Gail (11 Oct 2012)
"He is indeed, getting them ready"

I wrote in my post in May 2012, that he's getting them ready-
The Israeli Temple Mount took a 'hit' from an earthquake in 2008 -

Earthquake Measuring 5.3 Damages Temple Mount 2/17/2008 An earthquake shook Israel at 12:37 PM Friday. The only damage reported in Israel was on the Temple Mount and near Shechem.

And more tremors are on the way. Israel is preparing, but will it be soon enough?    

Drill to prepare home front for major quake-

For first time, extensive exercise to simulate earthquake with tens of thousands of casualties.  The Home Front Defense Ministry will hold an extensive drill on October 21st 2012, aiming to prepare for a major natural disaster.

But, there is a New Moon on October 15th, 2012 (possible timing  favored by God?)

The Prophet Daniel says this about the end-time Temple the Jews are using when AntiMessiah defiles it-

Daniel 11:31 And arms shall stand on his part, and they shall pollute the sanctuary of strength, and shall take away the daily sacrifice, and they shall place the abomination that maketh desolate.

Does 'sanctuary of strength,' signify a fortified structually designed Temple because of damage to the Temple Mount area due to a recent major seismic event?  I believe it does.

And it's that recent earthquake that causes the Israeli Government to re-engage work on the Rambam Gate, setting off arab riots on the Temple Mount and surrounding arab countries sparking the Psalm 83, Isaiah 17 military action.

I believe Israel will go after Iran's Bushehr and Fordo, once their pilots go up, it won't just be damascus.  And I've also pointed out-

Bushehr sits on 3 Tectonic Plates

10-degree map showing recent

Israel eyes Lebanon after drone downed October 7th, 2012 

Just like I've noted many times, when Obama lashes out at Israel to appease the muslim uproar, the New Madrid Earthquake hits the U.S. and all of our energy storage pipelines.                                      Pet owners may also want to stock up on supplies- Nestle Purina has a huge concentration in the center. 

Mid-Point - March 21st, 2013

God Bless,
