Kevin (25 Oct 2012)
"Thank you Robin and Sara B regarding the elections"

Thank you Robin and Sara B for your letters of support yesterday. God bless you both! I find it hard to believe that Rene and others who are supposed to be Watchmen for the Lord are wasting their time trying to effect change in America through politics. We all know that America is under God's judgement, and unless their is a massive amount of repentance across this nation, God's judgement will continue. Is it repentance by showing up at the polls to vote for a Mormon to be our president? No, that's not repentance!

True born again believers in Jesus Christ are definitely in the minority in this nation now. Many of us, including myself, held our nose and voted for John McCain in 2008, but Obama won easily!

I don't read in the scriptures anywhere that I will lose my salvation if I vote for someone other than the republican candidate for president! No, it's not there! Every one of you has the freedom to vote for who you think would best lead our nation, even though we know that we are living in the very last days of the Church Age. As for me, I realize that God is still on the throne, and my home is in Heaven. Arlene stated that very clearly, and I agree. I'm more concerned about placing my treasures in Heaven rather than trying vote in a politician that makes campaign promises he doesn't even intend to keep. It's time to go home, not to re-arrange the deck chairs on the Titanic!
