a different technique.

And I will explain that briefly when we get there …So, I started to see these very Strange Structures which I will not explain. Again, just the Rouleaux. I thought they were just Crystals, Uric Acid Crystals, but they did not resemble it completely. And I found this in every single ‘Vaccinated’ Person with Symptoms.

Stew Peters

Dr. Zandre Botha
Then I was so startled. Yeah …So in this picture, we could see these Black Matter. And I found that in every single Patient who had the Vaccine. This was done at a 400 times Magnification and the next one …is also. This was done at a higher Magnification. I think this was about a 1600X Magnification. And then the Lawyer approached me like you mentioned.

And she brought me a Vial because I do not do that type of Injections with my Patients. And when I looked at the Vial, I was so shocked because what I was finding in my Patient's Blood, I actually saw in the Vial as well. And here on the next picture; I mean, if you can, you know compare the 2, you can see, it is exactly the same Structure. So, that I found in the Vial. And these are also used by covering it with a Cover Slip. So, it is basically, you know a Normal Slide, your Microscope Slides. 

And then I just covered it with a tiny Cover Slip. So, this is how I got these images. And just for other Scientists and Doctors may be watching. This is probably the technique that they use because this is how we get taught. Just to mention that I am not a Particles Expert at all. I am not a Bio-Chemist. I do not know what I am looking at. I am just reporting what I am seeing.

Stew Peters
And we need, we would definitely be… It would be advantageous if somebody would come forward who has that expertise. But what you are seeing here appears to be this Round Black Disc with Metal Connectors. So, what kind of feedback have you gotten from other Experts? With whom you have shared this?

Dr. Zandre Botha
So, a lot of the other Structures that …I have been showing is, was done by using this technique. And when I shared it with a couple of other Experts, I think because I have not used this technique, they are not kind of seeing this. But yeah, nobody has really come out forward and saying, yes this is what it is. Everybody agrees that it is not Natural. It is too structured to be anything Biological.

So, I think that is the consensus. But I have not gotten, you know a 100%. Nobody is really coming-out and said, yes this is what it is. There is some speculation but I do not like to speculate at all. But these were Self-Assembling, you know. I have a video of it which I did …share now with your Viewers. But they were Self-Assembling which was very strange and so I did one at a Lower Magnification. And then I did one at a Higher Magnification. And now, we are looking at the Discs. And really if anyone can explain what this is?

And this I did by not covering the Vial. I actually just put a Droplet. And I put it under my Microscope without covering it. And I think that is when maybe other People will start to see these types of Structures. As well, People doing Microscopy will maybe be able to also see these same things.

Stew Peters
So, this is just 1 Droplet, 1 Droplet from the Vial, you are seeing all of this ‘Stuff’?

Dr. Zandre Botha

Stew Peters
And you said, that you do not think that these look Biologic, but that they look more Engineered? Can you say more about that? What do you mean by that?

Dr. Zandre Botha
Well, I mean they are very Symmetrical. And they seem to be joined together by.. I can just say what I am seeing. I am not sure what to make of it. If anybody has seen this before then, I would also like to know what it is.  

But I did about 4 Samples and I saw this in each and every sample. I took it from the same Vial, but I checked it 4 times. And then when these …Black Structures, when the sample dried. And this is another technique is. I just left the Sample on the Slide and I dried, it just dried. And then I came back and I looked at it. And then these Disc-Like Structures have kind of, they gone. You cannot find them anymore. But these Black Lines started to form. So that is the next thing …I saw. And again, so I wish I could tell you what it is. But I am not a Specialist in Molecules or in Particles.

Stew Peters
You have seen examining live and dry Blood for an extended period of time. How long have you been doing this?

Dr. Zandre Botha
15 years.

Stew Peters
And in the 15 years that you have been doing this, have you ever seen anything like this?

Dr. Zandre Botha
Nothing, absolutely…

Stew Peters
And the only thing consistent about the Blood that you are seeing these Structures in is that these are Patients who have received these Shots being called ‘COVID Vaccines’?

Dr. Zandre Botha

Stew Peters
Okay. Let me ask you this. Is it possible that these are Air Bubbles?

Dr. Zandre Botha
So, I actually had a discussion because I wanted to find out what it is. So, I went and I looked at some Air Bubbles Structures which were, that looked similar. But …most of the Doctors that came back to me said, you know they are too Symmetrical to just be Air Bubbles. They are very Symmetrical and they are so uniform. But you…I wish I could really put a ‘Stamp’ on it and tell you what it is. But I am not sure. I am not sure what it is.

