Gerlinda (26 Oct 2012)
"All of S.E. USA in Extreme Danger - is this what causes the sudden destruction?"

All of S.E. USA in Extreme Danger

Take a look at the map above.  That sink hole in Louisiana has now grown to 5 acres and it is filled, not only with fuel that can be ignited anytime but is full of radiation.  If that isn't enough, there is a Nuclear Plant within 11 miles of there.  The video I watched told how they feared by the end of November, this could blow.  This has the potential to cause the New Madrid Fault to go, as it shows on the map.  Notice also the other areas around the North American Continent: the West Coast is gone all the way down to Baja.  The East Coast has lost all of it's coastal area.  If  you click into the link below, the first link is by Dutch Since.   Skip about the first 13 minutes cause it is political.  However I found the 4th video down by  older man speaking  pretty well told it as it is in short form.  This thing, when it goes, has the potential for 100,000 Fukushimas.  This could well be the one big catastrophe that could happen just seconds after the Catching Away of those that are looking for Him.  gerlinda
Dutchsinse: All of S.E. USA in Extreme Danger