Lora Shipley (8 Oct 2012)
"RE: Are Firstfruits the Bride of Christ: Explanation and Video on Barley Firstfruits and Wheat Firstfruits"

Dear Mike and Doves,

 As to your question regarding Firstfruits. There is much confusion about firstfruits,  your question below:

"I am perplexed about this! If the church is taken to be with our Lord in the first rapture, then who are the firstfruits? Revelations 14:4
says that the 144,000 are the firstfruits unto God and to the Lamb. Aren't the firstfruits taken first in the Barley harvest? If so, then the 144,000 are the first to be taken! "

Videos links on the Barley Firstfruits and the  Wheat Firstfruits below:

Answer: There are firstfruits from each harvest; one firstfruits  from the Church Age and one firstfruits from after the Church Age. ( or after the Rapture)
The Barley firstfruits  is the bride-church.  The Wheat Firstfruits are 144,000 Jewish Male Virgins from the tribes, the remain after the Church is caught up. Both bride of Christ and 144,000 are firstfruits, but firstfruits from different harvests! Many Christians think they are part of the 144,000, but they cannot be, because they are a CHRISTIAN, they are part of the first of all firstfruits, they are part of the Barley Harvest! Jesus the head- the church the body!

A few years ago I did a video teaching series on the history of the barley and the  Barley Firstfruits; the barley people are the Bride of Christ, they represent the Loaf of Barley without leaven. Jesus is the HEAD we are the body, both are ONE Grain, we are all one body! During the Temple time, The Loaf of Barley was  offered up at the Altar of the Lord along with the Passover Lamb,  this a picture of the Lamb and corporate bread body of Christ both before the Lord at the Altar. We see a picture too of the Loaf of Barley in the story of Gideon. The Gideon company represents the remnant the Loaf of Barley. For the History of the barley, and the Loaf of Barley you can watch my video. Firstfruits- About the Loaf of Barley Click here

 Pentecost is  the Firstfruits of the wheat harvest: hence, the firstfuits of the Wheat harvest (144,000 firstfruits) During Temple time, Wheat  bread is offered at the Altar of the Lord, it is the WHEAT LOAF with leaven,  it is two loaves  woven into One Bread and offered up as ONE Bread, a type of One Stick in His Hand. ( Ez 36). Both studies are lengthy, so here too is a  VIdeo on the Firstfruits of the Wheat Harvest- 144,000 Click here

Again, there are 2 firstfruits, the bride is the barley firstfruits, the 144,000 are the wheat, and they will come on the scene at Pentecost!

There is so much teaching on this it is too lengthy to go into today, best to just view video series.

Hope this helps!

Be blessed in HIM!

Be the Loaf of Barley!

Lora  Jeffries Shipley


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