Stew Peters
Okay. Doctors that have examined or looked at your findings have said, no these are these are too Symmetrical. Which would substantiate what you had already said. That these appear to be Engineered. Whatever this ‘Thing’ is, these Black Discs with some sort of a Metal-Looking Connector is what I think I am looking at here. I mean, does that appear to be Metal to you? I mean, I do not know. You tell me.
Dr. Zandre Botha
Well …when I did the Dark Field, these Particles did reflect. So, I am not sure what to make of it because they are reflective. And I can just, in Layman's Terms say they look Engineered to me. If I am not sure.

Stew Peters
You have seen Air Bubbles before?

Dr. Zandre Botha
And in the Blood Analysis? Yeah

Stew Peters
And these Air Bubbles are typically not held together by Metal Connectors or things that shine. I would imagine. Which is what we are seeing here. So, what kinds of illnesses are People suffering from that these very Strange Structures appear in their Blood, in their Bodies.

Dr. Zandre Botha
I see severe Thrombosis. Severe Embolisms and Water Retention. Cognitive Issues. Lots of Cognitive Issues. Everything from Memory Loss to Depression. I see Patients with Blood Clots confirmed by an Ultrasound. Just lots of Pain at the Injection Site. Loss of Movement from that Arm that it was injected. A Severe Headaches, lasting longer than 8 weeks.

And …lots of Mobility and Pain. Nerve Pain. People have been experiencing Shortness of Breath. But then when I look at the Bloods, I understand why there is Shortness of Breath. Because the Red Blood Cells cannot transport Oxygen when they look like that. And even when I put the Oximeter on and do test the Oxygen and saturation, it is low. It is at 89. I mean, so it is not just looking at the Blood. There is a Physical Manifestation of the Symptoms.

Stew Peters
So, these People have Low Oxygen.

Dr. Zandre Botha
Very, well there is Low Oxygen. There is …Blood Clotting. This Red Blood Cell Aggregation. This Non-Viable White Blood Cells. So, the Immunity cannot respond the way it should to Viruses and Bacteria and Infections.

Stew Peters
Which might explain these Breakthrough Cases or this Delta Variant where all of these COVID Patients seem to be those who are quote, ‘Fully Vaccinated’, uh no. They are injured by these Shots is what they are.

Dr. Zandre Botha
I do agree with that I would like to maybe, if you can just …show the Viewers this these Black Structures are not the only Structures that I saw. I, when the sample dried and I looked at it again, I found these Strange Square-Like Discs as well. And they were definitely Reflective. And they had a very Specific Structure.  

So, I was you know, like Dr. Carrie Madej, when I watched her interview and she said, you know ‘I cry’. I do the same, you know. I cry when I see these things. I cry when I see these Patients. Just today, I was just seeing Patients who had you know, Vaccine Injury. They are being told it is not from that. And they are planning to take their Children for the Vaccine.

And I just do my utmost best and say, please you know, please do not take your Children for this. Because I see those Patients, I am not removed. I am not a Scientist. That is just reporting. I have got to deal with these Patients …that are being ignored and not getting Medical Help the way they should. They are being told they got a Placebo Effect. I mean, I have, I am seeing a Patient tomorrow.

He had 8 Heart Attacks in 5 Hours after he was chosen to be one of the …you know, the Roll-Out Vaccine kind of Guinea Pigs. And I mean, he is been in in Hospital since March. He could not get a… he had to have a Triple Bypass. He could not go in because he was Testing Positive for COVID all the time …He spent months in ICU and he is coming to me tomorrow because he is not feeling well. He is still fighting for his life. And I hope I can help him.

Stew Peters
I pray that you can help him as well. That is awful.

Dr. Zandre Botha
Thank you.

Stew Peters
So, We have talked about Shedding. We have talked about Transmission. We have talked about People who are not Injected being around Inoculated People. And actually, feeling Symptomatic, in a lot of different ways. What about actually after handling this Material? Did you experience any kind of ill Side Effects after being around this Exposed Material?

Dr. Zandre Botha
Yeah. Interesting, I do. I do not feel well. And I actually spoke …to other Doctors and one Doctor also said to me, you know what, I was in Surgery for 2 hours. And I saw about 7 Patients and I was not feeling great. Then the next day I was seeing a lot of Patients as well. And then I asked my Receptionist to actually phone those Patients and ask them if they had the Injection. So, because we had Similar Symptoms …like a Weird Sensation in my Brain.

