Rene (24 Oct 2012)
"Everything we do is recorded in heaven"

I am absolutely appalled that so many people who claim to represent Christ and claim that they are born again Christians are so naive and gullible as to believe that abstaining from voting is actually somehow a vote for Jesus and merits them a big huggy from God. God gives them an opportunity to vote out of office a vile, socialist, anti-God, anti-Israel, pro-abortion, pro-homosexual, deceitful, lying marxist, and they think that sitting back on their duff and failing to cast a vote is actually doing God a favor?  Incredible! Is it any wonder that our nation is in the mess it is in? is it any wonder that we have thugs running our top governmental offices? Because so-called Christians sit back and refuse to act when it is within their power to do so??!!! God DOES watch what you do at the polls and YES, your vote is recorded in heaven! WHY?  Because EVERYTHING that you do is recorded in heaven! You should be ashamed of yourself! You should be ashamed to call yourselves Americans!  YOU are a disgrace to your country, your God, and to all those soldiers out there in harms way that are fighting to keep YOU free and give you the freedom to be able to get out and vote! AND the ones who already died to keep our nation free.  I am praying that we are out of here soon and Jesus does come for us soon, but If Jesus tarries, and we have another 4 years of B.O., your right to vote may not even exist by 2016, and you may find yourself AND all your family members behind barbed wire in a FEMA camp by then!  You won't even have a choice on what you eat or when you sleep, let alone the ability to vote!