It felt like it was almost Shaking Vibrating. I had Anxiety which I do not normally experience. I am a very Logical Person. So, yeah, I rationalize stuff and then I get over it. And I saw a lot of Weird Hormonal Issues. Just with myself and when I spoke to my other Colleagues. She said, it is the strangest thing. I am experiencing exact same Hormonal Issues as you. So, yeah and even working so, even being in in contact with these Patients. And also working with this, you know apart from the shock.

I definitely was not experiencing Good Symptoms at all. When I started to drink a couple of…So I have worked-out a Protocol. And I have been giving it to Patients that have had the Vaccine that is not feeling well. I need to stop calling it a ‘Vaccine’, I know. And …when I started to drink those things, like the NAC, the Glutathione. I am drinking Zeolite. I am doing Molecular Hydrogen Ozone Therapy. Then I started to feel better.

Stew Peters
Okay, so have your Inoculated Patients also experienced a positive benefit from this Particular Protocol? Because People are desperate. There is a lot of People with this remorse after they have been subjected to this Jab. Is it helping them as well?

Dr. Zandre Botha
It is helping them as well. So, People have been coming in. The Headaches have been getting better. …Blood Clotting is also better. So, I do also give something for Blood Clotting depending on their Symptoms.

If it is more Cognitive Stuff, then I focus on that. But everybody's Blood is clamping so you know my Philosophy is ‘Life is in the Gut and in the Blood’. And Stew, I know you also love GOD and you serve GOD and my first thing is that i say to my Patients you know when you repent when you say GOD I am sorry. I did not know i was deceived come help me. He is faithful and He will do that and then we do the Treatments as well.

Stew Peters
Yeah, GOD is probably really the only Treatment that all of us have right now for any Symptom whether it is due to an Injection or not. I just received a text actually from a Personal Friend of mine who is aware that I have this show. He said, my Aunt is in the Hospital 3rd Round of ‘Vaccine’ Shots struggling with the quote, ‘Corona Effect’.

Will you refresh my memory on let's say the top 3 things one can do to reverse or fight the Vaccine Symptoms. My Short-Term Memory is horrible. And I do not have time to look into my Research because I am in a skid-loader right now. So, can you email over to me that Protocol, that Concoction those things that you have so that I can make them available to the Stew Peter Show Viewers at

Dr. Zandre Botha

Stew Peters
And can they also find this on your website at

Dr. Zandre Botha
Yeah, I will have to put it on there…so that People can order it. But I know. I mean it is all over the World. So, I am going to give the main Remedies, some you will probably not find everywhere. But these things are working.

Stew Peters

Dr. Zandre Botha
And they are readily available. So, no need to buy it from us. You can try and find it in the local country that you are in.

Stew Peters
Great. And we will put those things at immediately following this interview. Dr. Zandre Botha, thank you so much for your bravery and for reporting this. And we need to find an Expert that can now take your findings and opine on specifically what is this? What is this, that we are looking at? So, if there is any Experts out there watching this, we want to hear from you. God bless you. And thank you so much for your bravery.

Dr. Zandre Botha
God bless you. You are so welcome.

Stew Peters
Amazing and horrific, never before seen images that are provided by Dr. Zandre Botha. We will put those things that help her Injected Patients at…  


So, what is the COVID-19 Injection ‘Hesitancy’ or Resistance’ all about? The quest for the next Human Evolutionary Step is being forced upon an unsuspecting Population. And? What is also incorporated into the COVID-19 Injections is a means of sterilizing and Culling the Populations of the World. Billions will just die and it not to be blamed on the COVID Injection but the Un-Vaccinated. There will be an ‘Event’ that will transform Humans. But that ‘Event’ will affect only the select few that have surrendered their Body, Spirit and Soul to Jesus Christ. It is the Rapture event that will ‘Metamorphosize’ those Bodies of the Humans belonging to Jesus. Such will be Eternal and never die.

It is a much better deal that what Lucifer offers. His counterfeit ‘knock-off’ will end-up condemning Billions to Damnation and physically will be breaking-out in Painful Boils. This next Human Transformation is not ‘Organic’ or Natural. It is being forced and through deception. Why? Those that will eventually take the Mark of the Beast into one’s Body will forfeit their Soul. Realize, each dose of the COVID-19 Injection contains 15,000,000,000 of these Self-Replicating Nano-Bots. And now, it is known what they look like’ amazing Black Disc-Like configuration of Networks that have the ability to disassemble or reassemble. The word Nano-Particle means the ‘Size of Atoms’. 

Black Goo
In other words, there are millions of these Metallic Nano-Particle in just one Drop of Blood eventually. How will the Human Body become a Network Devise? About 25 years ago, when the Internet was in its infancy and everybody was arguing about which Network was better, it was about a Hard Wire Connection. Then came the Wireless WI FI Connection. The World was coming to terms with 1G WI FI. Then DARPA Scientists started doing experiments with the idea of injecting into the Human Body Graphene Oxide. Why? To see if the Human Body would constitute a ‘transmission’. I did. 


As noted, they invented Hydrogel, the Atom-Size Black Metallic Substance that would be so small, that the Nano-Particle would circulate throughout the entire Body, including the Brain. Yes, one knows where this is going. They have now perfected the technology to send ’Radio Signals’ directly to the Human Brain, wirelessly. They would be using the Skin of the Body as an Antenna or as an Arial Receiver. The goal? To thereby instruct or control a person, connected through a WI FI Network thanks to the Black Goo. 

Now the technology is so advance, they have gone ‘Full Monty’ and incorporated this Nano-Particle Technology of the ‘Black Goo’ into the COVID-19 Injections under the cover of a ‘Deadly Flu Virus’. Such a Network System would need at least a 5G WI FI Signal to bring their Theories or Mind Control into reality. Such Networks have arrived. Today they have both the Metallic Nano-Particle and the 5G+ WI FI Network.  


But this is for those that are physically resilient and resistant to the Deadly Adverse Effects as this type of Technology. It was not recommended or Human Trail nor has it ever been experimented on Humans for Long-Term Effects. But for those ‘weak’ and not the ‘Fit to Survive’ in Darwinian terms, those will have to be Culled. For example, it has been the Weak, Immune Compromised, the Elderly, those with Medical Conditions like Heart Problems, Liver, Kidney or are Diabetic, that stand to be wiped-out first.  


Medicare Records in America -those People over 65 were found that those COVID-19 ‘Vaccinated’ or rather Injected were dying in a fashion consistent with ADE Antibody Dependent Enhancement estimates. In other words, at 6 months, so many died. At 12 months was more than twice and so on. It is an exponential way building-up to a Mass Die-Off or Culling of Humanity by the millions starting by the end of Winter 2021. This is just as predicted by many Scientists like Nobel Prize Winner, Dr. Luc Montagnier and other Doctors that have come forward like Dr. Tenpenny, Dr. Madej, Dr. Zelenko, Dr. McCullough and others.  

This is why many countless People became ‘Magnetic’ after receiving their COVID-19 Injections. In some cases, their Cell Phones or Blue Ray Devices activate as an Injected Person comes into close proximity. It takes time though to have all the Cells of a Human Body saturated with the Nano-Bots. And this is why there is a ‘Slow Moving Train Wreck’ Syndrome occurring presently. It will mean that certain People will die later on, depending on their Body Chemistry. It could be 1 month, 1 Year or 2. But what is occurring now though is ‘Complex Circuit Building’ within the Host Body.

It is sadly a Genocide in the making of all those that have been beguiled into taking the COVID-19 Injections. It really is a situation of the ‘Invasion of the Body Snatchers’. Soon everyone will be ‘Enhanced’ and Transhuman according to Klaus Schwab. And again, those who will not die because of their Live experiment will become a Human Hybrid. And Graphene Oxide is the Secret Ingredient. These Symmetrical Engineered Black Round Discs in one’s Body are the Building Blocks for the Neuro-Bridges needed to interface with the Biological Human Tissue with that of the Nano-Particulates.

This Black Goo is the stuff of the Spiderman Movies and others that depict the ‘Evil’ Black Goo that is Programmable Matter. How is the Graphene Oxide delivered in the COVID-19 Shots? They are attached/bonded to the PEG, Polyethylene Glycol. That is why this Toxic Poison is not on the COVID Shot ‘Ingredient List’. It is intentionally made to be inconspicuous. Note that is the manufacturer of PEG out of Xiamen, Fujian, in China.
How is Graphene Oxide in the body Toxic? It produces Oxidative Stress, Inflammation, and Cytotoxicity (Cellular Toxicity).  

This alone causes a significant % of Cell Death. It was the Spanish Scientists, calling themselves the 5th Column that 1st analyzed what was and is in the COVID-19 Injections. They found less than 1% RNA, and more than 90% Graphene Oxide in each Vail. It did not matter which brand. So, what is the dangers or ‘Bottom Line’? If one has a Strong Immune System, one will not notice much at first. But as a person is Mandated to continually take now the Boosters every 6 months, a person’s Natural Immune System will collapse. It becomes more and more compromised.

For example, a COVID-19 Injected Person will eventually succumb to a ‘Random Bug’ or Virus that normally would not be fatal. But since one’s Natural Immune System will be so weak; one will not be able to fight it off. Why not? Only the mRNA programmed type of Virus Variant will be recognized. And thus, the need for the 6-Month Booster Shots for life. The Luciferians have ‘outsourced’ the Natural Immune System to their own Labs. They now own the World; those who have taken these Poison Death Shots as Dr. Zelenko calls them.

And no one will associate such deaths with the COVID Injections because it will take a couple of years for People to die. The Bible foretold would be the State of Humanity in the Last Days, of Transhumanism. Of Iron mixing with Clay. In Daniel 2:43-44, it teaches that the Human Genome would be tampered with, as it was in the Days of Noah. Jesus warned about this same exact incursion by the Luciferians. And as outlined in this interview with Dr. Zandre Botha who isolated these Engineered Black Discs. 


Their function is to integrate Human Biological Tissue with the Graphene Oxide Mechanisms to create the ‘Human Network Device. They are Toll-Like Receptors TLR that establish or initiate a Transforming Growth Factor β (TGF-β-). This has already been proven and testing in treating Cancerous Tumors, for example. These are called Necrosis Factor-Alpha (TNF-α). It is when Dependent-Pathways are involved in the ‘Signaling’ of the Pathway Network. The key is the control of the Oxidative Stress that plays the crucial role in these Pathways to produce the Human Network Device.

According to the USA FDA, Graphene, Graphene Oxide elicit Toxic Effects both In-Vitro and In-Vivo. Graphene-Family Nanomaterials (GFN) are not approved by the USA FDA for human consumption. Graphene Oxide Interactions with Innate Immune Cells. The following is just 1 of many Scientific Papers that are Peer Review. They speak of the very fact that such ‘Black Discs’ are Graphene Oxide. They are Nano-Particles that can Self-Assemble and function as Receptors for Electricity. They function as Conductors and also as Receptors that can and will emit Data to and from one’s Body through Sound, Light or other Frequencies.


Graphene oxide containing self-assembling peptide hybrid hydrogels as a potential 3D injectable cell delivery platform for intervertebral disc repair applications  


Acta Biomater. 2019 Jul 1; 92: 92–103.  

doi: 10.1016/j.actbio.2019.05.004 

PMCID: PMC6582688 

PMID: 31091473 


Cosimo Ligorio,a,b Mi Zhou,a,b Jacek K. Wychowaniec,a,b,2 Xinyi Zhu,b,c Cian Bartlam,a Aline F. Miller,b,c,1 Aravind Vijayaraghavan,a,d Judith A. Hoyland,e,f and Alberto Saiania,b, 

Author information Article notes Copyright and License information Disclaimer 

This article has been cited by other articles in PMC. Associated Data 


Peptide, Graphene oxide, Hydrogels, Injectable, Nucleus pulposus, Cell delivery, Cell culture, Tissue engineering 



Cell-based therapies have shown significant promise in tissue engineering with one key challenge being the delivery and retention of cells. As a result, significant efforts have been made in the past decade to design injectable biomaterials to host and deliver cells at injury sites. Intervertebral disc (IVD) degeneration, a major cause of back pain, is a particularly relevant example where a minimally-invasive cellular therapy could bring significant benefits specifically at the early stages of the disease, when a cell-driven process starts in the gelatinous core of the IVD, the nucleus pulposus (NP).

In this present study we explore the use of graphene oxide (GO) as nano-filler for the reinforcement of FEFKFEFK (β-sheet forming Self-Assembling Peptide) hydrogels. Our results confirm the presence of strong interactions between FEFKFEFK and GO flakes with the peptide coating and forming short thin fibrils on the surface of the flakes. These strong interactions were found to affect the bulk properties of hybrid hydrogels.  

At pH 4 electrostatic interactions between the Peptide Fibers and the peptide-coated GO flakes are thought to govern the final bulk properties of the hydrogels while at pH 7, after conditioning with cell culture media, electrostatic interactions are removed leaving the hydrophobic interactions to govern hydrogel final properties. The GO-F820 hybrid hydrogel, with mechanical properties similar to the NP, was shown to promote high cell viability and retained cell metabolic activity in 3D over the 7 days of culture and therefore shown to harbor significant potential as an injectable hydrogel scaffold for the in-vivo delivery of NP cells.


Dr. Zandre Botha Was Shocked After Studying the Blood of ‘Vaccinated’ Patients  

Dr. Zandre Both Website

Stew Peters Show – Interview with Dr. Madej

Graphene Oxide Interactions with Innate Immune Cells  


Cellular Responses to Graphene Oxide Sheets 







